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Rapid Translate

Translation tools adopt the cues that can be difficult with traditional options

Trend - New languages can be difficult to master without being immersed in a country that speaks them. New translation tools are aiming to tackle this with various functions that allow users to learn and speak new languages more authentically.

Insight - As globalization progresses, some countries become melting pots and the need arises for individuals to better communicate and understand one another's heritage. Many consumers, whether from necessity or ambition, look for ways to improve their interactions with others while at home or when traveling. In doing so, individuals feel at ease as they decrease barriers while communicating and are able to form friendships faster or simply navigate public spaces better.
Workshop Question - What are some seemingly small avenues through which your brand could make your customer experience more authentic?
Trend Themes
1. Real-time Language Translation - Real-time language translation apps and devices are trending, from image recognition-based translation apps like Polyword to AI-powered translators like the JoneR Pro Translator and startup SignAll, working on translating American Sign Language in real-time.
2. Language Immersion Platforms - As globalization progresses, many individuals seek ways to learn and improve their language skills. Content immersion language platforms like Flowlingo help users learn a language more organically by immersing them in their favorite content in the language they are looking to learn or improve their skills in.
3. Accessible Language Learning Tools - New translation tools like Rapid Translate aim to make language learning more accessible by allowing users to learn and speak new languages more authentically without the need for immersion, while the SignAll startup works towards easing the communication barriers that many deaf people face by bringing real-time translation of American Sign Language to the technology world.
Industry Implications
1. Language Learning - Innovative language learning tools like AI-powered translators, content immersion language platforms, and real-time translation apps and devices are changing the way people learn or improve their language skills.
2. Travel and Tourism - Real-time language translation apps and AI-powered translators like the JoneR Pro Translator are becoming essential for avid travelers, removing the barriers of language communication and ensuring conversing with others while traveling.
3. Assistive Technology - Developments in translation technology, such as sign language translation platforms like SignAll, are providing assistive technology solutions that help people with language barriers communicate and understand each other better.
4 Featured, 34 Examples:
41,125 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Dec 17 — Nov 18
Consumer Insight Topics:

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