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100 Side-Splitting Spoof Videos

From Sci-Fi Spoof Ads to Hit TV Reunion Parodies

— February 16, 2014 — Pop Culture
The Internet is a great place to look for endless sources of information as well as multiple knee-slapping spoof videos.

Spoof videos are a pop culture phenomenon. They are a simple remake of an actual video with known or unknown actors and/or actresses reenacting a serious situation in a more hilarious demeanor. These tummy-rumbling videos cover all bases from ridiculous rap music videos to political debates. Internet fan favorites like the medieval comedy spoof takes two hit shows of opposite genres and brings them together for an ultra funny remake. The Internet can sometimes be an intimidating place but these perfect parodies make it a little more welcoming.

Spoof videos have taken over the more serious side of pop culture and turned it into comedy central.
Hit TV Reunion Spoofs
Hit TV Reunion Spoofs
The Ellen Show Creates a Mini Friends Cast Get-Together in a Hilarious Video
Newscaster Spoof Songs
Newscaster Spoof Songs
Jimmy Fallon & Brian Williams Make the U.S. Financial Cliff Into a Slow Jam
Viral Instructional Video Spoofs
Viral Instructional Video Spoofs
John McAfee Discusses Anti-Virus Removal in a Humorous Production
Remote-Controlled Action Flicks
Remote-Controlled Action Flicks
The R/C Fast & Furious 6 Trailer Playfully Spoofs the Series
Cranky Critical Spoof Trailers
Cranky Critical Spoof Trailers
The Screen Junkies Set Their Sights on the Latest Indiana Jones
Funny Photo-Taking Spoofs
Funny Photo-Taking Spoofs
Turn Your Phone Hilariously Reminds People How to Take a Good Picture
Boy Band Spoof Pieces
Boy Band Spoof Pieces
This One Direction Parody Song is Made for Grown-up Teenage Girls
Superhero Holiday Spoofs
Superhero Holiday Spoofs
This Batman Christmas Video Re-Imagines Holiday Classics
Hilarious Gender TV Spoofs
Hilarious Gender TV Spoofs
The 'Boys' Trailer Parodies HBO's 'Girls' to Spectacular Results
Holiday Interrogation Spoofs
Holiday Interrogation Spoofs
24's Jack Bauer Makes Santa's Naughty List
Golden Girl Video Spoofs
Golden Girl Video Spoofs
The Betty White Wrecking Ball Commercial is Bang On
Dramatic Internet Movie Spoofs
Dramatic Internet Movie Spoofs
The Trailer for 'The Video Website' Pokes Fun at the Facebook Film
Touchy Twitter Parodies
Touchy Twitter Parodies
Josh Grobin Spoofs Kanye West With ‘Tweet Album'
Hairless Dude Spoofs
Hairless Dude Spoofs
The ‘Wig From My Own Hair’ Prank is Hilarious
Reactive Pop Ballad Parodies
Reactive Pop Ballad Parodies
The Wrecking Ball Chatroulette Parody Elicits Hilarious Responses
Kid-Friendly Pop Covers
Kid-Friendly Pop Covers
The 'Share it Maybe' Sesame Street Parody is Hilarious
Hilarious Lost Shopper Parodies
Hilarious Lost Shopper Parodies
This Gravity Parody Was Set in Ikea and is Just as Dramatic
Hilarious Television Drama Spoofs
Hilarious Television Drama Spoofs
The Funny or Die 'The Wire: The Musical' Trailer is Unbelievable
Gotham Pop Parodies
Gotham Pop Parodies
The Dark Knight Pays Tribute to Pop Music in a Justin Bieber Batman Parody
Late Night Series Spoofs
Late Night Series Spoofs
The Jimmy Fallon Breaking Bad Parody is Highly Entertaining
Comical Computer Battle Spoofs
Comical Computer Battle Spoofs
Project Glass Parody Pokes Fun at Microsoft Windows
Kid-Friendly Pop Spoofs
Kid-Friendly Pop Spoofs
Jimmy Fallon and Robin Thicke Get Childlike in This Blurred Lines Spoof
South Korean Dance Mashups
South Korean Dance Mashups
Gangnam Style Becomes the Most Viewed YouTube Video of All Time
Feline Music Video Spoofs
Feline Music Video Spoofs
'Get Lucky' is Now 'Cat-Lucky' in this Cat Music Video
Spoof Autobot Film Trailers
Spoof Autobot Film Trailers
The Honest Trailers: Transformers Edition is Knee-Slappingly Truthful
