Bored with familiar imagery, consumers turn to products that negate routine
Implications - It’s standard practice to create a brand image and stick to it, but a resonating movement of independent brands that are highlighting a random, varied aesthetic are gaining the attention of consumers by offering an unexpected experience. Being recognized by consumers craving the antithesis to routine, the brands are making an impact through infamy rather than familiarity.
Trend Themes
1. Playful Branding - Brands that adopt playful and whimsical designs on their products or packaging appeal to consumers who crave the antithesis to routine.
2. Emotional Branding - More brands are creating an emotional connection with their audiences through the use of travel references, icons, and images on their product packaging.
3. Customizable Packaging - In order to appeal to consumers with varying preferences, customizable packaging has become a trend in the cosmetic industry, allowing for personalized mixing and matching of products.
Industry Implications
1. Cosmetics - The cosmetics industry can benefit from playful and customizable branding to appeal to consumers looking for unique and personalized products.
2. Food and Beverage - Travel references and emotional branding can be utilized in the food and beverage industry to create an aspirational product that resonates with consumers who enjoy exploring new cultures and cuisines.
3. Design - Trends in playful and eclectic branding across various industries present an opportunity for designers to explore creative solutions that differentiate their clients' products from competitors.