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DIY Entertainment

Brands are launching platforms that allow consumers to build movies and games

Trend - Developers are debuting creative experiences that allow consumers to build their own movies, stop-motion animations, games, and more. In doing so, brands are able to better engage individuals through tech-powered activities that are novel and interesting.

Insight - As digital technology becomes more readily available to a larger demographic and DIY culture resurfaces as a form of entertainment, consumers become interested in testing out tech as a means to design their own products. Individuals feel empowered in exploring new avenues of creativity as technology becomes more accessible, lending itself as a tool to those who do not necessarily have formal education. Compelled by novelty and a desire to be technologically literate in an increasingly digital world, individuals opt-in for hands-on projects that test and expand their knowledge.
Workshop Question - How might you harness DIY projects to help consumers attain knowledge and build skills?
Trend Themes
1. DIY Entertainment - As digital technology becomes more accessible, individuals are interested in exploring new avenues of creativity through hands-on projects that test and expand their knowledge.
2. AI-powered Movie Platforms - Cutting-edge platforms that allow individuals to create movies using artificial intelligence can disrupt the traditional movie-making industry.
3. Playable DIY Video Games - As digital technology becomes more accessible, playable DIY video games can disrupt the traditional video game industry.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - With the increase of DIY entertainment platforms, businesses in this industry should find ways to incorporate these experiences into their marketing strategies.
2. Artificial Intelligence - The development of AI-powered movie platforms provides disruptive innovation opportunities for businesses in the AI industry to create more advanced and user-friendly software.
3. Video Games - The emergence of DIY video game platforms presents disruptive innovation opportunities for businesses in the video game industry to create more accessible and personalized gaming experiences.
4 Featured, 31 Examples:
48,833 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Jun 20 — Jun 20
Consumer Insight Topics:

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