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Leaders Consumer Insights

Alternative Currency
New forms of currency are alleviating financial stress or increasing loyalty
Trend - Whether for loyalty or the distribution of financial aid, the concept of alternative currency is gaining popularity. Institutions and businesses deploy this in the form of wooden money or digital stimulus to strengthen buying power.

Insight - Many consumers are experiencing high levels of financial stress, both in the current context of the COVID-19 pandemic and even before that. Simultaneously, they are recognizing the importance of supporting local and smaller businesses. This, in turn, is creating a demand for timely solutions that will support consumers throughout difficult times, while enabling them to access life necessities and services.
Workshop Question - How might your brand utilize the concept of alternative currency?
Socialized Politician
Political campaigning turns to social media platforms for youthful appeal
Implications - In a move to connect with millennial audiences, politicians are turning to social media platforms as an approachable communication tactic. Promoting platforms and sparking discussion through sites like Tumblr and Periscope, political campaigns are using digital platforms to not only reach younger consumers, but also engage with them on a level that they can understand and contribute to.
Workshop Question - How can your brand accommodate the varying preferences and strengths of different demographics?
play_circle_filledInteractive Presidential Chats
Interactive Presidential Chats
The President Obama Chat Engaged Young College Students on Tumblr
On June 10th, there was a gathering at the White House for a President Obama chat, along with Tumblr’s CEO and co-founder David Karp, who fielded questions from Tumblr users. The #ObamaIRL Q&... MORE
Political Matchmaking Campaigns
Political Matchmaking Campaigns
Ontario Libertarian's Political Campaign Courted Voters on Tinder
It can be a challenge for a political campaign to reach the public, but instead of knocking on the doors of locals, Andrew Echevarria of The Ontario Libertarian Party hoped to get into the hearts of... MORE
Political Cartoon Geofilters
Political Cartoon Geofilters
The New Snapchat Hillary Geofilter Features Clinton and Sanders
Snapchat released a Hillary geofilter for attendees to utilize as Bernie Sanders announced his endorsement of Hillary Clinton for President. The geofilter features cartoon renditions of Sanders and... MORE
Social Media Presidential Campaigns
Social Media Presidential Campaigns
Hillary Clinton Held Her First Major Campaign on Periscope
Hillary Clinton is changing the game in many ways—most recently, and probably most notably, through her first major presidential campaign rally. Streaming it on Periscope, she shows that she... MORE
Humorous Presidential Emojis
Humorous Presidential Emojis
These Political Emojis are Available for Super Tuesday 2016
The new presidential emojis from EmojiFace are available just in time for Super Tuesday 2016. Super Tuesday is considered one of the most important days in the American presidential election and... MORE
Political Schadenfreude
Leader distrust and political parody is expressed through mockery
Implications - Political parody has existed for as long as government systems have been in place. This concept is married with the dark, ruthless style of humor on the Internet in political schadenfreude. Distrust for political figureheads is seen communicated in a more mocking tone, allowing skeptical consumers to indulge in the idea of bringing powerful figures down to a level lower than their own.
Flipping-Off Leader Ads
Flipping-Off Leader Ads
The Reporters Without Borders 2013 Campaign Addresses Controversial Issues
The Reporters Without Borders 2013 ad campaign centers around a very inappropriate gesture, especially when coming from world leaders. A couple of years ago the nonprofit organization depicted... MORE
Naughty Political Portraits
Naughty Political Portraits
Emily Deutchman's 'Presidents with Boob Faces' Are Comic
Artist Emily Deutchman’s ‘Presidents with Boob Faces’ Tumblr page pokes fun at American political representatives. The 44-long series of watercolors etches nipples on to the iconic... MORE
Presidential Villain Parody Toys
Presidential Villain Parody Toys
These Villian Toys Humorously Integrate Politics and Pop Culture
These presidential parody toys of iconic villains are humorous and very well depicted. Most importantly they are indcredibly well named. The set of toys features George W. Bush as Zom-Bush, Nixon as... MORE
play_circle_filledComic-Styled Political Parodies
Comic-Styled Political Parodies
Cartoonist Ward Sutton Congressional Leaders into Cartoon Characte
Political cartoons are a witty addition to several major publications and cartoonist Warn Sutton takes things to the next level by creating hilarious congress comics. Featuring President Obama and... MORE
play_circle_filledPolitical Dubstep Commercials
Political Dubstep Commercials
This Official Ad for the State of the Union Address is Musical
Perhaps in an attempt to drum up interest among teenagers and youth, the White House has joined the plethora of companies that have created dubstep commercials. The official government-funded ad... MORE
Digital vigilantism takes on political and special interest adgendas
Implications - Hacktivism is a new form of protest that while non-violent, is extremely powerful. Groups such as Anonymous are one example of the power online hackers can wield, but brands are now also using hacktivism to their advantage. Dove is just one example, having recently created a fake application for Photoshop that was planted on the web.
Meme Celebrity
Online phenomenons are becoming real-world power influencers
Implications - Online memes are now catapulting regular people and pets into fully-fledged stardom. Grumpy Cat, Psy (from Gangnam style) and various other online sensations are launching books, product lines and are even appearing on major broadcast networks. While the lifespan of these web celebrities in pop culture may be short-lived, their influence at the their peak is intense.
