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Appified Control

Parents turn to mobile applications to keep up with their children online

Implications - It's no surprise that younger generations are more tech and social media-savvy than their parents, but thanks to a new slew of mobile apps dedicated to Internet monitoring, parents don't have to worry as much about their children's online behavior and well-being. Whether it's monitoring content or time spent online, this appified form of preventative control makes for a streamlined solution in a culture teeming with unseen online dangers.
Workshop Question - How are you granting your consumers a sense of control in the chaotic information age?
Trend Themes
1. Mobile Parental Control Apps - Apps that provide parents with easy and efficient monitoring and control of their children's online activity.
2. App-connected Child Monitoring Devices - Gadgets and systems that enable remote monitoring of children, particularly in the car or at home.
3. Baby and Child-care Apps - Apps that help parents track their child's health, growth, and activities to ensure their well-being.
Industry Implications
1. Mobile Applications - Innovative apps that serve as parental control, monitoring, or tracking tools disrupting the traditional methods of child care.
2. Child Safety Gadgets and Systems - Emerging products that enhance child safety in vehicles, homes, and other settings with remote monitoring capabilities.
3. Healthtech for Parents - Technologies that provide parents with accessible and convenient baby and child care options, reducing stress and uncertainty.
8 Featured, 65 Examples:
219,597 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Sep 15 — Mar 16
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Parent-Controlled Gadgets
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Time-Restricting Apps
Time-Restricting Apps
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Baby-Monitoring Apps
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The Glow Baby App Helps New Parents Keep Tabs On Their Baby's Health
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Balanced Activity Apps
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Parental Control Apps
Parental Control Apps
This Mobicip App Supplies Parents with Tools to Ensure Kids Browse Safely
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App-Connected Car Seat Monitors
App-Connected Car Seat Monitors
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Monitoring Media Apps
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