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59 Examples of Virtual Reality Headgear

Innovative Hologram Glasses to Augmented Reality Visors

— January 28, 2015 — Tech
In just a couple of years, the market for virtual reality headgear absolutely exploded, surprising consumers with products that they never could have imagined. Leaders in the industry include innovations related to Google Glass and Oculus Rift, stimulating the expansion of hardware and software to create out-of-this-world experiences.

Most significantly, the video gaming industry has benefited from the advancement of augmented reality accessories that make cyber challenges come to life in 3D. Sensors facilitate eye tracking and bodily movements, enabling wearers to view a spectacular digital fantasy around them.

Day-to-day life too has been addressed with virtual reality headgear, visors, eyewear and headsets of all sorts. Users of hi-tech spectacles can see maps overlaid onto natural urban perspectives, and they can read messages and watch videos for some amazing multitasking.
Assembly Line Simulators
Assembly Line Simulators
Chrysler's Virtual Reality Experience Shows How Its Cars Are Made
Augmented Reality Hats
Augmented Reality Hats
Hattrickwear Offers an Alternative to Google Glass
Virtual Reality Internet Browsers
Virtual Reality Internet Browsers
The FireBox Lets Users Immerse Themselves in the Online World
Video-Capturing Eyewear
Video-Capturing Eyewear
The Pivothead Colfax Glasses Can Capture a Variety of Video
3D Assisted Virtual Games
3D Assisted Virtual Games
Blaha’s Diplopia Helps People with 2D Vision See in 3D
Inexpensive Computational Headsets
Inexpensive Computational Headsets
The Samsung Gear VR Innovator Edition is Ready for Action
Blind-Assisting Glasses
Blind-Assisting Glasses
These Glasses Help Visually Impaired People Navigate Their Environment
Inexpensive Augmented Reality Headsets
Inexpensive Augmented Reality Headsets
The Smart Cap Can Be Built Using Easily Available Parts
Transformer-Inspired Reality Simulators
Transformer-Inspired Reality Simulators
The Oculus Rift & Ford Partnership Experiment is 3-D
Danger-Averting Glasses
Danger-Averting Glasses
These Sci-Fi Glasses Block Out Things That Scare You
Virtual Ride Simulators
Virtual Ride Simulators
Kingfisher's Roller Coaster Simulator Took Fans on a Virtual Ride
Video Game-Specialized Treadmills
Video Game-Specialized Treadmills
This Virtual Reality Treadmill Should Be Part of Any Game Room
Augmented Reality Glasses
Augmented Reality Glasses
Meta 1 Overlays the Natural World with Virtual Information
Immersive Abstract Installations
Immersive Abstract Installations
Gareth Pugh Transforms Menswear into a Virtual Reality Experience
AR Tourist Binoculars
AR Tourist Binoculars
Urban Sense is an Innovative and Info-Giving Companion for Sightseers
Virtual Car Chase Games
Virtual Car Chase Games
Nissan's Chase the Thrill Immerses You in an AR Car Chase on Foot
Immersive Virtual Reality Cars
Immersive Virtual Reality Cars
Ford's Immersive Vehicle Environment Generates a 3D Car
People-Powered Motion Simulator
People-Powered Motion Simulator
This 3D Motion Simulator is Controlled by Human 'Actuators'
Virtual Reality Controllers
Virtual Reality Controllers
The Magnum Motion Controller Doesn't Require a Screen
Virtual Guillotine Simulators
Virtual Guillotine Simulators
New Videogame from Oculus Rift Will Make You Lose Your Head
Psychedelic VR Experiences
Psychedelic VR Experiences
Leap Motion's Collider Moves You Through a Tunnel of Colors & Music
Virtual Reality Tablet Tech
Virtual Reality Tablet Tech
The Samsung Gear VR is Powered by Oculus Technology
Search Engine Shades (UPDATED)
Search Engine Shades (UPDATED)
The Updated Google Glass Includes a Single Earbud
Virtual Reality Shopping Aisles
Virtual Reality Shopping Aisles
Tesco Allows Users to Go Shopping in a Virtual Store
Intuitive Tech Glasses
Intuitive Tech Glasses
