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Top 100 Pop Culture Trends of 2014

From Superimposed Butt Cartoons to Punk Princess Illustrations

— January 11, 2015 — Pop Culture
The top 2014 pop culture trends included fairytale realism, nostalgia marketing and satirical social media.

Pop culture pandered to our longing for the past this year, incorporating childhood characters and old-time favorites in a modern context for our delight and amusement. Examples include Instagram accounts for our favorite Disney characters, or Disney Princesses that have been updated with some wearable art in the form of tattoos. Seeing two worlds collide -- the fairytale world of our childhood, and the Internet-saturated world of our present -- forms a curious hybrid that's instantly captivating.

Moreover, pop culture took the opportunity to poke a little fun at the expense of some of our biggest celebrities. We're less likely to revere stars today, and more likely to bring them onto our level with parodized social media accounts and profane Tumblrs.

To stay ahead of the curve in terms of our quickly evolving pop culture, take a look through the Pop Culture Trend Report.
Superimposed Movie Poster Mashups
Superimposed Movie Poster Mashups
Jaemy Choong Blends Human Subjects with Cinematic Ad Imagery
Cartoonized Horror Movie Villains
Cartoonized Horror Movie Villains
Illustrator Travis Falligan Re-Imagines Bad Guys in Scoopy Doo
Custom Facebook Cover Photos
Custom Facebook Cover Photos
Photoshopper Niki Creates Hilarious Images for her Facebook Header
Devastated Soccer Fan Blogs
Devastated Soccer Fan Blogs
Tumblr Site Sad Brazilians Celebrates the Fervor of the World Cup
Swapped Social Media Logos
Swapped Social Media Logos
Fabio Di Corleto Illustrated Popular Web Brands with Swapped Logos
Pop Culture Business Cards
Pop Culture Business Cards
Benedetto Papi and Edoardo Santamato Imagine Icons with Everyday Jobs
Sensually Coupled Editorials
Sensually Coupled Editorials
The Numero Russia March 2014 Issue is Covered by Pat Cleveland
Celebrity Self-Portrait Books
Celebrity Self-Portrait Books
The Kim Kardashian Selfie Book Boasts 352 Pages of Her Face
Feminized Sci-Fi Illustrations
Feminized Sci-Fi Illustrations
These Estela Villas Art Works Transform Iconic Star Wars Characters
Pop Culture Face Paint
Pop Culture Face Paint
Artist Laura Jenkinson's Lip Art Illustrations Reference Cartoon Icons
Mock Celebrity Selfies
Mock Celebrity Selfies
Dan Rubin's 'Phonies' Mock the Selfie Phenomenon with Celeb Faces
Sensualized Male Superheroes
Sensualized Male Superheroes
Brett White Imagines Marvel's Men as Racily Depicted as Their Women
Gothic Frozen Film Adaptations
Gothic Frozen Film Adaptations
Tim Burton Inspired Frozen Illustrations Combine Cinematic Classics
Pop Culture Temporary Tattoos
Pop Culture Temporary Tattoos
TATTOOTATTAA Temporary Tattoos are for Commitment-Phobe Hipsters
Sacrificial Romance Cards
Sacrificial Romance Cards
This Funny Greeting Card Expresses How Far You'll Go for Mr. Right
Brutally Honest App Slogans
Brutally Honest App Slogans
These Hilariously Honest Slogans Get Right to the Point
Fantasy Football Uniforms
Fantasy Football Uniforms
Designer Nerea Palacios' Created These Game of Thrones Nike Jerseys
Cosmetic Celeb Cosplay
Cosmetic Celeb Cosplay
Artist Hikaru Cho Turns Regular Guys into Hollywood Stars Using Makeup
Rival Superhero Illustrations
Rival Superhero Illustrations
Darren Rawlings Illustrates Imaginary 'Marvel vs DC' Scenarios
Parody Princess Tees
Parody Princess Tees
This Disney Frozen T-Shirt Parodies the "Do you Want to Build a Snowman" Line
Flexing Phone Spoofs
Flexing Phone Spoofs
This iPhone 6 Bending Spoof Turns a Flaw into a Best Feature
Trapped Pet Photography
Trapped Pet Photography
The Cats, Dogs and Human Furniture Series Deserves a Good Chuckle
Asianic Protest Editorials
Asianic Protest Editorials
'SHUT DOWN' by Tom Potisit and Marty Angsakul Highlights Social Issues
Comically Honest Slogans (UPDATE)
Comically Honest Slogans (UPDATE)
These New Hilarious Slogans Will Have You Nodding in Agreement
New York Hipster Lookbooks
New York Hipster Lookbooks
The Mishka Spring 2014 Collection is Chic and Grunge
Alter Ego Business Cards
Alter Ego Business Cards
MOO Imagines Square Business Cards for Pop Icons with Double Lives
Animated Disney Selfies
Animated Disney Selfies
