This Magical Icing Technique Gives the Cake a Holographic Appearance
Alyson Wyers — December 31, 2015 — Lifestyle
Many people see the New Year as a chance to transform themselves, which makes this color-changing cake appropriate for any New Year's Eve party you might be hosting. Originally posted last month on CharlotteSometimes's YouTube channel, the colorful icing gives the dessert a mind-boggling and magical appearance.
According to Redditor reddituser97531, the effect is an optical illusion created by airbrushing the cake with different hues at opposite angles so that "each color is only in one side of the ridges." It is a trick many cake decorators use, but most people are probably not familiar with. It adds a level of sophistication and artistry to baked goods only trained professionals are likely able to duplicate.
The clever color-changing cake icing technique also makes it appropriate for futuristic themed festivities or even LGBTQ events. It
According to Redditor reddituser97531, the effect is an optical illusion created by airbrushing the cake with different hues at opposite angles so that "each color is only in one side of the ridges." It is a trick many cake decorators use, but most people are probably not familiar with. It adds a level of sophistication and artistry to baked goods only trained professionals are likely able to duplicate.
The clever color-changing cake icing technique also makes it appropriate for futuristic themed festivities or even LGBTQ events. It
Trend Themes
1. Color-changing Icing - The color-changing icing technique presents an opportunity for companies to develop innovative dessert products that create a magical appearance.
2. Optical Illusion - The optical illusion created by the color-changing icing technique presents an opportunity for companies to develop innovative products that create illusions and enhance user experience.
3. Airbrushing Decorations - The use of airbrushing decorations in cakes presents an opportunity for companies to develop innovative and artistic cake decorating products.
Industry Implications
1. Bakery - The bakery industry can leverage the color-changing icing technique to create visually stunning baked goods and enhance customer experience.
2. Party Supplies - The party supplies industry can use the optical illusion created by the color-changing icing technique to create innovative products that enhance party decor.
3. Cake Decorating Supplies - The cake decorating supplies industry can leverage the airbrushing decorations technique to develop innovative products that enable consumers to achieve artistic and professional cake decorating.