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101 Interviews with Social Entrepreneurs

These Initiatives are Melding Business & Positive Change

— January 31, 2013 — Social Good
This list of interviews with social entrepreneurs is brought to you by, a place to find ideas, people and businesses that are creating positive social change through innovative and novel ideas that meld business principles with a variety of other areas that are typically seen as separate such as philanthropy, charity, human rights, the environment and social justice.

From socially conscious and eco-friendly headphone companies to global maternal health initiatives that are creating and sustaining a marketplace that makes resources more accessible, the projects here have a breadth of people behind them but these interviews with social entrepreneurs get at the inspiration behind one single person. Sometimes it's something typical, say, a yoga cliche, but other times, it's going out in the rain and screaming or something as simple as taking a few deep breaths.
Dwight Chestnut of the Middle Class Financial Empowerment Project (INTERVIEW)
Dwight Chestnut of the Middle Class Financial Empowerment Project (INTERVIEW)
David Robertson, CEO of Talk2One (INTERVIEW)
David Robertson, CEO of Talk2One (INTERVIEW)
Accessible Canadian Communication
Jes McKay Gilmore, Creator of Species Spectrum (INTERVIEW)
Jes McKay Gilmore, Creator of Species Spectrum (INTERVIEW)
Animal-Aware Greeting Card Company
Sam Rye, Community Connector at Bucky Box (INTERVIEW)
Sam Rye, Community Connector at Bucky Box (INTERVIEW)
Social Enterprise Supporting Organic Food
Madeleine Shaw, Founder of LunaPads (INTERVIEW)
Madeleine Shaw, Founder of LunaPads (INTERVIEW)
Creator of the Pads4Girls Initiative
Conchy Bretos, Company Principal and Founder of Mia Senior Living Solutions (INTERVIEW)
Conchy Bretos, Company Principal and Founder of Mia Senior Living Solutions (INTERVIEW)
Dan Gigante, Founder and President of You and Who (INTERVIEW)
Dan Gigante, Founder and President of You and Who (INTERVIEW)
Conscious Wearable Art
Dave Llorens, CEO of 1BOG (INTERVIEW)
Dave Llorens, CEO of 1BOG (INTERVIEW)
Making Home Solar Affordable
Al Harris, Founder of Blue Ventures (INTERVIEW)
Al Harris, Founder of Blue Ventures (INTERVIEW)
Marine Conservation Organization
CharitySub (INTERVIEW)
CharitySub (INTERVIEW)
An Online Platform for Simplified Giving
Kimberly Robertson, Chief Seed Sower at Light of Mine (INTERVIEW)
Kimberly Robertson, Chief Seed Sower at Light of Mine (INTERVIEW)
Tees Eradicating Global Hunger
Samuel Miller of Bombastic Plastix (INTERVIEW)
Samuel Miller of Bombastic Plastix (INTERVIEW)
Upcycled Goods Made from Balian Plastic Bags
Tyler Gage, President and Co-Founder of Runa (INTERVIEW)
Tyler Gage, President and Co-Founder of Runa (INTERVIEW)
Fair Trade Ecuadorian-Sourced Guayusa Tea
Peter Cousins, Founder of Brighter Future Workshop
Peter Cousins, Founder of Brighter Future Workshop
Teaching Tech Skills to Disabled Youth
Felix Cheung, Founder of DopeHut (INTERVIEW)
Felix Cheung, Founder of DopeHut (INTERVIEW)
Online Store for Socially Aware Streetwear
Dana Raviv, Service Officer at Catchafire (INTERVIEW)
Dana Raviv, Service Officer at Catchafire (INTERVIEW)
Connecting Nonprofits with Professionals
Julie Leach, Member Coordinator of SolarShare (INTERVIEW)
Julie Leach, Member Coordinator of SolarShare (INTERVIEW)
Community Solar Bonds in Canada
Meg Wirth, CEO of Maternova (INTERVIEW)
Meg Wirth, CEO of Maternova (INTERVIEW)
Linking Doctors & Midwives with Low-Cost Medical Supplies
Sarah Chayes, Founder of Arghand Cooperative (INTERVIEW)
