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Top 100 Social Good Trends in 2012

From Charitable Enterprises to Eco-Friendly Structures

— January 19, 2013 — Social Good
Social business has become a more commonly known term over the past few years, and these social good trends examine enterprises within this sector.

TOMS shoes is one of the more famous social businesses, but this isn't the only enterprise that has gained traction as of late. Many companies are making social good a part of their business and campaigns.

Architecture, for example, is an area receiving an eco-friendly makeover, as many are realizing the health of our planet will not last forever. Incorporating solar technology into buildings and structures has started to become more of the norm, rather than the exception.

For more in-depth research on the up-and-coming trends in the realm of B Corps, our Social Good Trend Report is perfect for companies looking to further their presence within the humanitarian and environmental communities.
Reinforcing Positive Road Symbols
Reinforcing Positive Road Symbols
'This is a Good Sign' Message Sends Harmony and Relief to Others
Completely Customized Specs
Completely Customized Specs
Indivijual Custom Eyewear is Made Specifically for Your Face
Celebrity Social Campaigns
Celebrity Social Campaigns
The Vivienne Westwood ‘No Place Like Home' Project Does Goo
Charitable Bike Chain Branding
Charitable Bike Chain Branding
KMC Pink Lady Packaging Promotes Two Purchases with One Stroke
Designer Chair Auctions
Designer Chair Auctions
The BIG Chair Project Raises Funds for the Better Food Foundation
Iceland-Inspired Jewelry
Iceland-Inspired Jewelry
The Onyx Feather Collection Sponsors Former Child Soldier Scholarships
Indie Singer Sneakers
Indie Singer Sneakers
The Keep + Bon Iver Shoe is Being Released to Help Support Animals
Serene Bare Skin Yearbooks
Serene Bare Skin Yearbooks
The Naked Muse Calender for 2012 Features Serene Male Captures
Charitable Collaborative Bicycles
Charitable Collaborative Bicycles
The Biascagne Cicli x Riccardo Guasco ForGood Fixie is Pro Bono
Recycled Garbage Couture
Recycled Garbage Couture
Nancy Judd's Recyle Runway Exhibit Makes Trash Chic
Tropical Charitable Fashion
Tropical Charitable Fashion
The H&M for Water Provides Access to Sanitation and Clean Water
Beggar Hood Ornament Ads
Beggar Hood Ornament Ads
The Bucharest City Police Campaign Pleads 'Don't Encourage Begging'
Hollow Cloud Architecture
Hollow Cloud Architecture
The OostCampus Building Asserts to Citizens that the Sky is the Limit
Smiling Poop Toys
Smiling Poop Toys
Flat Bonnie Renders Endearing Toys for Awareness
Exposé Prison Photography
Exposé Prison Photography
Thomas Martin Captures Life in a Burundi Jail
Money-Covering Crises Ads
Money-Covering Crises Ads
The Amnesty International France Campaign Promotes Personal Donations
Toilet Paper Runways
Toilet Paper Runways
The White Cashmere Collection 2012 Fashion with Compassion Show
Wondrous Wildlife Wardrobes
Wondrous Wildlife Wardrobes
'Pandamonium' by WWF is a Collection of Chic World Issue Costumes
Party Drug Charts
Party Drug Charts
This Ecstasy Infograph is Mind-Blowing and Highly Informative
Stand-In Health Insurance Ads
Stand-In Health Insurance Ads
The Mutualite Chretienne Campaign Puts People in the Shoes of Others
Humans As Automobiles
Humans As Automobiles
Artist Emma Hack Creates a Car Out of 17 Men and Women
Controversial Customized Tees
Controversial Customized Tees
Peace, Progress & Pleasure Creates Political Apparel
Collapsing Natural Disaster Entrances
Collapsing Natural Disaster Entrances
The 'Quick-Shelter Door' Can Fold Into a Durable Tent
Fashionable Fowl Abodes
Fashionable Fowl Abodes
Reinhard Hunger Creates Truly Chic Bird Homes
Same-Sex Marriage Films
Same-Sex Marriage Films
The '9 Years Strong' Video Aims to End Gay Marriage Discrimination
Altruistic Street Art
Altruistic Street Art
Fulton’s ‘Forget to Remember’ Examines Gentrification
Blindfolded Victim Ads
Blindfolded Victim Ads
The Instituto Crianca Nosso Futuro Campaign Focuses on False Promises
