'Voxist' Replaces Voicemail Systems with Smart Features
Michael Hemsworth — April 7, 2017 — Tech
Existing voicemail systems are fairly simple in function and operation, so 'Voxist' aims to offer users the ability to add in smart features that make it a far better solution for experienced users. Users of 'Voxist' can offer different greetings for friends and colleagues to ensure that you can always express yourself the right way.
'Voxist' works to transcribe your voicemails in order to let you read your voicemails rather than listening to them to ensure that even if you're in a meeting that you can stay connected. The 'Voxist' voicemail system also filters out spam messages left by marketers or autodialers to ensure that you're never bothered by messages that don't have any relevance to you.
'Voxist' works to transcribe your voicemails in order to let you read your voicemails rather than listening to them to ensure that even if you're in a meeting that you can stay connected. The 'Voxist' voicemail system also filters out spam messages left by marketers or autodialers to ensure that you're never bothered by messages that don't have any relevance to you.
Trend Themes
1. Voicemail Transcription - The trend of voicemail transcription platforms like 'Voxist' offers an opportunity to enhance user experience and productivity by providing smart features and transcriptions.
2. Personalized Greetings - The trend of allowing personalized greetings for friends and colleagues on voicemail systems can provide a unique and memorable user experience.
3. Spam Filtering - The trend of spam filtering in voicemail systems can reduce unwanted calls, provide better security, and increase efficiency for users.
Industry Implications
1. Telecommunications - Voicemail transcription platforms like 'Voxist' can innovate the telecommunications industry by offering value-added services and features to users.
2. Customer Service - Personalized greetings and voicemail transcriptions can enhance customer service experiences and improve customer satisfaction ratings for businesses.
3. Marketing - Spam filtering in voicemail systems can impact marketing strategies by reducing the number of unwanted calls and allowing businesses to focus on targeted messaging.