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Gadgets provide unique help to pregnant women and new mothers

Implications - Technology is making its way into the maternity arena, with gadgets and innovations targeted towards the expectant or new mother. Mommy tech devices that provide functionality or connectivity are being quickly adopted by more and more women who prefer autonomy when it comes to pregnancy and motherhood.
Trend Themes
1. Mommy Tech - The rise of technology targeted towards pregnant or new mothers creates opportunities for novel gadgets and devices that fulfill their needs.
2. Crowdsourced Decision-making - Online platforms, like WiserPregnancy, enable pregnant women to make informed choices by crowdsourcing their decisions to a database of thousands of users.
3. Self-heating Technology - Innovations like the self-heating Yoomi baby bottle show opportunities for developing smart, automated features for baby products.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - Maternity technology intersects with healthcare, providing new ways to monitor infant development, provide care, and aid with medical procedures.
2. Consumer Goods - The consumer goods industry sees opportunities to develop new products with technology like self-heating technology or innovative designs for baby rockers and strollers.
3. Media and Entertainment - The rise of mommy tech, baby robotics and connected devices create opportunities to create media content to cater to this expanding group of consumers.
10 Featured, 76 Examples:
2,532,260 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Apr 09 — Mar 10
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Whirligig Strollers
Whirligig Strollers
The Eco-Friendly Orbit Baby System Can Revolve 360 Degrees
There are plenty of eco-conscious baby strollers on the market, but the Orbit Baby System is more than just an earth-smart stroller. While the Orbit Baby System does feature eco-friendly flame retardant… MORE
play_circle_filledMusic In-Utero
Music In-Utero
iPod Attachment for Pregnant Mothers and Their Fetuses
Behold! Music in utero! Nuvo’s Ritmo is an iPod attachment for your unborn baby.  Strap it on and plug it in and both mommy and baby can listen to their music of choice. Scientists have shown that after… MORE
Futuristic Preemie Beds
Futuristic Preemie Beds
The ‘Jenny' System Lets Parents Protect their Premature Babies
Caring for a premature infant has always been a strenuous and stressful task; however, designer Thiago Antonelli has created ‘Jenny,’ an infant care bed which allows parents to be the primary care givers… MORE
Headphones for Stomachs
Headphones for Stomachs
Geof Ramsay's 'B(l)aby' Lets Mommies Share MP3s With Womb
Expectant mothers can now share their iTunes music library with their unborn child. Designer Geof Ramsay took the "Baby Mozart" effect to a whole new level when he created the 'B(I)aby' belly band, which… MORE
Mommy Media Holders
Mommy Media Holders
The Texthook Keeps Moms Connected While On the Go
Staying connected to the outside world when you’re a full-time mom can be difficult. But the Texthook can change that. The Texthook is a phone-holder that clips on to any handle bar—namely, the one on… MORE
Crowdsourced Pregnancy Decisions
Crowdsourced Pregnancy Decisions
Wiserpregnancy Helps Expectant Mothers Make Informed Choices
For new mothers, the amount of information and choices regarding pregnancy can be overwhelming. Enter WiserPregnancy, a site that helps expectant moms make informed decisions through online crowdsourcing.… MORE
Parent Replacements
Parent Replacements
Electronic Lolaloo Baby Rocker Frees Up Parental Time
The Lolaboo Baby Rocker is the answer to many parents’ prayers. Usually parents spend a lot of time holding and rocking their babies; while this is a pleasure to do, sometimes it is time consuming. A German… MORE
Self-Heating Baby Bottles
Self-Heating Baby Bottles
The Award Winning Yoomi Baby Bottle
The ingenious Yoomi is a self-heating baby bottle. It heats the milk inside to a temperature equal to breast milk in 60 seconds. All you need to do is press a button and Yoomi’s sealed warmer, placed inside… MORE
Mini Maternity Machines
Mini Maternity Machines
The GE Ultrasound Scanner Gives Birth to a New Wave of Baby Technology
No, this isn’t an iPod flip phone, but the latest in pregnancy gadgets to come out: the GE ultrasound scanner, or the 'Vscan.' Now determining the sex of your soon-to-be-born child can be made easy. No… MORE
play_circle_filledGlowing Baby Bots
Glowing Baby Bots
'Yotaro' Interactive Robotic Infant for Parents-In-Training
Hiroki Kunimura of Japan’s University of Tsukuba has created a robotic baby simulator to help train parents-in-waiting named Yotaro. The baby’s face is an interactive screen that can display a variety… MORE

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