Food brands allow consumers to test their products through scented labeling
Trend - Food and beverage brands are allowing consumers to do a quick quality check before purchasing their products, and are doing so by offering scented labeling that smells like the food the brand is offering.
Insight - Boosting sensorial experiences in an effort to maximize the trust that a brand gains with consumers is paramount within the consumable goods industry. Interactive measures through packaging draw consumers in to build trust in a way that is still playful.
Insight - Boosting sensorial experiences in an effort to maximize the trust that a brand gains with consumers is paramount within the consumable goods industry. Interactive measures through packaging draw consumers in to build trust in a way that is still playful.
Workshop Question - Consider how your brand could better engage consumers' senses in the purchase journey.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Packaging - Maximizing consumer trust with playful interactive packaging like scratch-and-sniff cards or permeable product seals that provide a sensory experience.
2. Sensorial Experiences - Boosting sensorial experiences with scented labeling to build consumer trust in consumable goods industry.
3. Digital Stickers - Limited-edition scented stickers that draw on social media popularity offer another way for brands to interact with customers in the offline world.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Maximizing consumer trust through interactive packaging and sensorial experiences is paramount within the consumable goods industry.
2. Wine - With numerous wine products on the market, scratch-and-sniff labels offer an opportunity for wine brands to stand out.
3. Packaging - Innovative packaging, such as Tekni-Plex’s Sniff Seal product, can provide a sensory experience and improve consumer perception of a product.
4 Featured, 36 Examples:
58,307 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Feb 18 — Nov 18
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