Social Influencer Obsession
Online influencers are connecting with brands to create connections
Implications - Those highly connected individuals in the social media realm can have big pull when it comes to driving their network to action. Marketers are finding ways to engage and reward influencers, spawning VIP perks for those with online clout who can drive social media conversations about new launches and brands.
Influencer Subscription Gifts
Influencer Subscription Gifts
Quarterly.Co Allows Users to Connect with People & Receive Gift Bags
Subscription services are the latest hot ticket item on consumer wish lists and is the latest company offering quarterly subscriptions—but with a twist. The ideology of the... MORE
play_circle_filledWebcam Chat Videos
Webcam Chat Videos
JacksGap Skype Documentary Features Unique Users of the Communication Platform
After uploading a much-watched compilation of Skype video messages to YouTube, JacksGap was asked by the telecommunications application company to create a webcam chat video on its dollar. An... MORE
Social Reward Vacations
Social Reward Vacations
The Palms Las Vegas Klout Klub Gives Influential Tweeters Free Amenities
Racking up those Twitter friends will finally yield more reward than simply feeling influential and important, not to mention loved and respected; the Palms Las Vegas Klout Klub allows you to use this… MORE
Extremely Exclusive Social Networks
Extremely Exclusive Social Networks
Best of All Worlds is an Online Community for Top Influencers
Now there is a place where the world’s top entrepreneurs, creatives and influencers can go without having to worry about “irrelevant connections”; this place is Best of all Worlds,... MORE
play_circle_filledImpactful Documentaries
Impactful Documentaries
The 'Influencers' Film will Provide You with Insight on Your Interactions
This short film 'Influencers' was created to shed light on how influential individuals can be to the world around them. Released as both a web video and an iPad app, this documentary-style short definitely… MORE
Idol Dollification
Immortalizing popular figures by turning them into figurines
Implications - When it comes to celebrities and famous figures, we all want a piece, which explains the gigantic market for celebrity products, ranging from clothes to fragrances to even dirty bath water. Another way consumers can now indulge in their celebrity obsession is by purchasing dolls and toys in the likeness of these famous individuals, such as Kate Middleton, Karl Lagerfeld, Steve Jobs, President Obama and more. While these people may not be action heroes, per se, immortalizing them in such a way points to society's reliance on powerful figures who have the potential and ability to create change and influence our decisions.
Superhero Reality
Real-life superhero innovations give consumers something to believe in
Implications - Children have traditionally looked up to superheros, who encourage them to be “brave” during times of despair. Today’s adult consumer isn’t afraid to carry on their vigilante obsession, looking for inspiration anywhere they can during times of extreme stress. Luckily, there is a slew of hero-inspired products available to encourage consumers to stay strong and brave no matter how tough life gets.
Downplayed Serious
Severe historical figures become modern pop culture comedians
Implications - Humor today is much more crude and shocking than it used to be. One way to get a few laughs is by decreasing the seriousness of often serious subjects, such as historical figures and occurrences that would normally offend an older generation. Parodied and played with, these historical motifs signify a shift in pop culture and preferred comedy, which is skewing more and more toward playful flippancy.
Defaced Illustrations
Defaced Illustrations
The Ali Jabbar 'Simple Public Figure' Project Omits Facial Features
The Ali Jabbar 'Simple Public Figures' art installation shows just how familiar we are with some of the world’s most powerful and infamous personalities. This faceless artwork features the likes of… MORE
play_circle_filledUndignified Deity Drawings
Undignified Deity Drawings
These ‘Jesus is a Jerk' Sketches Speak Heathen Humor
Besides being wildly inappropriate, these ‘Jesus is a Jerk’ sketches are heretically hilarious. The verbal defacing of Christian cartoons has been a long-running joke for many, and it’s no shock that these… MORE
Iconic Crumb Dusters
Iconic Crumb Dusters
The 'Moustaches Make a Difference' Campaign is Hilarious
The 'Moustaches Make a Difference' campaign is right in time for "Movember," featuring some of masculinity's most epic influences and the facial hair that made them icons. From Mario of the Mario Bros.… MORE
Activist Shower Accessories
Activist Shower Accessories
The Martin Loofah King Exfoliating Glove Mixes History with Hygiene
I must admit that I'm more than a little confused about the existence of the Martin Loofah King exfoliating glove. Sure, the name of the product's namesake, American luminary Martin Luther King, can quite… MORE
Historical Character Figurines
Historical Character Figurines
Little Giants Mini-Figures Collection Makes Prodigies Playful
The past 500 years has seen a variety of intellectual geniuses as depicted in the Little Giants Mini-Figures Collection. Some of the most notable characters are re-created in 3-inch caricature form for… MORE
Blasphemous Branding
Religious references push the buttons of consumer shock
Implications - When it comes to shock value, some brands are upping the ante with campaigns and branded merchandise focused on religious themes. This level of shockvertising may border on offensive for some, but in a market populated by desensitized consumers, typical attempts at creating shock just don’t cut it. The brand must disturb, even to the point of upset, to make a point—and religion undeniably provides an avenue.