Hungry Designs Features Prints of Villains and Princes Posing for Pictures
Hipster-Mocking Posters
Hipster-Mocking Posters
Sad and Useless Created Posters that Poke Fun at Stereotypical Hipsters
Superimposed Butt Cartoons
Superimposed Butt Cartoons
The Homer Kimpson Meme Blends Pop Culture Imagery
Gamer Engagement Rings
Gamer Engagement Rings
The Intendo Ring Makes a Promise From One Nerd to Another
Unflattering Skater Face Photos
Unflattering Skater Face Photos
These Olympic Figure Skaters Were Photographed with Odd Faces
Superheroine Princess Mashups
Superheroine Princess Mashups
This Disney Princes Remake Fuses the Girls with the Avengers
Exotic Jewelry Editorials
Exotic Jewelry Editorials
The Tale of Four Cities by Bikramjit Bose is Romantic and Luxurious
Drug Dealer Love Cards
Drug Dealer Love Cards
Say How You Feel with These Breaking Bad Valentine’s Day Cards
Superhero Pin-Up Illustrations
Superhero Pin-Up Illustrations
Ant Lucia Illustrated Pin-Up Versions of Female Superheroes
Social Media-Integrated Paintings
Social Media-Integrated Paintings
Nastya Ptichek Reimagines Paintings with Social Networking
Mature Child Star Editorials
Mature Child Star Editorials
Elle Fanning Covers Interview Magazine’s May 2014 Issue
Humanized Sea Creature Cartoons
Humanized Sea Creature Cartoons
Spongebob Squarepants and Friends Get a Realistic Makeover
High Society Editorials
High Society Editorials
The Harper’s Bazaar China January 2014 Photoshoot is Luxurious
Teenybopper Disney Makeovers
Teenybopper Disney Makeovers
Blogger Punziella Turns Disney Princesses into High School Students
Modern Disney Makeover Art
Modern Disney Makeover Art
These Disney Princess Redesigns from Sashiiko-Anti Have a Stylish Spin
Aged 90s Cartoons
Aged 90s Cartoons
Isaiah Stephens Illustrates Grown Up Cartoon Characters
Historically Accurate Disney Princesses
Historically Accurate Disney Princesses
The Princess Illustrations are Accurate Portrayals
Realistic Cartoon Characters
Realistic Cartoon Characters
This Realistic Homer Simpson Drawing is a Shocking Sight to Behold
Killer Heels Exhibits
Killer Heels Exhibits
Brooklyn Museum Explores Footwear from the 17th Century to Present Day
Satirical Fantasy Infographics
Satirical Fantasy Infographics
These Game of Thrones Character GIFs Parody the Hit Show
Photoshopped Celebrity Parodies
Photoshopped Celebrity Parodies
These Superimposed Images of Nicholas Cage are Hilarious
Terrifying Cartoon Illustrations
Terrifying Cartoon Illustrations
Dan Luvisi's Cartoon Illustrations Turn Disney Characters Dark
Nerd Convention Stereotypes
Nerd Convention Stereotypes
Dorkly's People You See at Every Nerd Convention is Hilarious
Budget Cosplayer Costumes
Budget Cosplayer Costumes
Lowcostcosplay Makes Intentionally Cheap Cosplay from Household Items
Photoshopped Comedian Paintings
Photoshopped Comedian Paintings
Rodney Pike Hilariously Inserts Mr. Bean into Classical Artworks
Terrifying Childhood Icon Illustrations
Terrifying Childhood Icon Illustrations
Sylvain Sarrailh Makes Dark Cartoon Character Art
Alternate Cartoon Ending Spoofs
Alternate Cartoon Ending Spoofs
'Unhappily Ever After' Disney Characters Get Awful Story Endings
Flamboyant Superhero Mash-Ups
Flamboyant Superhero Mash-Ups
This Superhero Photo Series Features Avengers in Hello Kitty Gear
Creepy Cartoon Memes
Creepy Cartoon Memes
Paddington Bear Gets Classic Horror Movie Makeovers
Bombshell Swimsuit Editorials
Bombshell Swimsuit Editorials
Kate Upton Stars in Vogue UK's June 2014 Issue
Anti-Loneliness Cafes
Anti-Loneliness Cafes
Stuffed Animals in 'Moomin Cafe' Never Let You Dine Alone
Re-Designed Pop Culture Brands
Re-Designed Pop Culture Brands
These Logos Get Re-Worked in Very Unique and Clever Ways
Dangerously Armed Princesses
Dangerously Armed Princesses
These Disney Princesses Illustrations are Fierce and Feminine
Haunted Disney Princesses
Haunted Disney Princesses
Artist Laura Knighton is Inspired by Haunted Mansion Stretch Portraits
Hilarious Selfie Replicas
Hilarious Selfie Replicas
Tindafella Recreates Tinder Profile Pictures
Princess Mugshot Photography
Princess Mugshot Photography
This Fairytale Photo Series is Candid and Sends an Important Message
Modern Villain Makeovers
Modern Villain Makeovers
Jeff Langevin Updates Maleficent’s Look for the 21st Century
Comic Book-Inspired Head Protectors
Comic Book-Inspired Head Protectors
