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Top 100 Life-Stages Trends of 2014

From Opulent Kids Clubhouses to Elderly Movie Tributes

— January 11, 2015 — Life-Stages
These 2014 life stages trends indicate consumers in different age groups are drastically different and the marketing strategies of brands shifted depending on their target audience. Whether you are marketing to mommies or millennials or babies or baby boomers, these ideas show how differently products are being positioned.

The past year saw a lot of nostalgia, especially when if comes to classic toys. LEGO was introduced in more adult re-creations, such as LEGO strip club sets. Combining old toys with pop culture happened frequently, as evidenced by building block Wrecking Ball ornaments and recreated Rihanna album covers. Seniors also got in on the action, from fashionable grandfather photography to accurate Titanic recreations.

More 2014 life stages trends can be seen in Trend Hunter's 2015 Trend Report, which looks ahead to next year's big ideas.
Advanced Comforting Baby Monitors
Advanced Comforting Baby Monitors
The New HD Baby Monitor by Foscam is Modish and Practical
Cartoonish Packed Meals
Cartoonish Packed Meals
Lunchbox Dad Creates Adorable Lunches for His Two Children
Blast-Off Java Brewers
Blast-Off Java Brewers
The Rocket Fuel Coffee Drip Embodies this Notion of an Energy Jolt
Minimalistic Prom Lookbooks
Minimalistic Prom Lookbooks
The Bloomingdale's 2014 Prom Line Features Hollywood-Glam Dresses
Hilarious Childhood-Mimicking Photography
Hilarious Childhood-Mimicking Photography
The Childhood Recreating Photography is Playful
Elderly Movie Tributes
Elderly Movie Tributes
The Contilia Retirement Group 2014 Calendar Reinterprets Old Hollywood
Shameless Selfie Hashtags
Shameless Selfie Hashtags
'Selfies with Homeless' is an Extremely Disappointing Instagram Fad
Dangling Mobile Libraries
Dangling Mobile Libraries
By The Book Creates the Illusion That Your Hardcover Collection Floats
Surreal Building Blocks Ads
Surreal Building Blocks Ads
The LEGO 2014 Campaign Feeds Off of Kids' Imaginations
Generation Y Disney Makeovers
Generation Y Disney Makeovers
These Iconic Disney Films Were Made Over for Millennials
Minature Smartphone-Enabled Helicoptors
Minature Smartphone-Enabled Helicoptors
The Parrot Mini Drone Flys onto the Scene at CES 2014
Upcycled Shipping Container Dorms
Upcycled Shipping Container Dorms
Mills Junction from Citiq is Made from Old Silos
Monster Alphabet Illustrations
Monster Alphabet Illustrations
Chris Dedinsky’s Monster Illustrations Will Delight Kids
Wizard Board Games
Wizard Board Games
Harry Potter Monopoly Immerses Fans in a Magically Competitive World
Fashionable Grandfather Photography
Fashionable Grandfather Photography
Christina Belchere Photographs Fashionable Grandpas in NYC
Hyperrealistc Animal Plushies
Hyperrealistc Animal Plushies
Lee Cross Designs Incredibly Realistic Baby Stuffed Animals
Heroic Manly Diaper Bags
Heroic Manly Diaper Bags
This Batman Diaper Bag will Save the Day From Any Little Mistakes
Stereotypical Cultural Branding
Stereotypical Cultural Branding
This Hilarious Branding Identity is Attractive and Unique
Female Empowering Dollhouses
Female Empowering Dollhouses
Roominate is an Unconventional Female Empowerment Tool for Girls
Pop-Up Racket Nets
Pop-Up Racket Nets
The Instant Badminton Court Erects Quickly to Prepare for Impromptu Sports
Body Building Babies
Body Building Babies
Photographer Eric Sahrmann Hilariously Depicts Super Strong Children
Tiny Eavestrough Escritoires
Tiny Eavestrough Escritoires
My Small Writing Desk Incorporates Bordering Gutters for Storage
Animalia Electrical Accessories
Animalia Electrical Accessories
Elephant in the Room Brings Playfulness to Dull Interior Features
Nostalgic 80s Rainbow Rooms
Nostalgic 80s Rainbow Rooms
This 'Rainbow Brite' Superfan Turned Her Home into a Prismatic Shrine
Swimming Infant Photography
Swimming Infant Photography
Seth Casteel Captures Babies Learning the Self-Rescue Swim Technique
Minifig Cord Management
Minifig Cord Management
The LEGO Key & Cable Holder is a Geeky Do-It-Yourself Project
Speech Bubble Storage
Speech Bubble Storage
The N=N 01 Shelves Were Inspired by Comic Book Callouts