Holiday Parade Parodies
Holiday Parade Parodies
This Animated Spoof Will Get You Hyped for the 2012 Thanksgiving Parade
Action-Packed Claymation Spoofs
Action-Packed Claymation Spoofs
Claycat's 'The Raid' is a Feline Fiasco
G-Rated Movie Remakes
G-Rated Movie Remakes
The 'Politically Correct Pulp Fiction' Parody is Suitable for Children
President Mash-Up Videos
President Mash-Up Videos
The Obama Singing LMFAO Clip is Hilarious
Action Film Spoofs
Action Film Spoofs
The 'Arrested Development' Action Trailer is Golden
Outlandish Perfume Parodies
Outlandish Perfume Parodies
Conan O'brien Adds a Dose of Weird While Spoofing Brad Pitt Chanel Ad
Race-Stereotyping Parodies
Race-Stereotyping Parodies
Todrick Hall Hilariously Recreates Mean Girls with 'Mean Gurlz'
Mismatched Undead Lip-Sync Clips
Mismatched Undead Lip-Sync Clips
Bad Lip Reading Releases a Walking Dead Spoof
News Segment Spoofs (UPDATE)
News Segment Spoofs (UPDATE)
The Rape-Rap 'Bed Intruder' Song is Now on iTunes
Smartphone Tendency Spoofs
Smartphone Tendency Spoofs
The 'Caller ID' Video is a Hilarious Warning to Cell Phone Users
Sympathetic Zombie Songs
Sympathetic Zombie Songs
This Walking Dead Parody Also Spoofs the Song Dumb Ways To Die
Old Spice Spoofs
Old Spice Spoofs
Cisco Tries to Capitalize on Isaiah Mustafa's Mantastic Viral Ads
Charitable Sponsor Spoofs
Charitable Sponsor Spoofs
'World Vision Old Spice' Commercial Adds Humor to the Cause
Popular Blog Popstar Parodies
Popular Blog Popstar Parodies
This Lady Gaga Spoof Describes Users' Desire to be Famous on Tumblr
Dramatic Sitcom Recuts
Dramatic Sitcom Recuts
'Jerry The Great' Video Reimagines Seinfeld as a Dark and Sinister Epic
Celeb-Spoofed Rap Videos
Celeb-Spoofed Rap Videos
Seth Rogen and James Franco Recreate Kanye West's Latest in Bound 3
80s Action Star Film Tributes
80s Action Star Film Tributes
Chuck Norris the Movie Will Have Everything an Action Flick Needs
Speedy Series Spoofs
Speedy Series Spoofs
'Sex and the City in 60 Seconds' is a Fast and Funny Summary
Auto-Tuned Political Tirades
Auto-Tuned Political Tirades
The Col. Gaddafi Viral Music Video Parody Gets Attention
Undead TV Show Spoofs
Undead TV Show Spoofs
Watch the Downton Abbey Characters Zombified in This Gag Video
Celeb Old Spice Spoofs
Celeb Old Spice Spoofs
'Snoop Dogg @ Al Gore' Video Shows the Doggfather's Plea to Legalize Pot
Scientific Theorist Action Films
Scientific Theorist Action Films
The Dana Carvey 'Darwin' Spoof is Historically Hilarious
Remixed Campaign Anthems
Remixed Campaign Anthems
The Barack Obama '99 Problems' Spoof Targets his Opponent
Precious Rapper Parodies
Precious Rapper Parodies
The Matty B How to Love Spoof is Beyond Adorable
Galactic Collaboration Spoofs
Galactic Collaboration Spoofs
The Sith Lord Marches into Disney World in this Disney Lucasfilm Vid
Naughty Literature Parodies
Naughty Literature Parodies
The '50 Shades of Grey' Musical is Hysterical
Olympic Athlete Singalongs
Olympic Athlete Singalongs
The USA Olympic Swimming Team Call Me Maybe Cover is Hilarious
Hilarious Safe Driving Spoofs
Hilarious Safe Driving Spoofs
'Drive Recklessly' Proves That Distracted Driving Can be Good
STD-Free Parodies
STD-Free Parodies
Open Condom Style Spoof Promotes Safe Sex While Being Hilarious
Silent Hunky Actor Spoofs
Silent Hunky Actor Spoofs
Funny or Die's 'Quiet Ryan' Parodies Film Star Ryan Gosling
Tax Service Ad Spoofs
Tax Service Ad Spoofs
This Jackson Hewitt Commercial Pokes Fun at Child Tax Benefits
'Grown-Up' Viral Video Stars
'Grown-Up' Viral Video Stars
Jimmy Kimmel and Adrian Brody's 'Charlie Bit My Finger: The Movie'
Mocking Rapper Impersonations
Mocking Rapper Impersonations
The Nicki Minaj 'I am the Female Weezy' PSA is Hysterical
Reality Star Split Dramatizations
Reality Star Split Dramatizations
