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Trend Hunter FAQ
All about Trend Hunter portfolios


Why should I become a Trend Hunter?

FAME – exposure to our massive audience!

GLORY – create articles and enhance your career!

PRIDE – get a professionally designed portfolio that is easy to use

What are the key advantages and features?

Syndication and Exposure – Your top trends will appear on Trend Hunter’s main page, galleries, and other online properties (listed below). This helps to drive more traffic to your trends and provide you with massive exposure

Professional Layout – The overall layout of your portfolio is professionally designed and highly optimized.

Easy Customization - In your personal profile page, you can select your portfolio’s colors, font, background, and a number of other design elements to reflect your personality. You can also upload an avatar of yourself and choose whether you want to use your real name or something more catchy.

Easy to Use Interface – Our submission template makes it extremely easy to add a new trend. All you need to do is write a paragraph or two and upload an image.

Free Image Hosting – It’s very easy to upload a photo from your computer or the net and we host the images on our server for free.

Automatic Image Resizing - When you post a new trend, the Trend Hunter engine automatically resizes images and takes care of the dirty work.

Turn Key Portfolio – The second you add a trend, your website will automatically appear. In minutes, you can add your profile, upload a picture, and select your own custom colors.

Search Engine Optimized – We carefully design our layouts to ensure that our content and trend hunters are ranked very high in search engines.

Global Network - When you join Trend Hunter, you are joining an influential community of Trend Hunters from around the globe. Working together, we can accomplish something greater and build a better site!


Why are my Trends not appearing on the front page?

It takes about a day for us to review the trends that are posted. If you find that we are not approving any of your trends, either they aren’t considered cool enough or you are violating one of our rules. Most of the trends not featured on the front page are duplicates or poorly written.

How can I get my trends featured on the front page?

Post Quality Trends – If your trend is poor quality then it may be removed.

No Duplicates. No Duplicates. – Make sure you aren’t posting something that’s already on Trend Hunter by using our search engine. A HUGE number of the trends not featured on the front page are duplicates.

Check Your Grammar – If your post contains very poor grammar, then it may be excluded. Spell check and make sure the post is clearly written.

Include Sources – If you found your trend online, it’s common courtesy to include the link to the site or portfolio where you found your trend. It’s also ideal to include a link to the actual trend / product page.

Nothing Bad – No pornography, racism, plagiarism, or anything else that we deem as bad.

Follow the Rules for Excerpts – Write your own text. If you are going to use an excerpt, it must be properly quoted and no more than 2 sentences. Read the rules below.

What are the rules for posting excerpts from other sites?

No More than 2 Sentences - If you are taking an excerpt from a news article, it is okay to include two sentences.

Include the Source Link – If you are going to include an excerpt from another site, you must have a link to that site.

Will everything I post end up on my Trend Hunter portfolio?

Maybe. We have several rules (listed below) to ensure high caliber content. If your trends break the rules, they will be taken offline.

How do I make a Gallery?

Trend Hunter adds the word (GALLERY) to any trend with pictures. Gallery pages generate more traffic because people want to click on your trend to browse the gallery.

How do I embed a Video?

Trend Hunter embeds videos exlusively on trends that have YouTube, Vimeo, TED or Kickstarter video code embedded in the Video box on the submission panel. Video pages generate more traffic because people want to click on your trend to watch the video. To find the Video code in YouTube, go to the video page, and look for the box that says EMBED right beside the video. Copy this code and place it in the VIDEO box. Similar steps work for other video hosting sites. Videos not from the listed sources will not embed natively but will still be viewable from your trend.

Can I post personal updates?

In general you don’t want to add personal updates because it is better to keep your Trend Portfolio professional.

DMCA Copyright Violations

If you see copyrighted content from your site posted on Trend Hunter, please let us know. It is our policy to comply with all DMCA copyright violations, but we can respond even quicker if you just drop us a quick note. Show us the link to both your copyrighted content and the page on Trend Hunter which you believe violates your copyright.

Existing Bloggers

I already have a blog, can I post my trends on Trend Hunter?

You would need to reword whatever you post on Trend Hunter because otherwise both sites will have duplicate content, which means that Google won't index them properly. Also, please make sure to add all of your pictures. We don't feature articles that have just one picture when more are available.

Increasing Traffic To My Portfolio

How can I make my trends more popular?

Quality Trends – Post cool stuff and you'll get more traffic. Also note that the majority of your traffic will come from Trend Hunter’s main page, so you want to get an article featured on the front page.

Original Content – If you find something unique, other sites on the internet will link to your trend. As a result, you will get dramatically more traffic. Some of our original trends receive 100 times more traffic than the average trend.

Original Text – Using excerpts is a quick way to add content, but when you add your own prose, you get unique content for search engines and you give your readers a reason to follow your portfolio.

Minimum 2-3 Paragraphs - If you only post one sentence, your trend will be less interesting and also less likely to rank well in search engines.

Be Funny – Funny = good.

Add a Video – Trends with Videos generate more traffic because everyone clicks the page to watch the video.

Add a Gallery – Trends with Galleries generate more traffic because everyone clicks the page to browse the gallery.

Use Keywords – You will drive significantly more content to your site if you use the keywords that people will search. For example, if you included the title, “New Laptop Looks Cool,” you will be far less successful than if you use the title, “See Through Laptops - The Transparent Dell XPS-1000 Laptop.”

How can I drive more traffic to my portfolio??

Great Trends - Following our advice for hot trends will be the single greatest driver to your portfolio’s popularity.

Frequent Updates - If you don’t update your content on a regular basis, people will stop checking for updates.

Tell Everyone – Let your friends know about Trend Hunter, include your URL as your signature in your e-mail, include your URL in forum posts you make and broadcast that you are a Trend Hunter!

Maximize Your Traffic - Don't just write articles -- promote them! Social networks like Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest are a great way to supercharge the views you get to your portfolio.

Customizing Your Portfolio

Should I use my real name or something funky?

This is up to you. Our general advice is that if you want to enhance your career, then using your real name is better. Also, your portfolio will be optimized for search engines, so if you use your name, people are more likely to find your Trend Hunter Portfolio.

How often can I change my Portfolio username / URL?

You can change your portfolio name, but you should try not to change it because search engines will get confused when trying to list your portfolio and you won’t show up as high in the rankings. You will have to message us via the contact page to update this url.

How do I change my profile / the text on my portfolio page?

You can update your profile from the settings page.

Why do my trends appear on a different page / NOT in my portfolio?

This is actually the beauty of Trend Hunter. To ensure popularity of your trend posts, we use just one URL for each trend. As a result, other bloggers all link to the same page, and you get more traffic.

How do I add my picture?

You can upload a profile photo from the settings page.

Why don’t I see changes when I make them?

All pages on our server are cached for different amounts of time. Updates to pages could take several hours to process.


I have a suggestion. Who do I tell?

We would love your suggestions on how to improve Trend Hunter. If you have ideas about how we can make the Trend Hunter portfolios better, let us know via the contact page by clicking here!

What if I just want to post trends and don’t want a portfolio?

That’s fine. We’d love to see the exciting new trends you’ve discovered for us!

Legal Notes

Our terms of service are subject to change without notice. Potential changes could relate to the layout, content, and / or revenue sharing. Content added to Trend Hunter may be reviewed before being featured on the front page and becomes property of Trend Hunter Inc. Trend Hunter portfolios could be removed or banned at any time, which could occur due to copyright violation, click fraud or abuse of any of our rules.

I have editorial questions or need tips!

No problem! Contact our editors HERE