Resisting the Green Dragon Contends Eco-Concern is Contrary to Christianity
Katie Cordrey — January 30, 2011 — Eco
"Resisting the Green Dragon" is a video series that makes the case that environmentalism is contrary to Christianity because it places an emphasis on the environment that outweighs religious beliefs.
Glenn Beck likes "Resisting the Green Dragon" and that has an immediate effect of splitting folks into 'for' and 'against' positions. Whether or not you agree with its premise, the fact that talk of "Resisting the Green Dragon" is making the rounds on the airwaves of Fox and is fueling blog reactions means that this a controversy that will not soon end.
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Glenn Beck likes "Resisting the Green Dragon" and that has an immediate effect of splitting folks into 'for' and 'against' positions. Whether or not you agree with its premise, the fact that talk of "Resisting the Green Dragon" is making the rounds on the airwaves of Fox and is fueling blog reactions means that this a controversy that will not soon end.
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Trend Themes
1. Controversial Videos - There is an opportunity for disruptive innovation in creating videos that spark debates and divide opinions.
2. Religion Vs. Environmentalism - Exploring the intersection between religious beliefs and environmental concerns can lead to new ways of thinking about sustainability.
3. Media-driven Controversies - Leveraging the power of media and digital platforms to amplify controversial topics can be an avenue for disruptive innovation.
Industry Implications
1. Video Production - The video production industry can explore creating controversial content that encourages discussions and engagement.
2. Religious Organizations - Religious organizations can consider how to integrate environmental awareness and sustainability into their teachings and practices.
3. Digital Media - Digital media platforms can capitalize on controversies to drive traffic, discussions, and increase user engagement.