The Saturday Night Live Kardashian Divorce Spoof is Spot On
Black Parodies Of Iconic Films
Black Parodies Of Iconic Films
60 Frames Spoofs
Computer Conference Spoofs
Computer Conference Spoofs
The 'Star Wars iPad Briefing' Video Mocks Apple's Steve Jobs
Scientology Spoof Films
Scientology Spoof Films
The Comedic 'Knowledgy' Film Stars Leo Fitzpatrick
Viral Pop Star Parodies
Viral Pop Star Parodies
WinterSpringPro Justin Beiber Farmville Spoof Pokes Fun at Facebook
Lesbian Pop Star Spoofs
Lesbian Pop Star Spoofs
The Androgynous Ladies of the 'Biebershop Quartet' Pay Tribute
Female Rapper Impersonation Videos
Female Rapper Impersonation Videos
The 'Y U Mad' Video Features Nicki Minaj Dressed as Lil Wayne
Truthful Tech Ad Spoofs
Truthful Tech Ad Spoofs
'I'm a Mac and I've Got a Dirty Secret' Sheds Light on Conflict Minerals
Gagafied Mashup Flicks
Gagafied Mashup Flicks
'Gaga in Wonderland' is a Surefire Pop Culture Spoof
Green Screen Movie Spoofs
Green Screen Movie Spoofs
'Iron Man' Spoof Footage Shows What the Film Looked Like Pre-CGI
Rapping Darth Vaders
Rapping Darth Vaders
The College Humor 'Galactic Empire State of Mind' Music Video
Autotuned Sorcery Spoofs
Autotuned Sorcery Spoofs
The Harry Potter Friday Parody Helps You Anticipate the Final Film
Bathroom Dance-Pop Spoofs
Bathroom Dance-Pop Spoofs
Bubble Gang Bitoy 'Bathroom Dance' Bad Romance Spoof is Hilarious
Twilight-Spoofing Videos
Twilight-Spoofing Videos
The Twilight Three Wolf Moon Spoof is Super Funny
Pop Princess Parodies
Pop Princess Parodies
Chad Wild Clay Pokes Fun at Britney Spears with This Viral Video
Perfect PC Spoofs
Perfect PC Spoofs
'Laptop Hunters' Goes Viral as Jake Searches for the Right Computer
Comic Book TV Spoofs
Comic Book TV Spoofs
'Two and A Half Watchmen' Bring Home The Laughs
Viral Dr. Pepper Ad Spoofs Chocolate Rain
Viral Dr. Pepper Ad Spoofs Chocolate Rain
Cherry Chocolate Rain by Tay Zonday
Hilarious DUI Spoofs
Hilarious DUI Spoofs
'Realistic Sobriety Tests' Makes a Cop's Job More Fun
Auto-Tune Parody Songs
Auto-Tune Parody Songs
Animated Akon Calls T-Pain to Go for Sushi at the Mall
Bogus Avian App Trailers
Bogus Avian App Trailers
Rooster Teeth Creates a Hilariously Well-Produced Angry Birds Spoof
Infant Pop Star Spoofs
Infant Pop Star Spoofs
'Baby Gaga Telephone' is Either Really Cute or Really Weird
Preschool Apple Parodies
Preschool Apple Parodies
The Sesame Street iPogo Video is a Hilarious iPhone Spoof
Kiddie Reality Show Spoofs
Kiddie Reality Show Spoofs
The Toddlers Remake of ‘The Hills'
Itty-Bitty Housewife Spoofs
Itty-Bitty Housewife Spoofs
The 'Mini Real Housewives of New Jersey' Video is Freakishly Accurate
Celebrity Parody Infomercials
Celebrity Parody Infomercials
Be Kanye Tablets for Absolut
Viral Music Video Spoofs
Viral Music Video Spoofs
Miley Cyrus Party in the USA Parodies Delight Youtube Users
Sexy Skeleton Spoofs
Sexy Skeleton Spoofs
‘Delicate Embrace' Bra Commercial is "Not For Chubbies"
Celebrity Home Rental Spoofs
Celebrity Home Rental Spoofs
Will Ferrell's Landlord Tops 2007 Charts (2 VIDEOS)
Disney Princess Parodies
Disney Princess Parodies
‘Advice From a Cartoon Princess' Spoofs Poor Role Models
Sapphic Vampire Spoofs
Sapphic Vampire Spoofs
'Twilight for Guys' Reworks the Film for a Male Audience
YouTube Hitler Parodies
YouTube Hitler Parodies
Viral Competition to Spoof "Downfall"
Sith Lord Microsoft Parodies
Sith Lord Microsoft Parodies
The Death Star Was My Idea Ad Spoofs Windows 7 Commercials
Viral Rapper Spoofs
Viral Rapper Spoofs
Kanye West Interruption Parodies Get Funnier Everytime You See Them
Material Girl Spoofs
Material Girl Spoofs
The Mena Suvari and Dania Ramirez Video Pokes Fun at Lindsay, Kim and Gaga
Sex Tape Spoofs
Sex Tape Spoofs
Will Arnett, Mary Kate, Ashley Olsen and Matthew McConaughey