The HD100 Helmet is Made for Vigilante Wannabes
Useless Everyday Object Art
Useless Everyday Object Art
The Uncomfortable Project is Fun, Crafty and Probing
Ex-Lover Text Compilations
Ex-Lover Text Compilations
Texts From Your Ex Has a Laugh at the Expense of Your Former Lover
Political Movie Posters
Political Movie Posters
Poliwood by Saint Hoax Gives Movie Poster Art a Political Spin
Comical Adult Film Photography
Comical Adult Film Photography
This Issue of Useful Photography Focuses on Opening Scenes
Unapproved Disney Characters
Unapproved Disney Characters
Rejected Princesses by Jason Porath Have Unsavory Back Stories
Dramatically Aged Celebrities
Dramatically Aged Celebrities
Mashable Uses Oldify to See How Today's Stars Will Look in 60 Years
Futuristic Beauty Editorials
Futuristic Beauty Editorials
Piotr Stoklosa's Paulina Wyka Image Series Boasts Color Filter Props
Superstar Perfection Mashups
Superstar Perfection Mashups
These Superstar Pictures Show What Perfection Looks Like
Geeky Villain Engagement Rings
Geeky Villain Engagement Rings
This Batman Engagement Ring is Geek Chic
Distorted Beauty Photo Series
Distorted Beauty Photo Series
This Socially Revealing Photo Series Examines Beauty and Self Worth
Digitized Disney Portraits
Digitized Disney Portraits
Gothic-Icecream's Hyperrealistic Art Works Evolve Iconic Characters
Renaissance Princess Recreations
Renaissance Princess Recreations
This Series Turns Disney Character Artwork into Fine Art
Webbed Swimsuit Collections
Webbed Swimsuit Collections
The MIKOH Swimwear 2014 Collection is Bound to Leave Some Tan Lines
Creepy Beauty Editorials
Creepy Beauty Editorials
The Novembre Magazine July 2014 Issue Focuses on Experimental Looks
Murderous High Heels
Murderous High Heels
Designer Nixxi Rose Gives 'Pain is Beauty' a Whole New Meaning
Frightening Childhood Icon Illustrations
Frightening Childhood Icon Illustrations
Sarrailh Draws More Scary Cartoon Characters
Ethnically Swapped Princesses
Ethnically Swapped Princesses
These Disney Character Swaps Flip the Princesses' Nationalities
Disney-Inspired Engagement Rings
Disney-Inspired Engagement Rings
These Disney Engagement Rings are Inspired by the Film Frozen
Disney Prom Dresses
Disney Prom Dresses
This Frozen Prom Dress Mimics the Ice Queen Elsa
Profane Disney Princesses
Profane Disney Princesses
Jose Rodolfo Loaiza Ontiveros Imagines Cartoons in Subversive Situations
Fighter Disney Princesses
Fighter Disney Princesses
This Disney Princess Crossovers Series is Fierce and Unique
Ungroomed Armpit Selfies
Ungroomed Armpit Selfies
Chinese Teens Make Hairy Underarms Popular on Social Media
Abused Princess Ads
Abused Princess Ads
These Battered Disney Ads by Saint Hoax Hope to Put an End to Domestic Abuse
Incestuous Princess Posters
Incestuous Princess Posters
These Abuse Awareness Illustrations by Saint Hoax are Cringe-Inducing
Reality Altering Disney Adaptations
Reality Altering Disney Adaptations
These Alternate Reality Images Show Frozen in a New Light
Modern Disney Selfies
Modern Disney Selfies
Artist Simona Bonafini Imagines Cartoon Characters with Instagram Accounts
Gender Reversed Disney Princesses
Gender Reversed Disney Princesses
These Disney Princesses Do a Gender Switch and Get Made into Men
Intentionally Unattractive Photos
Intentionally Unattractive Photos
Pretty Girls Making Ugly Faces is a Refreshingly Humorous Tumblr
Retouched Disney Princesses
Retouched Disney Princesses
Illustrator Jen Lewis Shows Fans What the Franchise Wanted to Hide
Raw Model Polaroids
Raw Model Polaroids
These Snapshots Showcase Models Before They Were Famous
Gender-Swapped CartoCharacters
Gender-Swapped CartoCharacters
Deviantartist Sakimi Chan Creates Gender-Swapped Disney Characters
Punk Princess Illustrations
Punk Princess Illustrations
Emmanuel Viola Turns Popular Disney Princesses into Tattooed Rebels
Live-Action Disney Posters
Live-Action Disney Posters
Thomas Kurniawan's Remixed Disney Film Art Features A-List Celebs
Disney Princess Cosplays
Disney Princess Cosplays
Ultimate Fans Make Themselves Over to Look Like Favorite Cartoon Heroine
Disney Princess Pin-Ups
Disney Princess Pin-Ups
DeviantART User KittRen Transforms Disney Characters into Sultry Vixens
Disney Dressing Room Depictions
Disney Dressing Room Depictions
Eumenidi Shows What a Princess Dressing Room Would Look Like