Disposal systems come with advanced technologies for enhanced functions
Trend - At a time when all industries are expected to cater to the eco and convenience-based preferences of consumers, the waste disposal industry is no exception. Brands in this space are creating disposal systems with advanced capabilities that include seamless designs and ecological benefits.
Insight - For the modern consumer, trying to balance sustainability with their day-to-day responsibilities can be difficult and time-consuming. Often, consumers don’t know where to start when it comes to making small but impactful changes in order to be more environmentally friendly. Thus, the incorporation of eco-conscious elements into products and services that are already part of consumers’ lives allows them to make slow changes that don’t take away from their routines.
Insight - For the modern consumer, trying to balance sustainability with their day-to-day responsibilities can be difficult and time-consuming. Often, consumers don’t know where to start when it comes to making small but impactful changes in order to be more environmentally friendly. Thus, the incorporation of eco-conscious elements into products and services that are already part of consumers’ lives allows them to make slow changes that don’t take away from their routines.
Workshop Question - How could your brand empower its customers to make small eco decisions?
Trend Themes
1. Eco-advanced Disposal Systems - Advanced waste disposal systems are incorporating eco-conscious elements into their existing products and services to cater to modern consumer needs and preferences for eco-friendliness.
2. Convenient Food Waste Disposal Solutions - Food waste disposal systems are designed to be installed under sinks to break down and capture food waste and offer a viable alternative to compost bins, without any resultant odor.
3. Automation of Waste Sorting - Innovative trash cans and bins that employ AI-powered technology for automatic sorting, help consumers with proper disposal of recyclables effectively reduces confusion on waste sorting, and helps waste management companies be more effective in their work.
Industry Implications
1. Waste Management Industry - New waste disposal technologies and automation systems to optimize eco-friendliness and simplify waste sorting can reposition the future growth of the waste management industry.
2. Modular Systems Industry - Modular systems that enable flexible deployment and are designed to incorporate AI, automation technologies reduce the cost and investment required for waste treatment and streamline the process from collection to disposal.
3. Smart Home Industry - Eco-friendly disposal systems such as the 'EcoBin' and 'Orre' which have an air-purifying function, modular composting system, and automation sorting capabilities, are integrating different IoT technologies to enhance the total experience of a smart home.