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59 Educational Facebook Charts

From Facebook Psychology to Social Media Comparisons

— February 20, 2013 — Art & Design
If used correctly, Facebook can be great for more than just making friends and sharing exciting life events. It can also be used as a wonderful business tool.

Since the popularity of Facebook, business savvy individuals have mastered and re-mastered efficient techniques in getting customers engaged in a company through clever Facebook campaigns. These have become so successful that Facebook has become a major part in the success of a variety of different companies.

With the rise of these helpful Facebook infographics come those that compare to other forms of social media and others that claim that Facebook is just a waste of time.

In the end, Facebook's success is completely dependent on many different factors including what kind of company is hoping to use Facebook to what its target market is.
Ousting Social Media Rankings
Ousting Social Media Rankings
What's the Next Facebook Infographic Scores the Top Competitors
Guarded Online Networker Charts
Guarded Online Networker Charts
The 'Lives of Social Networking Site Users' Infographic is Wary
Social Network Shopping Rewards
Social Network Shopping Rewards
Plink Integrates Facebook Credits and Real-Life Purchases
Product Review Matchmaking
Product Review Matchmaking
Needle Helps Brands Find the Best Product Experts to Help Customers
Top Social Cities Infographics
Top Social Cities Infographics
The Radius Chart Displays Where Media Savvy Businesses are Located
Online Identity-Enhancing Infographics
Online Identity-Enhancing Infographics
The 'Growing Your Social Media Presence' Chart Helps
Break Benefit Charts
Break Benefit Charts
'The Case for Facebook' Makes a Strong Argument
Social Site Comparison Charts
Social Site Comparison Charts
The 'Google+ vs Facebook' Infographic Reveals the True Winner
Networker-Arranging Graphs
Networker-Arranging Graphs
The ‘6 Types of Social Media Personas’ Chart
Facebook Founder Worth Speculations
Facebook Founder Worth Speculations
The 'How Rich is Mark Zuckerberg' Infographic is Enlightening
Navigational Social Media Shortcuts
Navigational Social Media Shortcuts
The Facebook Cheat Sheet Displays All of the Website's Secrets
Education Comparison Charts
Education Comparison Charts
The Ivy League Facebook-Off Infographic Rates Post-Secondary Schools
Timing Blog Posts Infographics
Timing Blog Posts Infographics
The ‘KISSmetrics’ Chart Explains When It’s Optima
Check-In Popularity Charts
Check-In Popularity Charts
The Facebook Social Landmarks Infographic is Worldly
Online Engagement Infographics
Online Engagement Infographics
SocialBaker Displays Most Engaging Brands on Facebook
Gendered Social Media Infographics
Gendered Social Media Infographics
The Jumpthru Study Shows that Females Favor Pinterest and Blogs
Phony Social Media Accounts
Phony Social Media Accounts
The 'Fakebook: The Rise of Bogus Users in Facebook' Infographic
Medium-Determining Charts
Medium-Determining Charts
The 'Which Social Network Should You Use' Infographic Compares Websites
Social Media Advertising Graphics
Social Media Advertising Graphics
The ‘Facebook: Dissecting the Ad Giant’ Infograph is
Virtual Shopaholic Stats
Virtual Shopaholic Stats
The 'Social Media Makes The Sale' Infographic Gets Serious
Social Media Companion Stats
Social Media Companion Stats
The 'Facebook Friend' Infographic is Intriguing
Compelling Career Charts
Compelling Career Charts
‘What Does Social Media Success Mean to Your Business?’ Show
Privacy Protecting Graphs
Privacy Protecting Graphs
The Social Network 'Bill Of Rights' Defends Users
Networking Sites Statistics
Networking Sites Statistics
The 'State of Social Media 2012' Infographic Follows This Year So Far
Timed Social Media Interactions
Timed Social Media Interactions
The 'When Should I Post This?' Chart is on Twitter and Facebook
Social Media Gender Infographics
Social Media Gender Infographics