Sarah Chayes, Founder of Arghand Cooperative (INTERVIEW)
Afghanistan-Sourced Materials
Lon Wong, Co-Founder of Unstash (INTERVIEW)
Lon Wong, Co-Founder of Unstash (INTERVIEW)
Collaborative Consumption Platform
Karyn Puller, Founder of Delicate Fortress Creations (INTERVIEW)
Karyn Puller, Founder of Delicate Fortress Creations (INTERVIEW)
Fighting Human Trafficking
Stacey Horowitz, Founder of Shopping for a Change (INTERVIEW)
Stacey Horowitz, Founder of Shopping for a Change (INTERVIEW)
Supporting Global Artisans
Founders of All of Us Revolution (INTERVIEW)
Founders of All of Us Revolution (INTERVIEW)
Shannon Whitehead and Kristin Glenn
Nathan Rothstein, Marketing and Sales at Project Repat
Nathan Rothstein, Marketing and Sales at Project Repat
Artisan-Empowering Enterprise
Dr. Ashton Kaidi, Co-Founder of Marula Beauty (INTERVIEW)
Dr. Ashton Kaidi, Co-Founder of Marula Beauty (INTERVIEW)
A Cosmetic Product with Social Benefits
Kelli Dunavant and Gaston Javurek, No One Without (INTERVIEW)
Kelli Dunavant and Gaston Javurek, No One Without (INTERVIEW)
For-Purpose Fashion Brand
Amanda Judge, Founder of The Andean Collection (INTERVIEW)
Amanda Judge, Founder of The Andean Collection (INTERVIEW)
Colorful Beads That Empower Women
Daniel Blake, Co-Founder and CEO of EcoScraps (INTERVIEW)
Daniel Blake, Co-Founder and CEO of EcoScraps (INTERVIEW)
Turning Old Food into Organic Fertilizer
James Murphy, Founder of KereKere (INTERVIEW)
James Murphy, Founder of KereKere (INTERVIEW)
An Aussie Social Enterprise Cafe With Heart
Joanne Gouaux, Founder and President of Penelope Poet (INTERVIEW)
Joanne Gouaux, Founder and President of Penelope Poet (INTERVIEW)
Socially Responsible Jewelry
Sayan Sarkar, CEO of InvigorateNOW (INTERVIEW)
Sayan Sarkar, CEO of InvigorateNOW (INTERVIEW)
Social Business Fighting Preventable Blindness
Torkin Wakefield, Co-Founder of BeadforLife (INTERVIEW)
Torkin Wakefield, Co-Founder of BeadforLife (INTERVIEW)
A Fair Trade Non Profit in Uganda
Emily Hill, Founder of Stop Traffick Fashion (INTERVIEW)
Emily Hill, Founder of Stop Traffick Fashion (INTERVIEW)
Empowering Employment for Women
Katie Jeanes, Founder of A Little More Good (INTERVIEW)
Katie Jeanes, Founder of A Little More Good (INTERVIEW)
Helping People in Vancouver Give Back
Tara Rogerson, Director of Social Enterprise at Evergreen Brick Works (INTERVIEW)
Tara Rogerson, Director of Social Enterprise at Evergreen Brick Works (INTERVIEW)
Eve Friedman, Founder of Eve Echo (INTERVIEW)
Eve Friedman, Founder of Eve Echo (INTERVIEW)
Beauty Products That Provide Microloans
Ann Skydell Harmon, Founder of Ann-Made, LLC (INTERVIEW)
Ann Skydell Harmon, Founder of Ann-Made, LLC (INTERVIEW)
Upcycled Social Cause Jewelry
Leslie Beasley, Co-Founder/Managing Director of The Open Arms Shop (INTERVIEW)
Leslie Beasley, Co-Founder/Managing Director of The Open Arms Shop (INTERVIEW)
Matt Keller, Founder of 1for1 Water (INTERVIEW)
Matt Keller, Founder of 1for1 Water (INTERVIEW)
For Each Bottle Sold They Give Clean H2O to Haiti
Duncan So, Founder of Phinklife (INTERVIEW)
Duncan So, Founder of Phinklife (INTERVIEW)
Non-Profit Building Potential Through Community
Alex Mark, Founder of One Hundred Apparel (INTERVIEW)
Alex Mark, Founder of One Hundred Apparel (INTERVIEW)
100% of Profits go to charity:water
Alicia Lai, Founder of Bourgeois Boheme (INTERVIEW)
Alicia Lai, Founder of Bourgeois Boheme (INTERVIEW)
Ethical Vegan Shoes
Amanda Fisher, Designer at Bachhara (INTERVIEW)
Amanda Fisher, Designer at Bachhara (INTERVIEW)
Beautiful, Ethical Fashion from Indian Slums
Marc Sachdev, Founder and CFO of Aquavation (INTERVIEW)
Marc Sachdev, Founder and CFO of Aquavation (INTERVIEW)