Generational Difference Charts
Generational Difference Charts
The 'Culture of the Class of 2016' Infographic Shows Changes
Minature Pothole Gardens
Minature Pothole Gardens
Steve Wheen Turns Hazardous Roads Into Flowery Fun
Heart-Shaped Wine Racks
Heart-Shaped Wine Racks
Vino Vitae by Axel Yberg is Made for Cancer Survivors
Blank Visual Branding
Blank Visual Branding
The Andrew Miller 'Brand Spirit' Project Shows All-White Products
Wall-Mounted Wishbone Installations
Wall-Mounted Wishbone Installations
Brood by Kate MccGwire is a Tribute to Slain Chicken
Human Torture Activism Campaigns
Human Torture Activism Campaigns
LUSH Cosmetics Use Humans to Fight Animal Testing
Endangered Animal Covers
Endangered Animal Covers
The Adorable ‘Anicase' iPhone Designs are Eco-Conscious
Defaced Billboard Marketing
Defaced Billboard Marketing
African Angel Scratch Advertising Immediately Gains Donations
Fished Garbage Ads
Fished Garbage Ads
The Surfrider Foundation Campaign Promotes Beach Cleanup Days
Glittering Bokeh Ads
Glittering Bokeh Ads
The Fashion Cares 25th Anniversary Campaign Celebrates a Big Milestone
Chromatic Awareness Ads
Chromatic Awareness Ads
The 'Men In Fight Against Breast Cancer 2012' Campaign is Artfully Hued
Provocative Pistol Photography
Provocative Pistol Photography
'Sons with Guns ' by Hans Proppe Portrays a Shocking Message
Non-Linear Libraries
Non-Linear Libraries
The Sacred Heart Primary School Library by Suters Architects is Inventive
Stylishly Studded Knapsacks
Stylishly Studded Knapsacks
The Copson ST x Eastpack Marries the West Coast With the East
Happy Face Hour-Counters
Happy Face Hour-Counters
Moody Watches Turn Mental Health into the Topic of the Minute
Grammar Gaffe Guides
Grammar Gaffe Guides
This Blue Glass Grammar Infographic Fixes Little Mistakes
Iconic Pet Character Ads
Iconic Pet Character Ads
The HKAAC Animal Adoption Centre Campaign Encourages Experiences
Crashed Plane Sculptures
Crashed Plane Sculptures
Jordan Griska's Grunman Greenhouse Installation Feeds Low Income Families
Bottle Cap Sun Illuminators
Bottle Cap Sun Illuminators
The 'WakaWaka' Solar Lamp Provides a Day of Light on a Single Charge
Archetype-Condemning Ads
Archetype-Condemning Ads
'No One Deserves to Die' Posters Send Complex Message About Lung Cancer
Sensory Learning Graphics
Sensory Learning Graphics
The 'What Type of Learner Are You' Infographic
Passport Stamp Ads
Passport Stamp Ads
The Developing World Connections Campaign Urges International Volunteering
Origami Animal Ads
Origami Animal Ads
The Rexiine House Campaign Asks People to Wear Artificial Fur
Chic Charitable Stuffed Animals
Chic Charitable Stuffed Animals
The Vogue Pudsey Bear Donates Funds to Children in Need
Bold Bullet Beads
Bold Bullet Beads
The Raven + Lily Africa Collection Repurposes Shells into Jewelry
Bird-Friendly Urban Structures
Bird-Friendly Urban Structures
FABRIKAAT Brick Biotopes Reconstruct Architecture Possibilities
Animalistic Assassin-Like Figures
Animalistic Assassin-Like Figures
Yinka Shonibare Creates Sculptures That are Uber Surreal
Slithering School Slides
Slithering School Slides
TUM University Playground Gets Students to Class with One Drop
Dual Face Ads
Dual Face Ads
The 2012 International Day of Peace Campaign is Filled With Illusions
Motivational Scholastic Diagrams
Motivational Scholastic Diagrams
The Illustrative Ph.D Guide Will Get Students in the Game
Blackout Storm Photography
Blackout Storm Photography
Iwan Baan Captures New York After the Storm in This Stiking Series
Billboard-Defiling Doodles
Billboard-Defiling Doodles
The cARTographyTO Street Art Hacks Into Sidewalk Ads
Stress-Free Financial Centers
Stress-Free Financial Centers
State Farm's Next Door Cafe Offers Financial Advice in a Relaxed Way
Homeless Furniture Photography
Homeless Furniture Photography
This James Rasp Series is Thought-Provoking
Background Disaster Photoshoots
Background Disaster Photoshoots
This Bayh and Steff Rosenberger-Ochs Series is Unapologetic
Mutant Fauna Growth
Mutant Fauna Growth
Mutant Weeds and Pharmacy Herbs by Luzinterruptus Emphasize Light Polution
