The market that aids premature babies continues to grow
Trend - The specialty care that many premature babies require from caregivers is being honed in on by brands, with the infant care industry seeing a rise of preemie-specific products and services. This shift comes as brands recognize the growing value in catering to diverse sets of consumers.
Insight - When it comes to brands addressing more specific consumer needs, particularly when it comes to medical considerations and disabilities, there has long been limited choice and/or accessibility. People who require special care, or their caregivers, are increasingly demanding that the barriers that people with various conditions face in achieving a high quality of life are taken down with the help of brands that provide adequate services.
Insight - When it comes to brands addressing more specific consumer needs, particularly when it comes to medical considerations and disabilities, there has long been limited choice and/or accessibility. People who require special care, or their caregivers, are increasingly demanding that the barriers that people with various conditions face in achieving a high quality of life are taken down with the help of brands that provide adequate services.
Workshop Question - How could your brand serve consumers with more niche needs and preferences within its area of expertise?
Trend Themes
1. Preemie-specific Products and Services - Brands are recognizing the growing value in catering to diverse sets of consumers with preemie-specific products and services.
2. At-home Healthcare Solutions - Consumers seek out more at-home healthcare solutions as exemplified in in-home incubators.
3. Specialized Care Apps - A trend of specialized care is shown in the development of the My NICU Baby app.
Industry Implications
1. Infant Care - The infant care industry is seeing a rise of preemie-specific products and services.
2. Healthcare - In-home healthcare solutions and specialized care apps can be disruptive innovation opportunities for the healthcare industry.
3. Personal Care - BEB Organic's specialized skincare solutions for premature babies highlight an opportunity for personal care brands to cater to niche markets.
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Date Range:
Feb 17 — Nov 18
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