'Motivation Through Hydration'
Emily Holdridge, Co-Founder of Everything Happy (INTERVIEW)
Emily Holdridge, Co-Founder of Everything Happy (INTERVIEW)
Kid's One-for-One Blanket Business
Jill Doucette, Founder of Synergy Enterprises (INTERVIEW)
Jill Doucette, Founder of Synergy Enterprises (INTERVIEW)
Eco Business Consultant
Sarah Gross, Founder of Rescue Chocolate (INTERVIEW)
Sarah Gross, Founder of Rescue Chocolate (INTERVIEW)
100% of Profits go to Animal Shelters
Zack Rosenberg, Founder and CEO of DoGoodBuyUs (INTERVIEW)
Zack Rosenberg, Founder and CEO of DoGoodBuyUs (INTERVIEW)
'Marketplace for Social Good/s'
Tammy Allen, Founder/CEO of Do Good Get Rewards (INTERVIEW)
Tammy Allen, Founder/CEO of Do Good Get Rewards (INTERVIEW)
Platform to Encourage Volunteers
Greg Seaman, Founder of Eartheasy (INTERVIEW)
Greg Seaman, Founder of Eartheasy (INTERVIEW)
Family-Run Green Ecommerce Business
John Paul de Silva, Founder and Managing Director of Social Focus Consulting (INTERVIEW)
John Paul de Silva, Founder and Managing Director of Social Focus Consulting (INTERVIEW)
Dave Goodman, Founder of Collaborative World Brand (INTERVIEW)
Dave Goodman, Founder of Collaborative World Brand (INTERVIEW)
Co-Profit Fashion Business
Edouard de Broglie, Founder of Dans Le Noir (INTERVIEW)
Edouard de Broglie, Founder of Dans Le Noir (INTERVIEW)
A Restaurant Where You Dine in the Dark
Connie Duckworth, Founder of ARZU (INTERVIEW)
Connie Duckworth, Founder of ARZU (INTERVIEW)
Offering Employment to Weavers in Afghanistan
Adrien Edwards, Founder of The Naked Hippie (INTERVIEW)
Adrien Edwards, Founder of The Naked Hippie (INTERVIEW)
Microloans Through T-Shirts
Iman Fadaei, Founder of Ethical Art (INTERVIEW)
Iman Fadaei, Founder of Ethical Art (INTERVIEW)
Fair Trade Artwork Supporting Education
Worldstock (INTERVIEW)
Worldstock (INTERVIEW)
In Commemoration of the Passing of World Fair Trade Day
Alaina Paradise, Owner of One World Flowers (INTERVIEW)
Alaina Paradise, Owner of One World Flowers (INTERVIEW)
100% Fair Trade Certified
Anna Sidana, Founder of One Million Lights (INTERVIEW)
Anna Sidana, Founder of One Million Lights (INTERVIEW)
Replacing Kerosene Lamps with Solar Ones
Katie Harris, Co-Founder and Design Director of The Amazings (INTERVIEW)
Katie Harris, Co-Founder and Design Director of The Amazings (INTERVIEW)
Social Enterprise
Eric Cope, Founder of Smile Squared (INTERVIEW)
Eric Cope, Founder of Smile Squared (INTERVIEW)
One for One Toothbrushes
Mike Radparvar, Co-Founder of Holstee (INTERVIEW)
Mike Radparvar, Co-Founder of Holstee (INTERVIEW)
On Using a Manifesto, Not a Business Plan
Alok Appadurai, Founder of Fed by Threads (INTERVIEW)
Alok Appadurai, Founder of Fed by Threads (INTERVIEW)
Providing Meals to Americans in Need
Ajay Godhwani, Founder & CEO of Intuary (INTERVIEW)
Ajay Godhwani, Founder & CEO of Intuary (INTERVIEW)
Verbally for iPad
Kristin Johnson, Co-Founder of Global Mamas
Kristin Johnson, Co-Founder of Global Mamas
Empowering Women Through Employment
Bridget Hilton, Founder of LSTN Headphones (INTERVIEW)
Bridget Hilton, Founder of LSTN Headphones (INTERVIEW)
Socially Conscious and Eco-friendly
Katie Fewings, Managing Director and Co-Founder of Ethical Weddings (INTERVIEW)
Katie Fewings, Managing Director and Co-Founder of Ethical Weddings (INTERVIEW)
Jennifer Gootman, Executive Director of Global Goods Partners (INTERVIEW)
Jennifer Gootman, Executive Director of Global Goods Partners (INTERVIEW)
Fair Trade Online Store
Stacy McCoy, Co-Founder of Give to Get Jobs
Stacy McCoy, Co-Founder of Give to Get Jobs
Social Enterprise and Nonprofit Job Board
