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Top 100 Branding Trends in June

From Mature Chocolate Packaging to Space Agency Accessories

— June 25, 2017 — Marketing
Included in these June 2017 branding trends are a wide range of products that have noteworthy packaging, purposes, and designs.

One innovation that's featured are the Birds Eye Veggie Made meals, which are filled with superfoods like kale. Although frozen meals are generally thought to be unhealthy convenience-focused alternatives, the Birds Eye Veggie Made meals enable consumers to get all the nutrients they need to fulfill their health goals.

Also featured in this cluster of June 2017 branding trends are the anti-energy drinks called Opus B, which are intended for consumers who are looking to slow down and relax -- a concept that's appealing to those who constantly find themselves rushing. In addition to having a decaffeinated formula, Opus B comes in beautiful bottles that are slowly drained.
Sailor-Themed Kombucha Rebranding
Sailor-Themed Kombucha Rebranding
Health-Ade Has Rebranded to Offer a More Modern-Looking Beverage
Narrative Wine Websites
Narrative Wine Websites
Port2Port Wine's 'Stories' Feature Highlights the Romance of Wines
Seaside-Themed Kombucha Branding
Seaside-Themed Kombucha Branding
These Raw Kombucha Beverages Were Inspired by a Seaside Town
Cancer Research-Funding Lemonades
Cancer Research-Funding Lemonades
The New Florida's Natural Lemonades are Tasty and Do Good
Authentically Baked Cookies
Authentically Baked Cookies
Voortman Bakery's Coconut Cookies Emphasize Real Ingredients & Bakers
Quirky Wine Bottle Graphics
Quirky Wine Bottle Graphics
Mimbo Wines Come in Quirky Bottles with Playful Graphics
Numerical Air Freshener Branding
Numerical Air Freshener Branding
The ZIFFER Air Fresheners are Positioned as Collectibles
Lavender Pet Shampoos
Lavender Pet Shampoos
John Paul Pet Offers a Small Lavender Collection For Dogs' Coats
Brightening Light Hair Shampoos
Brightening Light Hair Shampoos
R+Co's Blonde Shampoo Improves the Appearance of Light Hair
Kinetic Transporation Logos
Kinetic Transporation Logos
Cosmos Ocean Hellas' New Identity Emphasizes Motion
Whimsical Vintage Dessert Packaging
Whimsical Vintage Dessert Packaging
Wonder Scoop's Ice Cream Comes in Distinct Flavors
Japanese Citrus Ice Creams
Japanese Citrus Ice Creams
The Häagen-Dazs Hyuganatsu Panna Cotta Pie is Summer-Ready
Fresh Canned Cocktail Mixers
Fresh Canned Cocktail Mixers
The Ginger DRY Sparkling Canned Sodas are Ideal for Mixology
Whiskey Brand Ciders
Whiskey Brand Ciders
The Jack Daniel's Cider Combines a Traditional Apple Beverage With Whiskey
Sugar-Free Tropical Fruit Drinks
Sugar-Free Tropical Fruit Drinks
Rio Tropical Drinks Have a New, Revamped Visual Brand Identity
Quick-Cooking Quinoa Cups
Quick-Cooking Quinoa Cups
Riviana Foods Now Makes 'Minute Ready to Serve' Quinoa Meals
Festival-Themed Personal Care Kits
Festival-Themed Personal Care Kits
Yuni Beauty's Festival Kit Provides Essentials for Cleansing
Fruit Grain Snack Pouches
Fruit Grain Snack Pouches
The Tree Top's Fruit & Grains Pouches are Blended for Picky Eaters
Ketogenic Baking Flours
Ketogenic Baking Flours
The Almond Pro High Protein Almond Flour is Nutrient-Dense