Boredom Busting Kid Bedrooms
Boredom Busting Kid Bedrooms
The Visualization Artist YURII Turned These Rooms into Havens
Racecar-Inspired Seating
Racecar-Inspired Seating
The Rad Monte Carlo Chair Has You Riding Comfortably Low
Imaginative Children's Sleepers
Imaginative Children's Sleepers
The Tent Cabin Bed by Mathy by Bols Will Ensure They Never Wake Up
Massive Geometric Jungle Gyms
Massive Geometric Jungle Gyms
The Inflatable Jungle Gym Prototype is Bound to Cause Excitement
Tattooed Senior Photography
Tattooed Senior Photography
Reddit User 'clevknife' Captured Photos of Tattooed Seniors
Underwater Maternity Portraits
Underwater Maternity Portraits
These Magical Images Blend The Beauty of Pregnancy & Weightlessness
Treat-Patterned Tubs
Treat-Patterned Tubs
Lucky's Ice Cream Packaging Features Marvellous Motifs of the Dessert Inside
Anime Monster Autos
Anime Monster Autos
Toyota's 2014 Tokyo Toy Show Cars Take the Shape of Pikachu and Fennekin
Interactive Jack-O-Lanterns
Interactive Jack-O-Lanterns
This DIY Halloween Pumpkin Kit Lights Up with Sound
Fairytale Kids Room Decor
Fairytale Kids Room Decor
This Fantasy Coach from Posh Tots is Modeled After Cinderella's Carriage
Recreated LEGO Album Covers
Recreated LEGO Album Covers
Marco Sodano Modeled LEGO Block Albums After Iconic Covers
Surreal Victorian Kid Portraits
Surreal Victorian Kid Portraits
Childhood Lost by Justyna Neryng is Nostalgic and Evocative
Safety-Improving Mobility Aids
Safety-Improving Mobility Aids
The Sentry Scientific Walker is Turning Heads at CES 2014
Rebellious Anti-Prom Dresses
Rebellious Anti-Prom Dresses
The Nasty Gal Dresses for the Anti-Prom Collection are Defiant & Chic
Startup Timing Infographics
Startup Timing Infographics
This Infographic Shows it's Not Too Late to Start Something Successful
Miniature LEGO Figure Photography
Miniature LEGO Figure Photography
The Artist Andrew Whyte Captures One LEGO Photographer in Action
Iconic Cartoon LEGO Collections
Iconic Cartoon LEGO Collections
The Official LEGO Simpsons Minifigures are Finally Here
Anti-App Store Projects
Anti-App Store Projects
The Not on the App Store Project Disproves That 'Theres an App for That'
Mother-Daughter Yoga Photography
Mother-Daughter Yoga Photography
Instructor Laura Kasperzak Adorably Poses with Her Preschooler
Modern Hollywood Muse Barbies
Modern Hollywood Muse Barbies
This Blake Lively Barbie is as Beautiful as the Actress
Edible Chocolate Toys
Edible Chocolate Toys
The Cadbury Choco Fix Encourages Kids to Step Away from Digital Devices
Pop Culture LEGO Portraits
Pop Culture LEGO Portraits
Artist Ochre Jelly Immortalizes Characters in Building Block Sculptures
Modular Evolving Movables
Modular Evolving Movables
The Stokke Steps System Transforms with Your Growing Child
Cheerful Contemporary Schools
Cheerful Contemporary Schools
The Spring Learning Center by Joey Ho Design is Minimalist & Playful
$12 Million Gold Bassinets
$12 Million Gold Bassinets
The Suommo Dodo Egg-Shaped Luxury Bab Crib is Golden
Extravagant Bug-Eyed Playgrounds
Extravagant Bug-Eyed Playgrounds
This New Creative Playground Will Blow Kids Away
Crafty Kid Campers
Crafty Kid Campers
This DIY Cardboard Camper Playhouse Allows Children to Act Like Adults
Cosmic Crescent-Shaped Cribs
Cosmic Crescent-Shaped Cribs
The Cute Baby Crib Just Might Make You Want to Start a Family
Realistic Cartoon Clothing
Realistic Cartoon Clothing
These Comic Book-Inspired Denim Jean Designs Look Entirely Hand Drawn
Mini Capsule Keychains
Mini Capsule Keychains
The CAPSL Keychains Will Keep Your Favorite Little Things Safe
Hot Dad Social Accounts
Hot Dad Social Accounts
DILFs of Disneyland Finds the Best Looking Fathers at Amusement Parks
Design-Centric Toy Bricks (UPDATE)
Design-Centric Toy Bricks (UPDATE)
The LEGO Architecture Set Lets You Make Modern Lofts
Classic Cartoon LEGO Sets
Classic Cartoon LEGO Sets
The Official Simspons LEGO Set Has Finally Been Created
Off-Guard Teen Photography
Off-Guard Teen Photography
This Teen Portraits Photo Series is Candid, Awkward and Interesting
Sophisticated Kids Toys
Sophisticated Kids Toys
The Wood and Aluminum Connect Four Game is a Work of Art
Monstrous Rocking Chairs
Monstrous Rocking Chairs
