Jason Briggs' Art is Full of Fleshy Forms and Abstract Bondage
Meghan Young — June 19, 2015 — Naughty
References: jasonbriggs & beautifuldecay
The work of Jason Briggs is sexually charged. Although the forms are completely amorphous, it's undeniable that they depict fleshy interactions that are sensual in nature. It's as though Jason Briggs is artistically interpreting the sexual acts of bondage with his disturbing sculptures.
What makes Jason Briggs' sculpture very impressive, however, is his use of porcelain. The realistic details of each piece lends people to believe they were made out of something much more malleable and soft to the touch. Beautiful Decay writes, "In his statement, he discusses the obvious but also explains that his interest is in the desire itself more than the fulfillment of it. This might also explain the enlarged forms which make up the work." Yet he expresses that they appear larger than life in the mind.
What makes Jason Briggs' sculpture very impressive, however, is his use of porcelain. The realistic details of each piece lends people to believe they were made out of something much more malleable and soft to the touch. Beautiful Decay writes, "In his statement, he discusses the obvious but also explains that his interest is in the desire itself more than the fulfillment of it. This might also explain the enlarged forms which make up the work." Yet he expresses that they appear larger than life in the mind.
Trend Themes
1. Sexually-charged Sculptures - Exploring the intersection between sensuality and art, there is a disruptive innovation opportunity to create provocative sculptures that challenge societal norms.
2. Amorphous Art Forms - Embracing abstraction and formlessness, there is a disruptive innovation opportunity to create sculptures that push the boundaries of traditional artistic representation.
3. Porcelain Realism - Utilizing porcelain to achieve lifelike details in sculptures presents a disruptive innovation opportunity to create visually stunning art that challenges material perceptions.
Industry Implications
1. Art - In the art industry, there is a disruptive innovation opportunity to push the boundaries of traditional artistic representation and explore unconventional themes.
2. Sculpture - Within the sculpture industry, there is a disruptive innovation opportunity to experiment with materials and techniques to create visually stunning and emotionally resonant pieces.
3. Design - In the design industry, there is a disruptive innovation opportunity to incorporate sensuality and unconventional forms into functional and aesthetic objects.