Friendly Character Coffee Containers
Friendly Character Coffee Containers
The 'AHA' Coffee Branding Has a Smiling Character Aesthetic
Vibrant Hydration Beverage Branding
Vibrant Hydration Beverage Branding
The Energy Charge Drink Packaging is Mature in Style
Plant Oil Food Spreads
Plant Oil Food Spreads
The Flora Freedom Spreads Now Includes Three New Flavors
Coffee Brand Smoothie Bowls
Coffee Brand Smoothie Bowls
SOHO Coffee Co's Spring Menu Offers Several Healthy Food Products
Blogger Cleansing Juice Collaborations
Blogger Cleansing Juice Collaborations
Raw Clarity Features Vivid Green Branding
Stylized Canned Fruit Branding
Stylized Canned Fruit Branding
The Italianavera Canned Tomatoes are Modern and Vibrant
Board Game-Themed Wine Labels
Board Game-Themed Wine Labels
8 TICKETS Seeks to Target Younger Demographics With Its New Labels
Refillable Toiletry Bottles
Refillable Toiletry Bottles
Plaine Products Packages Its Body Wash & Shampoo in Reusable Bottles
Handmade Chicken Snack Packs
Handmade Chicken Snack Packs
The Expressco ProSticks Chicken Skewers Have 23 Grams of Protein
Breakfast Bowl Cereal Branding
Breakfast Bowl Cereal Branding
The GFB Coconut Cashew Power Breakfast Oatmeal is Protein-Packed
Charitable Political Toilet Papers
Charitable Political Toilet Papers
Some of the Proceeds from Trump Paper Will Go To a Good Cause
Deconstructed Wine Bottle Branding
Deconstructed Wine Bottle Branding
The Stratus Decant Cabernet Franc is Edgy and Unfiltered
Limited-Edition Rose Chocolates
Limited-Edition Rose Chocolates
The Rose Kit Kat Chocolatory Moleson was Created for Mother's Day
Seaside Vodka Branding
Seaside Vodka Branding
The Look and Taste of Seaworthy Vodka Captures the Flavors of the Sea
Free-From Cake Mixes
Free-From Cake Mixes
Free & Easy's Healthy Cake Mixes Exclude Gluten, Refined Sugar and Dairy
Gold-Infused Instant Coffees
Gold-Infused Instant Coffees
The Bushido Gourmet Coffees Offer a Delicate Taste and Strong Aroma
Cricket Powder-Based Snacks
Cricket Powder-Based Snacks
Primal Future's Healthy Products are All Based in an Important Protein
Breakfast Dish Cookie Flavors
Breakfast Dish Cookie Flavors
The Waffles and Syrup Oreos are a Limited-Edition Cookie Treat
Minimalist Tool Packaging
Minimalist Tool Packaging
Barebones Living Offers High-Quality Equipment for Day-to-Day Life
Woodblock-Inspired Beer Cans
Woodblock-Inspired Beer Cans
These Japanese Beer Cans Pay Tribute to Traditional Woodblock Art
Frozen Superfood Dishes
Frozen Superfood Dishes
The Birds Eye Veggie Made Frozen Foods Offer a Healthier Alternative
Brewery Inspired Donut Bars
Brewery Inspired Donut Bars
The Rebel Donut Bar Seeks to Offer Miniature, Artisan Treats
American Hero Appliances
American Hero Appliances
The Captain America Kitchen Collection Lets You Cook Like Steve Rogers
Youthful Ice Cream Rebrands
Youthful Ice Cream Rebrands
Häagen-Dazs is Introducing a New, Millennial-Targeted Look
Music-Infused Beers
Music-Infused Beers
B&O Play is Using Curated Soundtracks and Speakers to Ferment Beer
Provocative Plastic-Repurposing Campaigns
Provocative Plastic-Repurposing Campaigns
MTV's 'Ocean Dildos' Seek to Repurpose Plastic Waste
Luxury Car Brand Tuxedos
Luxury Car Brand Tuxedos
Rolls Royce and The Bespoke Corner Collaborated on Two Tuxedos for Men