These Chair Designs are Perfect for Original and Eccentric Children
Child Icon Photography
Child Icon Photography
Photographer Adriana Duque Creates Paint-Like Victorian Images
Toddler-Made Paper Dresses
Toddler-Made Paper Dresses
Fashion by Mayhem is an Adorable Mother and Daughter Project
Narcissistic Syndrome Infographics
Narcissistic Syndrome Infographics
The Selfie Syndrome Infograph Shows Us How Self-Centered We Are
Bathroom Breastfeeding Ads
Bathroom Breastfeeding Ads
A Mock Breastfeeding Ad Campaign Aims to Reduce Societal Stigma
Cozy Infant Seats
Cozy Infant Seats
The Baby Bean Bag Chair is Perfect to Keep Toddlers Comfy and Secure
Handcrafted Modern Slingshots
Handcrafted Modern Slingshots
This Wooden Slingshot Brings High Class Style to the Old School Toy
Bedroom Monster Photography
Bedroom Monster Photography
Terror by Laure Fauvel Shows Children Frightening Imaginary Monsters
DIY Mechanical Playthings
DIY Mechanical Playthings
The Strawbees Toy Kit Targets Aspiring Architects and Engineers
Chic Eco-Friendly Cradles
Chic Eco-Friendly Cradles
A Tree is Planted for Ever Sold Unit of Woodly Baby Cradles
Handy Hydration Watches
Handy Hydration Watches
The th2O Medical Bracelet is a Constant Reminder of Water Consumption
Efficient Nesting Rickshaws
Efficient Nesting Rickshaws
The Lecomotion Urban E-Trike is a Fun and Effective Way Around Town
Underwater Pregnancy Photography
Underwater Pregnancy Photography
These Aquatic Pregnancy Portraits Offer a Beautiful Perspective
Modular Creature Toys
Modular Creature Toys
The Creative Wooden Creature Wooden Toy Kit Makes Real & Imagined Animals
Infant-Accommodating Tables
Infant-Accommodating Tables
The Baby In Table is a Playful an Family-Friendly Hybrid Furnishing
Adorable Fantasy Animal Dolls
Adorable Fantasy Animal Dolls
These Cute Animal Dolls Are Out of This World
Realistic Teen Dolls
Realistic Teen Dolls
Nickolay Lamm's Real Barbie Doll Redefines Beauty
Luxury Baby Carriages
Luxury Baby Carriages
The Aston Martin-Edition Stroller is Engineered to Perfection
Imaginatively Abstract Playgrounds
Imaginatively Abstract Playgrounds
Free Play by Dan Schreibman Feeds Children's Creativity
Monstrous Candy Packaging
Monstrous Candy Packaging
This Candy Packaging Design is Filled with Tricks and Treats
Luxury Baby Boosters
Luxury Baby Boosters
Micuna's Ovo Luxury High Chair is a Special Edition Release
LEGO Strip Club Sets
LEGO Strip Club Sets
Citizen Brick Creates Unofficial Set Called 'Center For The Performing Arts'
Modular Puzzle Furnishings
Modular Puzzle Furnishings
Torafu Architects' Dice Furniture Collection is Designed for Kids
Chromatic Rocker Toys
Chromatic Rocker Toys
The DIY Rainbow Rocker is a Great Way to Get Little Tots Active
Doodled Snack Packaging
Doodled Snack Packaging
J Lally Brand's Bags Integrate Images of Their Contents with Illustrations
Humanized Sea Creature Cartoons
Humanized Sea Creature Cartoons
Spongebob Squarepants and Friends Get a Realistic Makeover
Superhero Storage Systems
Superhero Storage Systems
These Batman Bookshelves Take the Outline of the Character's Famous Icon
Aged 90s Cartoons
Aged 90s Cartoons
Isaiah Stephens Illustrates Grown Up Cartoon Characters
Versatile Kids Furniture
Versatile Kids Furniture
Dot and Cross' Designs Grow as Children Grow in a Beautiful Way
Portable Stair Slides
Portable Stair Slides
The SlideRider Converts Any Staircase into a Playground Staple
DIY Arctic Cardboard Playsets
DIY Arctic Cardboard Playsets
Mr. Printables' Templates Make Cute Recycled Cardboard Toys
Fictional Animal Rockers
Fictional Animal Rockers
The Rocking Tauntaun are Inspired by a Creature from 'Star Wars'
Opulent Kids Clubhouses
Opulent Kids Clubhouses
Lilliput Play Homes Puts a $20,000 Price Tag on Fun
Tranquil Fairytale Treehouses
Tranquil Fairytale Treehouses
This Children's Treehouse by Blue Forest is Magical and Peaceful
Beach-Going Senior Photography
Beach-Going Senior Photography
June Canedo Photographs Bikini-Clad Honeys at the Beach
Whimsical Outdoor Playhouses
Whimsical Outdoor Playhouses
This Playhouse for Kids Takes the Shape of a Giant Dollhouse
Punk Princess Illustrations
Punk Princess Illustrations
Emmanuel Viola Turns Popular Disney Princesses into Tattooed Rebels