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100 Interactive Installations

From Eye-Controlled Lights to Crystal Memory-Themed Curation

— November 14, 2012 — Eco
Interactive installations are works of art that, on their own, are brilliant -- but with the help of the viewers, interactive art becomes something grandeur.

Displays can be viewed from afar, altered as you participate with them or completely be reliant on audience participation. For instance, some light art pieces require people to walk by and cast shadows, while others just need people to walk in, through and around the piece to take it in. Interactive installations encourage the creative process and the idea that art is a collaborative practice. Participants who may normally shy away from interacting are given free reign to do as they please and the results are spectacular.

Interactive installations are meant to be explored, played with and to create an ambiance of fun and excitement. The installations are not to be left alone, but to become a part of an experience for the participant.

Interactive installations come in all shapes and forms and the next time you see one around, join in and be a part of it.
Abandoned Zoo Graffiti Museums
Abandoned Zoo Graffiti Museums
An Italian Zoo Transforms into an Interactive Art Space
Interactive Sensory Websites
Interactive Sensory Websites
Movi Kanti Revo Uses the Motions of Your Body to Navigate the Web
Luminous Gothic Installations
Luminous Gothic Installations
'Ode a la Vie' by Moment Factory Illuminated Sagrada Familia
Colorful Celebratory Illuminations
Colorful Celebratory Illuminations
This Torino Lighting Installation is for Italy's 150 Birthday
Spider Web Installations
Spider Web Installations
Trend Hunter Nikki Taylor Talks Interactive Art
Fiberglass Fauna Displays
Fiberglass Fauna Displays
The United Buddy Bears Line the Bottom of the Eiffel Tower
Living Dome Installations
Living Dome Installations
The Lotus Dome by Studio Roosegaarde Interacts to Appear Alive
Interactive Currency Boutiques
Interactive Currency Boutiques
Special K Tweet Shop Gives You Free Food for a Friendly Post
Heartbeat Symphonies
Heartbeat Symphonies
The Heart Chamber Orchestra Combines Musical Arts and Anatomy
Constellation-Mimicking Projects
Constellation-Mimicking Projects
'Reflecting The Stars' Raises Awareness for Light Pollution
Interactive Collapsing Structures
Interactive Collapsing Structures
The Michael Beitz Folding House Temporarily Teeters
Digit-Created Depictions
Digit-Created Depictions
The 'Fingerings' Series by Judith Ann Braun Uses Fingertips to Paint
Musical Stairs
Musical Stairs
Interactive Art at Sony HQ
Oil Drum Installations
Oil Drum Installations
Qie Zhijie's 'Oil Can Dragon' and 'Cash Cow' Use Tin Trash Bins
Top 7 Designs of 2007
Top 7 Designs of 2007
Brit Insurance Designs of the Year
Carved Cleat Benches
Carved Cleat Benches
Arrival and Departure is a Symbolic Sculptural Installation for Sitting
Flask-Like Public Sculptures
Flask-Like Public Sculptures
Emptyful by Bill Pechet is Both Powerful and Poetic
Luminous Interactive  Displays
Luminous Interactive Displays
The Pablo Gnecco Installation Senses and Responds to Motion
Psychedelic Prismatic Installations
Psychedelic Prismatic Installations
Prisma 1666 is Inspired by the Work of Sir Isaac Newton
Digital Soda Fountains
Digital Soda Fountains
Coca-Cola Cascada Exhibit Offers a 3D Waterfall Experience
Weather-Synced Art Installations
Weather-Synced Art Installations
The Dynamic eCloud Sculpture at San Jose International Airport
Interactive Digital Art
Interactive Digital Art
The Tenori Pop Project is a Cool Community Interface
Crystal Memory-themed Curation
Crystal Memory-themed Curation
The Design Museum Explores Topics of Recollection
Nurtured Yogurt Installations
Nurtured Yogurt Installations
Incubation by Jennifer Rubell Comments on Creation of Art and Food
Digitial Interactive Art
Digitial Interactive Art
FRAMED* 40-Inch Digital Frame Brings Art Forms to Life
Ravetastic Art Buildings
Ravetastic Art Buildings
LED Lights Make Austria's Ars Electronica Bumpin'
Wearable Art Installations
Wearable Art Installations
The Arts Men’s Uno China Portrait Series is Artfully Costumed