Plant-Based Protein Collections
Plant-Based Protein Collections
Sojade Offers Products That Are Nutritious and Lactose-Free
Organic Astronaut Desserts
Organic Astronaut Desserts
The Cosmik Freeze-Dried Ice Cream is Made Using Premium Ingredients
Nigeria-Inspired Skincare Brands
Nigeria-Inspired Skincare Brands
ILERA Apothecary Offers Specifically Curated Skincare Products
Opaque Small Batch Alcohols
Opaque Small Batch Alcohols
Stockyards Gin and Vodka is Portrayed as Luxurious and Homely
Refillable Trail Mix Tubes
Refillable Trail Mix Tubes
Wyldsson is Offering a More Convenient Way to Consume Trail Mix
Psychedelic Plant-Based Cosmetics
Psychedelic Plant-Based Cosmetics
Pices Cosmetic Offers Products Based in Natural Medicine
Personified Chocolate Packaging
Personified Chocolate Packaging
Luvit Cocoisms Gives Personality to Four Different Chocolate Types
Illustrative Peruvian Chocolate Branding
Illustrative Peruvian Chocolate Branding
Candela's Chocolates Showcase the Biodiversity of Peru
Space Agency Accessories
Space Agency Accessories
Coach and NASA Collaborated on Stylish Space-Themed Bags and Shoes
Modernized Rustic Restaurant Packaging
Modernized Rustic Restaurant Packaging
Stas Neretin Rebranded the Uryuk Network of Restaurants
Automaker-Designed Airplane Interiors
Automaker-Designed Airplane Interiors
The Pagani Airbus Infinito Cabin is Inspired by Supercars
Liquor Infusion Tools
Liquor Infusion Tools
The Alchemix is Able to Instantly Infuse and Carbonate Liquor
Element-Themed Essential Oil Packaging
Element-Themed Essential Oil Packaging
Accentz Offers Essential Oils From Dozens of Plants
Gradient Contraceptive Packaging
Gradient Contraceptive Packaging
Fabula Branding Created New Packaging for the Condom Brand INDIGO
Sparkling Fortified Wine Cocktails
Sparkling Fortified Wine Cocktails
The HappyDown Cocktails Feature Artisanal Flavors
Probiotic-Packed Plant Protein Bars
Probiotic-Packed Plant Protein Bars
The Ona Treats Organic Functional Fuel Bars are USDA Organic
Shipping Container-Themed Retailers
Shipping Container-Themed Retailers
The Kagiso Store Features a Casual, Rustic Wooden Aesthetic
Donut-Flavored Jelly Beans
Donut-Flavored Jelly Beans
Jelly Belly is Introducing a Set of Krispy Kreme Jelly Bean Flavors
Greek Baby Bath Collections
Greek Baby Bath Collections
Agnotis is Offering a New Collection of Bathing Essentials for Infants
Marbled Honey Labeling
Marbled Honey Labeling
The Jola Honey Collection Features a Variety of Infused Flavors
Minimal Health Food Branding
Minimal Health Food Branding
The Power of Plant Natural Products Keep a Focus on Simplicity
Intergalactic Milk Branding
Intergalactic Milk Branding
The Bantha Blue Milk Packaging Imagines the Product in the Real World
Repurposed Waste Rum Bottles
Repurposed Waste Rum Bottles
The Creative Agency Fitzroy Offers Bottle Caps Made from Coke Labels
Multicolor Floral Cosmetic Branding
Multicolor Floral Cosmetic Branding
The Blum Skincare Cosmetic Line Speaks to the Young Female
Oversized Premium Perfumes
Oversized Premium Perfumes
The Chanel No. 5 Parfum Grand Extrait Offers 7.6 Ounces of Fragrance
Mature Male-Targeted Energy Drinks
Mature Male-Targeted Energy Drinks
The Monster Hydro Sports Energy Drinks Target Mature Consumers
