Olaf Mooij's BrainCar Records Its Travels by Day
Meghan Young — August 12, 2011 — Autos
References: olafmooij.nl & dvice
It is always interesting to see art meet the everyday world such as with the BrainCar. The BrainCar boasts quite the cranium sculpture, making it a standout creation, even without its other cool features. Although it seems fit for an evil genius, the BrainCar is probably more suited to a curious scientist or seasoned traveler who wish to record their daily journeys through the world.
Created by Rotterdam artist Olaf Mooij, the BrainCar actually functions on one basic level like a brain. It remembers every place it drives to by capturing and storing images and video during the day. At night, the BrainCar then projects those images from within to the outside.
With the BrainCar, Mooij questions what it would be like if the car that could experience its own journey with a basic level of consciousness.
Created by Rotterdam artist Olaf Mooij, the BrainCar actually functions on one basic level like a brain. It remembers every place it drives to by capturing and storing images and video during the day. At night, the BrainCar then projects those images from within to the outside.
With the BrainCar, Mooij questions what it would be like if the car that could experience its own journey with a basic level of consciousness.
Trend Themes
1. Art-meets-technology - Blending art and technology in innovative ways, such as with the BrainCar, presents disruptive innovation opportunities in creating unique experiences and products.
2. Travel Documentation - Developing new methods of documenting and capturing travel experiences, like the BrainCar's image and video capturing capabilities, opens up disruptive innovation possibilities in the tourism and photography industries.
3. Conscious Vehicles - Exploring the concept of vehicles with a basic level of consciousness, as exemplified by the BrainCar, can lead to disruptive innovation opportunities in the automotive industry such as advanced autonomous driving systems.
Industry Implications
1. Art - The art industry can leverage the concept of art-meets-technology to create immersive and thought-provoking installations, like the BrainCar, that push the boundaries of traditional art forms.
2. Tourism - The tourism industry can adopt innovative travel documentation methods, similar to the BrainCar's image and video capturing, to enhance the overall travel experience and provide unique memories for travelers.
3. Automotive - The automotive industry has the potential to develop conscious vehicles, inspired by the BrainCar's concept, that offer advanced capabilities and personalized experiences through intelligent systems.