Cylindrical Sandbag Shelters
Cylindrical Sandbag Shelters
Nader Khalili's Temporary Earth Shelters are Cheap and Durable
Transport-Savvy Braille Watches
Transport-Savvy Braille Watches
'Metro Dot' Helps the Visually Impaired Ride the Subway with Ease
Diverted Attention Infographs
Diverted Attention Infographs
The Perils of Multitasking Chart Explains Why Focusing is Key
Whimsical War-Inspired Accessories
Whimsical War-Inspired Accessories
Peace Bronze Fuses Fashion and War Weapons in its Designs
Twirling Waste Sculptures
Twirling Waste Sculptures
'Thrown to the Wind' by Wang Zhiyuan is a Trash-Art Compilation
Ocean Pollution Infographics
Ocean Pollution Infographics
The 'Why People are Eating Their Own Trash' Chart is Shocking
Propaganda Poster Drinking Ads
Propaganda Poster Drinking Ads
The UNICEF Tap Project Campaign Promotes Paying for Tap Water
Dramatic Slum Imagery
Dramatic Slum Imagery
The ‘Dead Traffic’ Series by Kim Thue Captures Freetown
Social Responsibility Charts
Social Responsibility Charts
2012 Social Activism Infographics Shows How Young Folks Can Help
Clever Science Campaigns (UPDATE)
Clever Science Campaigns (UPDATE)
Science World Billboards Teach Funky Facts
Whimsical Mobile Bookshops
Whimsical Mobile Bookshops
The Robi Rolling Library by Linie Zweii Gives Books to the Poor
Phone-Enabled Violence Campaigns
Phone-Enabled Violence Campaigns
Interactive Billboard by NCDV Allows Texters to 'Drag Him Away'
Recycled Bicycle Art Competitions
Recycled Bicycle Art Competitions
The pART PROJECT Makes Use of Discarded Materials
Charitable Holiday Pullovers (UPDATE)
Charitable Holiday Pullovers (UPDATE)
Tipsy Elves Ugly Christmas Sweaters Give Back
Couture Coke Containers
Couture Coke Containers
Coca Cola Tribute to Fashion Raises Money for Earthquake Victims
Former Offender-Made Furniture
Former Offender-Made Furniture
The Marni Chair Collection Helps Re-Socialize Ex-Prisoners
Suicidal Animal Ads
Suicidal Animal Ads
The China Environmental Protection Foundation Campaign Urges Human Help
Heart-Wrenching Canine Portraits
Heart-Wrenching Canine Portraits
Traer Scott Captures the Essence of Shelter Dogs
Interactive Love Installations
Interactive Love Installations
Times Square Heart Sculpture Will Glow & Beat At Your Touch
Monk Robe Fashion
Monk Robe Fashion
The Ksenia Schnaider Spring/Summer 2012 Collection is Religion-Inspired
H2O-Transporting Two-Wheelers
H2O-Transporting Two-Wheelers
Water on Wheels Brings the Life Liquid to Thirsty Towns
Upcycled Vintage Bags
Upcycled Vintage Bags
Peg And Awl Reuses Old Leathers And Reclaimed Wood To Make Their Products
Repurposed Weapon Accessories
Repurposed Weapon Accessories
Fonderie 47's Jewelry is Made Out of AK-47 Rifle Parts
Modern Monastery Remodels
Modern Monastery Remodels
The Sant Francesc Convent Mashes Medieval Architecture with Contemporary
Anime-Inspired Choppers
Anime-Inspired Choppers
The Akiras Kaneda Bike is Rolling Around Japan for Charity
Pandemic-Fighting Backpacks
Pandemic-Fighting Backpacks
These Designers Against Aids 2012 Eastpak Bags are Quirky and Bold
Star Wars Kicks
Star Wars Kicks
The R2D2 Shoes are Perfect Pieces of Droid Footwear
Anti-Advertising Street Art
Anti-Advertising Street Art
The 'Brandalism' Billboards Reclaim UK Outdoor Areas
Minimalist Beauty Branding
Minimalist Beauty Branding
Cure Life Packaging Asserts That Less is More for the Buyer
Trash Bin Pools
Trash Bin Pools
Louisa Dawson Juxtaposes Poverty to Luxury with These Ironic Sculptures
Inside-Out Body Campaigns
Inside-Out Body Campaigns
The National Health Service's Donation Stunt is Bloody Brilliant
Customized Disney Princess Kicks
Customized Disney Princess Kicks
Etsy User 'Creativity in the Making' Hand Paints TOMS Shoes
Tap Water Packaging
Tap Water Packaging
Faucet Face Urges the Reuse of Bottles to Save the Earth and Aid the Thirsty
PET Bottle Lighting
PET Bottle Lighting
The Bubble Chandelier by Souda is a Sparkling Eco-Friendly Orb
Race Re-imagined Damsels
Race Re-imagined Damsels
Racially Altered Disney Princesses Touch on Feminist Issues