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Digital Health Trackers

Technology to Monitor Wellbeing

Implications - Many consumers eschew long hospital waiting room lines in favor of digitally monitoring their health on a day-by-day basis. Self-diagnosing continues to rise, and as many individuals lack healthcare, digital health trackers can help novices accurately maintain statistics on their well-being.
Trend Themes
1. Digital Health Tracking - As consumers become more aware and involved in their healthcare, digital health tracking provides an opportunity to accurately maintain statistics on their well-being.
2. Mobile Health Apps - Mobile apps present an opportunity to track and manage health in real-time, offering up the possibility to track heart health, exercise, and even how much money has been saved by walking.
3. Body Metrics Monitoring Devices - Monitoring devices for tracking body metrics such as BMI, weight, organ fat, and muscle mass provide an opportunity for consumers to track their health progress without medical intervention.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare Industry - The healthcare industry can benefit from providing more digital health trackers and promoting the use of mobile health apps for tracking consumption, exercising, and heart rate.
2. Fitness Industry - The fitness industry can take advantage of the opportunity to provide monitoring devices to track body metrics for clients, and introduce further digital products that incorporate customer wellness in day-to-day tracking.
3. Consumer Electronics Industry - The consumer electronics industry can leverage these trends by exploring opportunities with wearable technology and partnering with healthcare providers to embed digital health trackers in everyday technology.
12 Featured, 18 Examples:
203,165 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Oct 07 — Nov 08
Consumer Insight Topics:

Featured Examples

Mobile Apps as Health Trackers
Mobile Apps as Health Trackers
The iPhone Heart Monitor
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Cellular Coach
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Health Management Mobiles
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The Pantech Inhealth Cell Phone
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High-Tech Fat Analysis
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For Senior Citizen Baby Boomers
For Senior Citizen Baby Boomers
Nokia 'Health Guard'
As older people are prone to forgetting their medicine and keeping track of what they should and should not eat, Marcela Kawka and Izabela Cichecka have created the “Health Guard” concept for NOKIA.… MORE
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Interactive Body Fat Trackers
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play_circle_filledSnooze Optimization
Snooze Optimization
SleepTracker Watch
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Calculating Money Saved by Walking
Calculating Money Saved by Walking
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