The Luc Braquet Photography Dwells on Lonesome Living
Marriska Fernandes — December 6, 2011 — Fashion
References: lucbraquet & photodonuts
While many know that teen problems are always on the rise, the Luc Braquet Photography chooses to explore this issue deeper by creating youthful captures of strong-minded women.
High with attitude and charm, the images depict young women smoking in the midst of a bustling street or in the threshold of their rooms, depicting a true sense of teen angst. Luc chose to capture various emotions of women and the infinite expressions in every moment. From looking out the window to hugging a disco ball, the images bring out a variety of emotions, compelling viewers to live in the moment.
Luc Braquet is quite talented and her series of emotional images are proof enough.
High with attitude and charm, the images depict young women smoking in the midst of a bustling street or in the threshold of their rooms, depicting a true sense of teen angst. Luc chose to capture various emotions of women and the infinite expressions in every moment. From looking out the window to hugging a disco ball, the images bring out a variety of emotions, compelling viewers to live in the moment.
Luc Braquet is quite talented and her series of emotional images are proof enough.
Trend Themes
1. Youthful Angst - The trend of exploring teen problems through strong-minded women in artistic photography is on the rise, creating an opportunity to develop products or services that address the mental health needs of this population.
2. Expressive Photography - The trend of capturing a variety of emotions and infinite expressions of women in photography presents an opportunity to disrupt the traditional fashion and beauty industry by embracing the uniqueness of every woman and empowering them to express themselves freely.
3. Authentic Representation - The trend of portraying women from an authentic perspective that goes beyond the traditional beauty standards creates an opportunity for change in the media industry by challenging unrealistic beauty standards and promoting body positivity.
Industry Implications
1. Mental Health - The photography trend addressing teen angst and mental health concerns presents an opportunity to develop new treatments, therapies, and digital health products that cater to the specific needs of this population.
2. Fashion and Beauty - The expressive photography trend creates an opportunity to disrupt the traditional fashion and beauty industry by embracing the uniqueness of every woman and empowering them to express themselves freely.
3. Media and Advertising - The trend of authentic representation in the media and advertising industry creates an opportunity to challenge unrealistic beauty standards and support body positivity through diverse and inclusive messaging and campaigns.