Flag-Inspired Candy Collections
Flag-Inspired Candy Collections
The New 'Oh Canada' M&M's Include Red and White Candies
Mature Consumer Chocolate Bars
Mature Consumer Chocolate Bars
Twix Dark is a More Refined Take on the Brand's Original Candy Bar
Baby-Inspired Branding
Baby-Inspired Branding
The Evian Oversize Campaign Features Babies in Over-Sized Clothing
Paperboard Six-Pack Rings
Paperboard Six-Pack Rings
The 'Can Collar' is an Environmentally Friendly Alternative to Plastic
Island-Themed Gin Branding
Island-Themed Gin Branding
Wild Island Gin Bottles Feature Artistic Watercolor Designs
Color-Blocking Cosmetic Branding
Color-Blocking Cosmetic Branding
The Pari Satiss from Exclusive Cosmetics are Modern
Special Edition Sesquicentennial Cereals
Special Edition Sesquicentennial Cereals
The Kellogg's Birthday Cake Froot Loops Celebrate Canada
Inclusive Brand Packaging
Inclusive Brand Packaging
Autistic Art is Branding Starbucks Cups and Credit Cards With Its Works
Salutational Condiment Branding
Salutational Condiment Branding
The Happycook Cooking Condiments are Friendly and Approachable
Champagne Six-Packs
Champagne Six-Packs
Moet & Chandon Released Mini-Bottles of Champagne in Multi-Packs
Cereal-Themed Streetwear Boutiques
Cereal-Themed Streetwear Boutiques
The Kith x Cap'n Crunch Pop-Up Marries Food and Fashion
Creative Nostalgia Campaigns
Creative Nostalgia Campaigns
The 'World of Play-Doh' Campaign Inspires the Child in All of Us
Botanical-Infused Spring Waters
Botanical-Infused Spring Waters
The One Drink Origins Drink Line is a Healthier Beverage Option
Kid-Friendly Fragrances
Kid-Friendly Fragrances
Zara's Fragrance for Kids Boasts Playful Packaging That Rotates
Medicinal Protein Packaging
Medicinal Protein Packaging
Bulk Powders' New Brand Identity Takes Cues From Pharmaceuticals
Architecture-Inspired Sneakers
Architecture-Inspired Sneakers
The Adidas Ultra Boost Nests Were Inspired by an Olympic Stadium
Water Brand Streetwear
Water Brand Streetwear
Rad and Evian Collaborated on an Oversized Streetwear Collection
Marble Stone Cosmetic Branding
Marble Stone Cosmetic Branding
The Bacci Custom Cosmetics Packaging is Neutral Yet Feminine
Jar-Shaped Pouch Packages
Jar-Shaped Pouch Packages
Wunderbar! Creative Agency Introduced a Fresh Design for Pickled Goods
AR Egg Cartons
AR Egg Cartons
Vital Farms' Newly Redone Egg Carton Design Comes to Life with Augmented Reality
Individual Whey Protein Sachets
Individual Whey Protein Sachets
The whey’d Healthy Protein Powders Have a Designer Packaging
Anti-Energy Drinks
Anti-Energy Drinks
This Beverage and Its Packaging Encourage Slow Life Culture and Mindfulness
Clean-Label Cheese Products
Clean-Label Cheese Products
Arla Foods' New Campaign Emphasizes Its All-Natural Cheese Products
Paper Tube Lip Balms
Paper Tube Lip Balms
Plenty + Spare's Eco Lip Balms are Packaged in an Alternative to Plastic
Chip-Seasoning Containers
Chip-Seasoning Containers
Twistd's Seasoned Potato Chips Encourage Mixing and Matching Flavors
Hexagonal Cookie Packaging Concepts
Hexagonal Cookie Packaging Concepts
Saikai is Both a Quirky and Functional Packaging Concept
Feminine Cosmetics Packaging
Feminine Cosmetics Packaging
This Branding Concept Uses Soft Curves and Feminine Colors