Cannabis brands tap into need state labeling for simplicity and product education
Trend - Diversity in the cannabis industry means consumers rely on the way brands label their products to help them navigate this space. As a result, an increasing number of brands in the cannabis industry are leveraging need state-based labeling to easily educate consumers on anticipated results.
Insight - As the cannabis industry expands across North America with the help of legalization, consumers who are new to the substance can end up overwhelmed with the wide range of inhalable or edible options on the market. These same consumers often seek out information that can help them become familiar with the plant through simple and informative messaging.
Insight - As the cannabis industry expands across North America with the help of legalization, consumers who are new to the substance can end up overwhelmed with the wide range of inhalable or edible options on the market. These same consumers often seek out information that can help them become familiar with the plant through simple and informative messaging.
Workshop Question - What educational value is being offered through the way your product is communicated?
Trend Themes
1. Need State-based Labeling - Brands in the cannabis industry are using need state-based labeling to easily educate consumers on anticipated results; companies that offer similar and simpler product education for their customers can disrupt their respective industries.
2. Mood-based Offerings - Brands are offering products based on mood, focusing on the specific benefits of each of its strains and wax cartridges; companies that categorize products by feelings to solve simple everyday problems can disrupt their respective industries.
3. Cannabis Wellness Branding - The cannabis wellness industry is expanding and companies like Irisa is offering accessible platforms for more community-focused markets; companies that create cannabis-infused products for wellness and self-care rituals can disrupt respective industries.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Packaged Goods - CPGs can have disruptive innovation opportunities by utilizing need-state-based labeling that is informative and easy to understand.
2. Pharmaceutical - Pharmaceutical companies can disrupt their industry by offering cannabis-based products related to specific treatments and symptoms with mood-based and self-care focus.
3. Hospitality and Tourism - Companies in the hospitality and tourism industry can disrupt their respective industry by offering cannabis-infused products, differentiated by mood and regional inspiration, for recreational activities.
5 Featured, 45 Examples:
118,221 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Oct 17 — Apr 19
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