These 2010 Illustrations of Eleanor Davis Depict Women's Burdens
Amelia Roblin — January 28, 2011 — Naughty
References: doing-fine & loudreams
Looking cute and charming at first glance, the 2010 illustrations of Eleanor Davis have more profound messages. Though her work from the past year includes a diverse range of drawings, the common theme is that of women’s toils.
Painting cultural and sexual subjects into her screenprints and gouache works of art, Davis creates lighthearted references to images that might otherwise have looked more indiscreet—from urinating to giving birth to fruit. The talented American cartoonist has had her work published in Houghton Mifflin’s Best American Comics 2008, though you can be sure to see the 2010 illustrations of Eleanor Davis crop up elsewhere very soon.
Painting cultural and sexual subjects into her screenprints and gouache works of art, Davis creates lighthearted references to images that might otherwise have looked more indiscreet—from urinating to giving birth to fruit. The talented American cartoonist has had her work published in Houghton Mifflin’s Best American Comics 2008, though you can be sure to see the 2010 illustrations of Eleanor Davis crop up elsewhere very soon.
Trend Themes
1. Feminist Art - Opportunity for artists to create thought-provoking pieces challenging gender stereotypes through art.
2. Gender-based Issues Awareness - Opportunity to raise awareness on gender-based issues through creative mediums.
3. Inclusive Illustrations - Opportunity to create illustrations that are inclusive and diverse, accurately representing marginalized communities.
Industry Implications
1. Art - Opportunity for art galleries to showcase feminist works and support gender-based issues.
2. Publishing - Opportunity for publishers to release books and magazines that address gender-based issues and feature feminist art.
3. Advertising - Opportunity for ad agencies to promote gender-equality through inclusive illustrations in advertisements.