Shutter-Shifting Solariums
Shutter-Shifting Solariums
The Transmutation Pavilion is an Eco-Friendly Sight Seeing Spot
Woven Canopy Store Installations
Woven Canopy Store Installations
Ernesto Neto's 'Madness is Part of Life' Oozes Vitality
Biorhythmic Light Shows
Biorhythmic Light Shows
The Sean Montgomery 'Emergence' Translates Heartbeats into Art
Oceanic Video Installations
Oceanic Video Installations
The 1 of 18 Made by Humans Video Loop is Magical
Cookware-Inspired Footwear Art
Cookware-Inspired Footwear Art
Giant Shoes Uses Everyday Products to Make Social Criticisms
Dramatic Drip Installations
Dramatic Drip Installations
'The Journey of a Drop' by Rolf Sachs Captures a Fleeting Sentiment
Eye-Controlled Lights
Eye-Controlled Lights
The Michal Kohút 0, 1 Installation is Illuminating
Interactive Home Installations
Interactive Home Installations
Urban Living Room by Eddy Kaiser and Powerboat Makes Streets Cozy
Playground-Like Pools
Playground-Like Pools
Parco Acque ai Cappuccini by Simone Micheli is Quirky and Cartoonish
Giant Equine Statues
Giant Equine Statues
The Nic Fiddian-Green Horse Head Sculptures are Beautiful
Glow-In-The-Dark Roads
Glow-In-The-Dark Roads
The Smart Highway Makes Driving Safer in the Netherlands
Interactive Interface Installations
Interactive Interface Installations
The Principals Wave Dilfert Engages Through Fluidity of Motion
Musical Note Man Sculptures
Musical Note Man Sculptures
Istanbul Blues by Jaume Plensa Reps Music as a Universal Language
Sound Art Installations
Sound Art Installations
Trend Hunter Kamal Musharbash Talks Artwork That Sings Like the Ocean
Living Carton Sculptures
Living Carton Sculptures
The Great Crate is Made Up of 25,000 Edible Plants
Undulating Nudes Become Spiraling Galaxy
Undulating Nudes Become Spiraling Galaxy
The Calling by Chris Boyd
Interactive Sonic Sculptures
Interactive Sonic Sculptures
The Staalhemel 'Steel Sky' Installation Shows the Power of the Brain
Interactive Art
Interactive Art
Talk to Dead Painters at Seoul's 'Alive Art' Exhibit
Aqua-Activated Light Walls
Aqua-Activated Light Walls
The Water Light Graffiti Wall is a Shining Example of Interactive Art
Moving Interactive Art
Moving Interactive Art
Reactive Sparks by Markus Lerner
Ethereal Oceanic Installations
Ethereal Oceanic Installations
The 'Deep Ocean' Display by External Reference Architects is Serene
Interactive Glowing Globes
Interactive Glowing Globes
The DJ Lights Installation Responds to Body Movement
Interactive Education Graphics
Interactive Education Graphics
Tangrams For Teachers from Walls360 are a Great Learning Tool
Balloon Bridge Installations
Balloon Bridge Installations
The Pont De Singe by Olivier Grossetete Connects Dreams with Reality
Artificial Rainbow Installations
Artificial Rainbow Installations
Gabriel Dawe Focuses His Talents at the Miniartextil Art Exhibit
Interactive Art Appliances
Interactive Art Appliances
The Joseph L Griffiths Drawing Machine Requires Your Participation
Netted Hammock Installations
Netted Hammock Installations
The WHITE Project is Artful and Spatially Interactive
Shrink-Wrapped Interactive Art
Shrink-Wrapped Interactive Art
Lawrence Malstaf Shrink Wraps Volunteers for 'Shrink!'
Holographic Neon Landscapes
Holographic Neon Landscapes
Kelly Richardson Integrates Landscapes and Her Audience
Interactive Multitouch Exhibitions
Interactive Multitouch Exhibitions
'Guten Touch' Blends Tech and Human Interaction
Self-Generating Art Installations
Self-Generating Art Installations
The Stair Scape Cubes is a Human-Powered Electricity Masterpiece
Floating CD Installations
Floating CD Installations
The Waterlilies in Bloom by Bruce Monro Pays Tribute to Longwood Gardens
Technicolor Water Sculptures
Technicolor Water Sculptures
Art Meadow Bath Hause Concept Creates a Dynamic Washroom Environment
Interactive Mood Projections
Interactive Mood Projections
'Disturb Me' by The Popcorn Makers Senses Your Emotions
Interactive Digital Paintings
Interactive Digital Paintings
Still Life by Scott Garner Tumbles When the Frame is Tilted
Blue Snail Installations
Blue Snail Installations
REgeneration by Cracking Art Group Crawls Over the Duomo Cathedral
Climbable Web-Like Structures
