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45 Anti-Texting and Driving Campaigns

From Texting Prevention Phone Apps to Deathly Emoticon Ads

— January 29, 2014 — Autos
These anti-texting and driving campaigns tackle a whole realm of issues that relate to distracted driving, from snapping photos to answering phones and looking at push notifications.

The printed ad campaigns from Volkswagen, Fiat and Toyota are examples of different approaches to getting a grim message across to youth, either with graphic images of wrecked cars, or emoticons and typography to play up the texting theme.

One of the easiest ways to cut down on the temptation of texting or using a phone while in the car is just to stop using it all together when you’re behind the wheel. This can be a challenge, but there are helpful aids to enforce the habit, like Samsung’s Eyes on the Road app. For an even more lo-tech approach, the Red Thumb Reminder is an initiative that encourages drivers to paint one of their thumbnails red, which forces them to be mindful and think twice when they pick up a phone in the car.
Vehicular Desks
Vehicular Desks
The Armadillo Notext Desk by D2D is Convenient
Crash-Preventing Droid Docks
Crash-Preventing Droid Docks
The Aura Smartphone Car Dock Makes Using Your Phone on the Road Safer
SMS-Friendly Highway Stops
SMS-Friendly Highway Stops
New York Texting Zones Give Distracted Drivers a Safe Place to Go
Distraction-Removing Driving Apps
Distraction-Removing Driving Apps
Samsung's Eyes on the Road App Blocks Incoming Calls & Messages
Texting Prevention Phone Apps
Texting Prevention Phone Apps
Eyes on the Road Phone App Stops Texting and Driving
Road Sign Text Ads
Road Sign Text Ads
The Cepia Campaign Urges People to Drive Carefully and Live Longer
Sappy Safe-Driving Ads
Sappy Safe-Driving Ads
Ronin Advertising Group Releases a Commercial That Might Make You Cry
Texting Cabby Apps
Texting Cabby Apps
Uber Cab Lets You Order a Chauffeured Car Straight from Your Cell Phone
Phone-Disabling Devices
Phone-Disabling Devices
Scosche cellCONTROL Ensures Safe Driving All the Time
Comedic Texting PSAs
Comedic Texting PSAs
The Jane Lynch 'Text Ed' Videos Highlight the Dangers of SMSing
Anti-Text Driving Apps
Anti-Text Driving Apps
DriveSmart Plus Prevents Texting From Cars in Motion
Distracted Driving Stats
Distracted Driving Stats
This Texting and Driving Infographic is Alarming
Reckless Driving Road Tests
Reckless Driving Road Tests
Responsible Young Drivers Shows the Dangers of Texting and Driving
Crowdsourced Car Crash Installations
Crowdsourced Car Crash Installations
The Crush The Speed Campaign Promotes Safe Driving in Moscow
Terrifying Text Tales
Terrifying Text Tales
'The Last Text' Campaign Urges Teens to Stop Texting While Driving
Dangerously Driven Ads
Dangerously Driven Ads
Road Safety Trust 'Distracted Brains' Campaign Cleverly Obstructs Your View
Mobile-Disabling Auto Devices
Mobile-Disabling Auto Devices
'cellCONTROL' Eliminates Phone Use for a Safer Drive
Automated Texting Apps
Automated Texting Apps
The Android ‘On the Move' Widget Will Keep You Safe on the Road
Cellular Steering Wheel Ads
Cellular Steering Wheel Ads
Irish Authorities Launch a Road Safety Campaign Aimed at Texting
Emoticon Flower Arrangements
Emoticon Flower Arrangements
FocusDriven.Org Tries to Raise Texting and Driving Awareness
Anti-Texting and Driving Gadgets
Anti-Texting and Driving Gadgets
Key2SafeDriving Prevents Text Messaging on the Road
Mixed-Messaging Car Ads
Mixed-Messaging Car Ads
The Volkswagen Original Parts Commercial Does Not Take Alternatives
Erotic Texting Ads
Erotic Texting Ads
The Alberta Office of Traffic Safety Campaign Shows 'Crotches Kill'
Engraved Text Ads
Engraved Text Ads
The Fiat Linea's 'SMS' Campaign Reminds You to Keep Your Eyes on the Road
Automatic Car Secretaries
Automatic Car Secretaries
DriveAssist Intercepts Texts and Calls While Driving
Anti-SMS Driving Campaigns
Anti-SMS Driving Campaigns
AT&T 'No Text on Board' Pledge Asks You to Stop Texting and Driving
Helpful Texting Narration
Helpful Texting Narration
Drive Will Read Your Email and Texts to You In Real-Time
Disguised Driver Safety PSAs
Disguised Driver Safety PSAs
Zurich Beer Draws Driving Comparisons in Its Texting and Driving Ad
Morbid Message Ads
Morbid Message Ads
The Metuna Don't Text and Drive Campaign is Shockingly Nonchalant
Anti-Texting Ads
Anti-Texting Ads
The 'Liberty Mutual: Dnt Txt & Drv' Ad Campaigns are Shockingly Simple
Shattered Bloody Ads
Shattered Bloody Ads
Don't Text and Drive Billboard is a Gruesome Warning on the Roads
Text Messaging Induced Crashes
Text Messaging Induced Crashes
British Teen Imprisoned
Nail-Painting Awareness Projects
Nail-Painting Awareness Projects
The Red Thumb Reminder Halts Texting & Driving with a Finger
Autocorrect Automobile Safety Ads
Autocorrect Automobile Safety Ads
Volkswagen's 'Don't Text and Drive' Ads Give a Relatable Message
Deathly Emoticon Ads
Deathly Emoticon Ads
The Brake Don't Text and Drive Campaign Sends a Morbid Message
Typography Auto Ads
Typography Auto Ads
Mercedes-Benz Pre-Safe Brake Warns You Not to Text and Drive
Traumatized Typography Texting Ads
Traumatized Typography Texting Ads
The MINI Word Blocker App Campaign Promotes Safe Driving
Typographic Accident Ads
Typographic Accident Ads
This Texting and Driving Campaign Hides Danger Within Oversized Letters
Insta-Wreckage Auto Ads
Insta-Wreckage Auto Ads
Toyota's 'Don't Shoot and Drive' Instagram Ad Puts Filters on Wrecks
Steering Wheel Desks
Steering Wheel Desks
Mobile Office Desks Advises to Be Used Only While Parked
Disturbing Emoticon Driving Ads
Disturbing Emoticon Driving Ads
The Stop Accidents Campaign Urges People to 'Don't Text and Drive'
Gruesome Shockvertising
Gruesome Shockvertising
A Texting While Driving PSA Shows Horrific Realism
Last Words Safety Ads
Last Words Safety Ads
The Fiat DNT TXT AND DRV Campaign is Inspired by Historical Figures
Social Media Street Sign Ads
Social Media Street Sign Ads
A Safe Driving Campaign Incorporates Social Media Icons with Signs
Punch-Worthy Car Crash Ads
Punch-Worthy Car Crash Ads
The Ecovia Don't Text and Drive Campaign Pleads 'Stop the Violence'