The Atheer One AR Glasses Serve as a Companion to Android Phones
Virtual Reality Movie Trailers
Virtual Reality Movie Trailers
Google Glass Preview Will Let Users See Trailers Wherever They Are
Innovative Hologram Glasses
Innovative Hologram Glasses
HoloLens Lets You Interact with the Virtual World in Physical Space
Virtual Reality Gaming Headsets
Virtual Reality Gaming Headsets
The Sony Project Morpheus Brings a New Medium to Console Gaming
Futuristic Mixed Reality Headsets
Futuristic Mixed Reality Headsets
The Canon Mixed Reality Set Allows User Manipulation of 3D Space
Virtual Reality Helmets
Virtual Reality Helmets
The Oculus Rift is a Fully Immersive Virtual Reality Headset
Motion-Controlled VR Lightsabers
Motion-Controlled VR Lightsabers
The Sixense STEM Allows People to Channel Their Inner Jedi
Augmented Reality Holograms
Augmented Reality Holograms
Microsoft's Windows Holographic Brings New Dimension to Virtual Worlds
Virtually Conquer Your Fears
Virtually Conquer Your Fears
Play Away Your Phobia
Telepathic Communication Devices
Telepathic Communication Devices
Telepathy Jumper's High-Tech Headgear is Unveiled at CES 2015
Augmented Reality Visors
Augmented Reality Visors
'Skylens' Gives Arline Pilots a High-Definition Heads-Up Display
Starry Simulation Drives
Starry Simulation Drives
Mitsubishi's Virtual Experience Takes Drivers to the Stars
Virtual Boat Sailing Glasses
Virtual Boat Sailing Glasses
The Afterguard HUD Lets Sailors React in Record Time
Misleading Virtual Reality
Misleading Virtual Reality
The Body Transfer Illusion Places People in a Realistic Virtual World
Transparent VR Glasses
Transparent VR Glasses
The Epson Moverio BT-100 Shades are Perfect for Multitaskers
Goggle Smartphone Cases
Goggle Smartphone Cases
vrAse by Louise Bankhead Provides a Virtual Reality Experience
Own Your Own 3D Visor
Own Your Own 3D Visor
Headplay Personal Cinema System
Text Messaging Smart Glasses
Text Messaging Smart Glasses
The Augmented Reality-Enabled Six15 Glasses Debuted at CES 2015
Virtual Designer Glasses
Virtual Designer Glasses
The Made for Glass Collection by DVF Dresses Up Google Glasses
Surreal Gaming Specs
Surreal Gaming Specs
The 'Oculus Rift' Headset Provides an Interactive Experience
Virtual Reality Headsets
Virtual Reality Headsets
The Totem Headset Has Two On-Board Cameras and HDMI Compatibility
Virtual Reality Headsets
Virtual Reality Headsets
The Zeiss VR One Headset is Powered By Your Smartphone
Augmented Reality Helmets
Augmented Reality Helmets
Caputer Labs Unveils an Iron Man-Like Headset at CES 2015
Virtual Reality Games for Pain Treatment
Virtual Reality Games for Pain Treatment
Army Burn Victims Report Less Pain While Playing
Augmented Reality Army Glasses
Augmented Reality Army Glasses
The DARPA Hologram Goggles Make Calling in Air Strikes Easier
Augmented Reality Eyewear
Augmented Reality Eyewear
The ODG Smart Glasses Are Blowing Minds At CES 2015
Mind-Blowing Melon Cases
Mind-Blowing Melon Cases
The Sensic 'SmartGoggles' Debuted at CES 2012
Super Sleek Wireless Headsets
Super Sleek Wireless Headsets
The Telepathy One Enables Efficient Communication at a Distance
Military Augmented Reality Headsets
Military Augmented Reality Headsets
Q-Warrior by BAE Systems Gives Soldiers Iron Man Vision
Nature Walk Simulators
Nature Walk Simulators
Merrell's Virtual Reality Experience Highlights the Beauty of Nature
Virtual Reality iPads
Virtual Reality iPads
AirVR is a Headset That Leverages iOS Retina Hardware
Mini Headset Cinemas
Mini Headset Cinemas
The iPhone Theater by Mike Enayah Scales the Smartphone Screen to Movie Size
Augmented Reality Lenses
Augmented Reality Lenses
Innovega iOptik Contacts Will Let You See Multiple Images
Virtual Reality Horror Films
Virtual Reality Horror Films
With Oculus Rift, You Can Watch a Horror Movie in First-Person
X-Ray Vision Headgear
X-Ray Vision Headgear
The C-Thru Smoke Diving Helmet Helps Firemen Navigate Burning Buildings