Climbable Web-Like Structures
The WHITE Gallery Installation by Studio 400 is a Neat Project
Interactive Thunderstorm Installations
Interactive Thunderstorm Installations
The Symphony in D Minor Exhibit Simulates Rough Weather
Magical Downpour Installations
Magical Downpour Installations
Enjoy the Rain and Stay Dry in the rAndom International Rain Room
Retro Arcade Art Installations
Retro Arcade Art Installations
The 3D Ms. Pac-Man Display is Interactive and Fun
Interactive Light Installations
Interactive Light Installations
'Light Form' Interactive Landscape by Mathieu Rivier is Riveting
Human Shadow Sculptures (UPDATE)
Human Shadow Sculptures (UPDATE)
Nihilistic Optimism Shadow Art is Made From Junk Heaps
Illuminating App-Controlled Decals
Illuminating App-Controlled Decals
Wallbrights Provide Customizable Illumination and Decoration
Snowy Plastic Cup Installations
Snowy Plastic Cup Installations
Tara Donavan Creates a Surreal Landscape Out of a Common Object
Illuminated Wire Structures
Illuminated Wire Structures
Cedric Verdure's 'Les Gardien Du Tresor' Lights Up Nuit Blanche Paris
Interactive Art Installations
Interactive Art Installations
The 'Love from Mount Pom Pom' Exhibit by Misaki Kawai is Touchable
Interactive Pixel Installations
Interactive Pixel Installations
'IRIS' by HYBE Studio Imitates the Movement of Visitors
3d Yarn Installations
3d Yarn Installations
Alyson Shotz's 'Sine' Exhibit is Made of a Elaborate String Patterns
Interactive USB Installations
Interactive USB Installations
Aram Bartholl's 'Dead Drops' is a Peer-to-Peer Sharing System
Whimsical Balloon Installations
Whimsical Balloon Installations
The William Forsythe 'Scattered Crowd' Exhibit is Breathtaking
Glow Worm Installations
Glow Worm Installations
The Mode:Lina Audiochmura Project Is a Cloud of Soothing Sounds
CD Vortex Installations
CD Vortex Installations
Event Horizon by Leticia Bajuyo is a Glimmering Worm Hole Installation
Interactive Origami Installations
Interactive Origami Installations
'Anything Can Break' Explores Geometric and Organic Forms
Freestanding Bamboo Art
Freestanding Bamboo Art
Kizuna: West Meets East Showcases Stephen Talasnik and Tetsunoir Kawana
Art Coincides With Your Mood
Art Coincides With Your Mood
MoodSpace by Interactive Art
Pvc Performance Art
Pvc Performance Art
Victorine Muller Stands Within Her Clear Structures
Portral-Like Light Installations
Portral-Like Light Installations
Y by Carsten Holler is Inspired by 'Mein Name sei Gantenbein'
Public Interactive Art
Public Interactive Art
Liquid Space 2.1
Animalistic Wooden Slat Sculptures
Animalistic Wooden Slat Sculptures
Gabor Miklos Szoke Creates Wild Large-Scale Installations
Interactive 3D Artwork
Interactive 3D Artwork
The Magic Art Special Exhibit Encourages Playful Antics
Connect-the-Dots Campaigns
Connect-the-Dots Campaigns
The Jessie Ware 'Devotion' Billboard is Artistically Interactive
Minimalist Infinite Installations
Minimalist Infinite Installations
Unidisplay by Carsten Nicolai Has Guests Gazing Into Infinity
Luminary Weather Artwork
Luminary Weather Artwork
The Caitlan r.c. Brown CLOUD Installation is a Public Night Light
Walkable Rollercoasters
Walkable Rollercoasters
'Tiger & Turtle -- Magic Mountain' is Interactive
Marine Invertebrate Installations
Marine Invertebrate Installations
Jelly Swarm by Tangible Interaction Teaches About the Sea
Optical Illusion Walk-Throughs
Optical Illusion Walk-Throughs
The Trillusion Installation by Boris Banozic is Visually Intriguing
Responsive Light Installations
Responsive Light Installations
The Cinimod Studio Tunnel Boasts Interactive Illumination
Illuminated Landscape Installations
Illuminated Landscape Installations
Starry Night by Lee Eunyeol Expresses Private Outdoor Spaces
Interactive LED Art
Interactive LED Art
Super Nature Transforms Movement into a Light Show
Underwater-Simulating Installations
Underwater-Simulating Installations
Aquatic Colors Focuses on a Breathtaking Bloom of Jellyfish
Shape-Shifting Installations
Shape-Shifting Installations
Peter Kogler Creates Interactive Art That Plays with Perception
Massive Balloon-Filled Rooms
Massive Balloon-Filled Rooms
The Half the Air in a Given Space Installation is Utterly Playful