Facial PPE-specific sprays counter the negative impacts of habitual mask-wearing
Trend - Sprays for protective face masks are growing in popularity, and include functions that range from sanitizing masks throughout the day to soothing scents and properties that help relax the wearer.
Insight - As consumers around the world are now accustomed to the lifestyle changes they've had to make due to COVID-19, safety is one of their top considerations when leaving the house. The increased focus on personal and public health has led to lifestyle changes that have some negative consequences--like irritation from washing hands or wearing masks. Brands that are able to counter these concerns appeal to consumers taking public health seriously.
Insight - As consumers around the world are now accustomed to the lifestyle changes they've had to make due to COVID-19, safety is one of their top considerations when leaving the house. The increased focus on personal and public health has led to lifestyle changes that have some negative consequences--like irritation from washing hands or wearing masks. Brands that are able to counter these concerns appeal to consumers taking public health seriously.
Workshop Question - How is your brand adjusting to the new consumer habits that have emerged this year?
Trend Themes
1. Skincare Mask Sprays - Sprays that offer skincare benefits are trending as consumers seek to alleviate the negative effects of prolonged mask-wearing, creating opportunities for brands to provide effective mask-relief solutions.
2. Ppe-specific Face Mask Sprays - As the pandemic continues to shape how humans live, work, and interact, face mask sprays that sanitize, revitalize and refresh are trending, satisfying the growing demand for safety and comfort when using PPE.
3. Refreshing Face Mask Sprays - Amid the coronavirus pandemic, refreshing face mask sprays that preserve breathable air with odor-combatting essential oils is a growing trend for consumers looking for a more comfortable and enjoyable experience while wearing their masks.
Industry Implications
1. Skincare Industry - The development of skincare mask sprays provides an opportunity for companies in the skincare industry to expand their product lines and meet consumers' needs for soothing, hydrating, and rejuvenating skin while wearing masks.
2. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Industry - PPE manufacturers can innovate and cater to the growing demand for effective, refreshing, and revitalizing face mask sprays that make the experience of wearing PPE more tolerable and enjoyable.
3. Natural Health and Wellness Industry - The trend of refreshing face mask sprays made from 100% therapeutic grade essential oils creates opportunities for businesses in the natural health and wellness industry to develop and market products that enhance consumers' mood, reduce stress, and improve overall wellness during the pandemic.