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40 Examples of Gamified Activities

Gamification is Implemented to Make Completing a Task Fun

— July 16, 2015 — Lifestyle
Finishing daily actions like taking out the garbage, making steps to reduce one's carbon footprint, working out, remembering to take medication and doing homework may bring a small sense of satisfaction, but gamification is now being used to make completing a task feel even more fulfilling.

A number of brands are tapping into gamification to boost engagement and create positive associations with a product or service. For instance, Volkswagen did this with a test drive for the Volkswagen Polo that had people racing around the city in a vehicular game of Marco Polo. Similarly, people looking to attend the Primavera Sound music festival were sent on a video game hunt to discover the music festival's lineup.

Since communication is another important part of daily life, apps like 'PicSlam' and 'Let' turn traditional sharing on social media into gaming experiences, where users are challenged to a competition of sharing the best content, or quizzed on content that comes from others.

By applying game mechanics and game design techniques to a range of activities, the average person feels compelled to succeed and be recognized for their actions.
Gamified Music Services
Gamified Music Services
This Platform Promotes Each Artist's Album as an Individual App
Gamified Travel Workout Apps
Gamified Travel Workout Apps
The Burn The Miles App Combines Work Travelling and Exercise
Gamified Social Apps
Gamified Social Apps
PicSlam Turns Instagram Posts from Friends into a Photo Quiz Game
Entertaining Air Purifiers
Entertaining Air Purifiers
HERO is a Gamified Wearable Air Purification System
Calorie-Burning VR Experiences
Calorie-Burning VR Experiences
The VirZOOM 'VZFit' System Keeps You Entertained During Workouts
Gamified Math Apps
Gamified Math Apps
The 1+Math App Gamifies Learning to Improve School Test Scores
Gamified Interview Apps
Gamified Interview Apps
The 'Codetoki' Platform Helps Find IT Talent with Digital Interviews
Gamified Festival Apps
Gamified Festival Apps
The Primavera Sound App Announces Its Music Festival Lineup Through Play
Gamified Cleanup Events
Gamified Cleanup Events
Pokemon Go is Hosting a Garbage Collection Event for Earth Day
Digital Collector Apps
Digital Collector Apps
'Quidd' Helps Users Acquire Digital Collectibles Like GIFs & Stickers
Gamified Coupon-Clipping Apps
Gamified Coupon-Clipping Apps
'Fetch Rewards' Digitizes Deal-Hunting at Grocery Stores
Gamified Pickup Line Apps
Gamified Pickup Line Apps
The 'Get Le Girl' Pickup Lines App Pits Guys Against One Another
Opioid Relapse Apps
Opioid Relapse Apps
The ResQ App Gamifies Addiction Control to Help Former Users Succeed
Gamified Necktie Apps
Gamified Necktie Apps
Hermes' Tie Break App for Men Combines Gaming and Fashion
Cash-Earning Exercise Apps
Cash-Earning Exercise Apps
The Pact App Pays People to Lead Healthier Lifestyles
Exam Preparation Game Apps
Exam Preparation Game Apps
The High School Story App Makes SAT Prep Less Stressful for Students
Fitness-Encouraging Games
Fitness-Encouraging Games
The Zombie Game Gets People Healthy While Lowering Insurance Costs
Interactive Paper Cups
Interactive Paper Cups
Dixie Cup's Kid-Friendly Designs Offer AR Games Through the Blippar App
Gamified Disease Management Apps
Gamified Disease Management Apps
A Free Diabetes App Turns the Disease Into a Tameable Monster
Gamified Event Photography Apps
Gamified Event Photography Apps
Dudr is a Social Photo App That Lets Groups Share Images as a Game
Gamified Focus Apps
Gamified Focus Apps
The Hatch App Rewards Users for Staying Off Their Phones
Gamified Bottle Openers
Gamified Bottle Openers
The 'Slap Cap' Pops Bottles and Lets You Play with the Caps
Gamified Eco Apps
Gamified Eco Apps
The Oroeco App and Climate Change Game Gets You to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
Rewarding Digital Detox Apps
Rewarding Digital Detox Apps
The Lilspace App Awards Your Community for Offline Hours
Gamified Retail Apps
Gamified Retail Apps
'Gravy Live' Uses an 'HQ Trivia' Format to Help Brands Sell Products
Gamified Cigarette Holders
Gamified Cigarette Holders
This Device Helps Users Quit Smoking by Tracking Their Nicotine Intake
Gamified Social Networks
Gamified Social Networks
The 'Let' Social Network Challenges Users to Post Their Best Content
Gamified Payment Apps
Gamified Payment Apps
The LevelUp App Lets You Pay and Gain Store Credits with Experience Points
Workout-Converting Game Rewards
Workout-Converting Game Rewards
This Gamified Fitness App Offers In-Game Bonuses for Exercise
Connected Gamified Piggy Banks
Connected Gamified Piggy Banks
The 'GoSave' Smart Piggy Banks Make Saving Money Fun for Kids
Gamified Test Drives
Gamified Test Drives
Volkswagen's Fun Test Drive Challenges People in a City-Wide Game
Gamified Pollution Apps
Gamified Pollution Apps
Helene Ly's Air Quality Game Helps You Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
Gamified Pizza Boxes
Gamified Pizza Boxes
This Scannable Pizza Hut Box Shares an Augmented Reality Beanbag Game
Gamified Productivity Apps
Gamified Productivity Apps
The QUEST App Promises to Help 'Level Up Your Life'
Gamified Lung Exercise Apps
Gamified Lung Exercise Apps
Alvio is a Respiratory App That Helps Kids with Asthma Breathe
Gamified Medication Apps
Gamified Medication Apps
Prescription Rewards App Encourages Patients to Keep On Top of Their Meds
Encouraging Water Bottles
Encouraging Water Bottles
'Gululu Go' Talks to Kids and Motivates Them to Drink Water
Gamified Cooking Books
Gamified Cooking Books
Jenn Sandercock's Cookbook Boasts Highly Engaging Edible Games
Gamified Training Activities
Gamified Training Activities
SmartFit's Programming Trains Both the Brain and the Body
Gamified Garbage Disposals
Gamified Garbage Disposals
This Augmented Reality Trash Can Turns Garbage Into Multimedia Tetris