The Salon des Creatures Series is Dark and Dramatic
Meghan Young — August 29, 2011 — Fashion
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It appears that illustrating on top of fashion photography, such as that seen in the Salon des Creatures photo series, is becoming quite popular among photographers and fashion labels. These illustrations provide a cool use of creativity and imagination, both on the side of the creators and the viewers. Not only that, but it must also require much less production and money to execute, making it a huge plus.
Shot by Germany-based fashion photographer Daniel Sommer, the Salon des Creatures photo series was illustrated by Johannes König. Dark and dramatic, this shoot is made especially eerie thanks to the drawings that seem quite devilish, even though they are mainly inspired by nature. Salon des Creatures was styled by Alexandra Dietl.
Shot by Germany-based fashion photographer Daniel Sommer, the Salon des Creatures photo series was illustrated by Johannes König. Dark and dramatic, this shoot is made especially eerie thanks to the drawings that seem quite devilish, even though they are mainly inspired by nature. Salon des Creatures was styled by Alexandra Dietl.
Trend Themes
1. Illustrated Fashion Photography - This trend involves incorporating illustrations onto fashion photographs, creating a unique and visually striking aesthetic.
2. Creative Use of Imagination - The infusion of illustrations onto photography allows for a cool use of creativity and imagination, captivating both creators and viewers alike.
3. Cost-effective Production - The combination of fashion photography and illustrations requires less production and financial resources, making it an attractive option for fashion labels.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Photography - The fashion photography industry can embrace the trend of incorporating illustrations into their work to create visually captivating and unique images.
2. Fashion Labels - Fashion labels have the opportunity to explore illustrated fashion photography as a creative marketing tool, captivating their audience with unique visuals.
3. Art and Design - The art and design industry can find disruptive innovation opportunities by merging illustrations and photography, pushing the boundaries of visual storytelling.