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Outdoor Network

Routers are designed to cover extensive ground in an outdoor environment

Trend - Companies are developing widespread routers specifically for the outdoors that are able to cover more space with little to no service. Depending on the setup, the systems offer connectivity through WiFi, Ethernet, or cellular service.

Insight - Adventurous consumers who enjoy the outdoors appreciate the disconnect from the world most of the time. However safety and security remain a risk, and consumers often need connectivity in case of emergencies, or to communicate with others. Consumers are ensuring connectivity in the outdoors in a reliable way through products that enhance this for a sense of security.
Workshop Question - How can your products or services expand its accessibility?
Trend Themes
1. Increased Connectivity in Outdoor Settings - Companies are developing widespread routers specifically for the outdoors that are able to cover more space with little to no service.
2. Smart Home Solutions for the Outdoors - Consumers are implementing connected security solutions and outdoor electrical plugs to keep their outdoor areas connected to their main network.
3. Rugged Networking Solutions for Adverse Conditions - Professionals and prosumers are seeking connectivity solutions that can operate in harsh environments, such as the Digi IX20 industrial LTE router.
Industry Implications
1. Wireless Networking Industry - With increased demand and expansion of Wi-Fi solutions outdoors, wireless networking companies can focus on developing highly-customizable outdoor routers.
2. Smart Home Industry - Smart home companies can extend connectivity solutions to outdoor areas through smart plugs and connected security solutions.
3. Industrial Networking Industry - Industries such as construction, oil and gas, and utilities can benefit from rugged networking solutions that can operate in highly adverse conditions.
5 Featured, 39 Examples:
32,484 Total Clicks
Date Range:
Mar 19 — Jul 20
Consumer Insight Topics:

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