The 'Information is Beautiful' Chart Shows Women are High Users
Social Media Marketing Infographics
Social Media Marketing Infographics
How the Facebook Graph Search Tool Will Impact Online Ads
Frenemy Social Media Stats
Frenemy Social Media Stats
The 'Why Do Facebook Users?' Graph Answers Queries of Sleepless Nights
Social Media Dependency Charts
Social Media Dependency Charts
The 'Facebook Addiction: Fact or Fad?' Chart is Alarming
Facebook Etiquette Tips
Facebook Etiquette Tips
Social Media Citation Teaches Proper Social Networking
Facebook Statistics Infographics
Facebook Statistics Infographics
The 'Malcolm York' Chart Explains Social Media User Engagement
Social Media Gender Infographics
Social Media Gender Infographics
This Mashable 'Men vs. Women' Study Compares Genders
Demographic Separated Social Media
Demographic Separated Social Media
The 'Who Likes What' Infographic is an Interesting Divide
Boomer Social Media Infographics
Boomer Social Media Infographics
The 'Parental Discretion Advised' Infographic is Surprising
Social Media Cheat Sheets
Social Media Cheat Sheets
The Facebook Wall Post Cheat Sheet Infographic Gives View Pointers
Social Networking Stats
Social Networking Stats
'An Average Day on Facebook' Shows the Number Behind the Popular Site
Combating Social Media Sites
Combating Social Media Sites
Google + vs Facebook Infographic Compares the Battling Powerhouses
Social Media-Deprived Charts
Social Media-Deprived Charts
The 'A World Without Facebook' Infographic Illuminates Social Shifts
Social Media Personality Illustrations
Social Media Personality Illustrations
Which of These Faces of Facebook Fans Are You?
Social Media Comparison Charts
Social Media Comparison Charts
The 'Facebook IPO: Can it Beat Google?' Infographic is Informative
Indecisive Networking Choices
Indecisive Networking Choices
The Social Network Decision Tree Will Help You Pick the Right Site
Scientific Socializing Infographics
Scientific Socializing Infographics
The Psychology of Social Networking Chart is Fascinating
Social Network Lifeline Charts
Social Network Lifeline Charts
'The Evolution of Facebook Features' Infographic Shows Many Faces
Social Media Student Facts
Social Media Student Facts
'The Truth About Facebook and Grades' Infographic Lifts Myths
Innocent Image Infographics
Innocent Image Infographics
The Pixable 'Life of a Facebook Photo' Charts Online Adventures
Facebook Love Charts
Facebook Love Charts
The Relationship Status Update Infographic is Set to Swoon
Evolution of Socializing Stats
Evolution of Socializing Stats
Fascinating Facts About Facebook Graph Exposes Marketing Tactics
Social Media Network Infographics
Social Media Network Infographics
John Lanigan Shows How Visuals are Prevailing Online
Sappy Social Networking Graphs
Sappy Social Networking Graphs
'How Facebook Affects You and Your Relationships' Breaks it Down
Social Media Story Charts
Social Media Story Charts
The Amstel Light Facebook Life Infographic Provides a Timeline
Fueding Social Network Facts
Fueding Social Network Facts
The Rise of Google Plus Infographic Charts Parallels it to Facebook
Psychological Social Media Infographics
Psychological Social Media Infographics
Is Our Addiction to Facebook Effecting Our Psychology?
Social Network Evolution Art
Social Network Evolution Art
The Facebook Infographic is a Business Blueprint
Social Media Comparison Infographics
Social Media Comparison Infographics Compares Statistics of Major Websites
Facebook Employment Stats
Facebook Employment Stats
The 'Job Screening with Social Networking' Infographic Stuns All
Over-Sharing on Social Media
Over-Sharing on Social Media
The 'Are We Sharing Too Much Online?' Infographic Assesses Privacy
Picture-Perfect Infographics
Picture-Perfect Infographics
The Big Picture of Facebook Profile Photos Examines Your Photo Love
Social Network Stats
Social Network Stats
The Facebook 2012 Infographic is an Update on the Leading Online Community
Facebook Friend Infographics
Facebook Friend Infographics
'10 Types of Facebook Friends From Highschool' is a Hilarious Parody