These Photos Depict the Homeless in Romania's Capital City Bucharest
Rahul Kalvapalle — October 8, 2015 — Art & Design
References: & featureshoot
These photos of the homeless in Romania's capital city Bucharest were captured by the Bucharest-based photographer Dani Gherca.
The photo series depicts a group of fifteen people living in a pair of small tunnels near Bucharest's Central Station. These people are shown making money by collecting recyclable materials or by taking part in the flesh trade. What's interesting is that the people living in this underground community are depicted as being open to warming up to new entrants into the community.
Many of the homeless in Romania are there because they were deserted by their parents as newborns, brought-up at orphanages and then set loose onto the streets at the age of eighteen with no aid or guidance.
This community of homeless people is judged, shunned and ignored, but Gherca's photo series adeptly projects their humanity.
The photo series depicts a group of fifteen people living in a pair of small tunnels near Bucharest's Central Station. These people are shown making money by collecting recyclable materials or by taking part in the flesh trade. What's interesting is that the people living in this underground community are depicted as being open to warming up to new entrants into the community.
Many of the homeless in Romania are there because they were deserted by their parents as newborns, brought-up at orphanages and then set loose onto the streets at the age of eighteen with no aid or guidance.
This community of homeless people is judged, shunned and ignored, but Gherca's photo series adeptly projects their humanity.
Trend Themes
1. Community Integration - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop social programs and initiatives that facilitate the integration of homeless individuals into society.
2. Sustainable Waste Management - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create innovative solutions and technologies to efficiently manage and recycle waste materials, providing employment opportunities for homeless individuals.
3. Youth Support Services - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Establish comprehensive support services for abandoned youth in Romania, assisting them in developing life skills and finding stable housing.
Industry Implications
1. Social Services - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Transform the way social services are delivered to homeless individuals, ensuring a more personalized and holistic approach.
2. Waste Management - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Revolutionize waste management practices, optimizing recycling systems and generating employment opportunities for marginalized populations.
3. Youth Rehabilitation - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Redesign programs and services aimed at rehabilitating and reintegrating abandoned youth into society, offering long-term support and guidance.