Marc Palmer, CEO of Fashion Hope (INTERVIEW)
Marc Palmer, CEO of Fashion Hope (INTERVIEW)
A Social Business Against Human Trafficking
Alli Blum, Director of Marketing (INTERVIEW)
Alli Blum, Director of Marketing (INTERVIEW)
What's New with United By Blue's Partnerships
Alexander Aquino, CEO/President of Barnabas Clothing (INTERVIEW)
Alexander Aquino, CEO/President of Barnabas Clothing (INTERVIEW)
Lifestyle Brand
Zehra Abbas, Founder of YTGA (INTERVIEW)
Zehra Abbas, Founder of YTGA (INTERVIEW)
Youth Troopers for Global Awareness and Studio89
Judy Logback, Founder of Kallari Chocolate (INTERVIEW)
Judy Logback, Founder of Kallari Chocolate (INTERVIEW)
Sweets that Support People and Planet
Sissy Rooney, Founder of Street Style Surgery (INTERVIEW)
Sissy Rooney, Founder of Street Style Surgery (INTERVIEW)
UK-Based Creative Workshops for Youth
Erik Spalding, Co-Founder of Bullets2Bandages (INTERVIEW)
Erik Spalding, Co-Founder of Bullets2Bandages (INTERVIEW)
Healing Jewelry Made of Real Ammo
Ann Oliver, Founder of XENI Collection (INTERVIEW)
Ann Oliver, Founder of XENI Collection (INTERVIEW)
Couture Fashion for the Physically Disabled
Nikhil Arora, Co-Founder of Back to the Roots (INTERVIEW)
Nikhil Arora, Co-Founder of Back to the Roots (INTERVIEW)
DIY Grow Your Own Organic Mushroom Kits
Consuelo McAlister & Anne Pringle, Founders of Local Buttons (INTERVIEW)
Consuelo McAlister & Anne Pringle, Founders of Local Buttons (INTERVIEW)
Fashion Social Enterprise
Todd Masonis, Co-Founder of Dandelion Chocolate (INTERVIEW)
Todd Masonis, Co-Founder of Dandelion Chocolate (INTERVIEW)
'Bean-to-Bar' Production
Tim Jahnigen, Co-Inventor of One World Futbol (INTERVIEW)
Tim Jahnigen, Co-Inventor of One World Futbol (INTERVIEW)
Buy One Give One Multi-Sport Balls
Matthew Clough, Founder of Benson Backpacks (INTERVIEW)
Matthew Clough, Founder of Benson Backpacks (INTERVIEW)
Camille van Gestel, Co-Founder and Business Director of WakaWaka (INTERVIEW)
Camille van Gestel, Co-Founder and Business Director of WakaWaka (INTERVIEW)
Safe Light Sources
Cissy Deluca, Co-Founder of Bersatu Designs (INTERVIEW)
Cissy Deluca, Co-Founder of Bersatu Designs (INTERVIEW)
Bali-Inspired Jewelry Social Business
Lily Lapenna, Founder and CEO of MyBnk (INTERVIEW)
Lily Lapenna, Founder and CEO of MyBnk (INTERVIEW)
Financial Education Social Enterprise for Youth
Liz Forkin Bohannon, Founder of Sseko Designs (INTERVIEW)
Liz Forkin Bohannon, Founder of Sseko Designs (INTERVIEW)
Sandals for Tuition in Uganda
Nick Foley, Founder of Celebrate the Hero (INTERVIEW)
Nick Foley, Founder of Celebrate the Hero (INTERVIEW)
Anti-Bullying Initiative
Jimmy Ostholm, Founder & CEO of The Porteur Foundation (INTERVIEW)
Jimmy Ostholm, Founder & CEO of The Porteur Foundation (INTERVIEW)
Naomi Hirabayashi, Director of Marketing at Do Something (INTERVIEW)
Naomi Hirabayashi, Director of Marketing at Do Something (INTERVIEW)
Youth-Focused Cause Community
Josie Warden, The Thread Project (INTERVIEW)
Josie Warden, The Thread Project (INTERVIEW)
Sustainable and Ethical Design and Manufacturing
Merete Mueller, Writer & Producer of The Tiny Documentary (INTERVIEW)
Merete Mueller, Writer & Producer of The Tiny Documentary (INTERVIEW)
Small Home Movement
Sharon Schneider, Founder & CEO of Good Karma Clothing for Kids (INTERVIEW)
Sharon Schneider, Founder & CEO of Good Karma Clothing for Kids (INTERVIEW)
Brooks Dame, Founder of Proof Eyewear (INTERVIEW)
Brooks Dame, Founder of Proof Eyewear (INTERVIEW)
Sustainable Wood Sunglasses with a Cause
Bridget Hilton and Ben Richardson, Co-Founders of Jack's Soap (INTERVIEW)
Bridget Hilton and Ben Richardson, Co-Founders of Jack's Soap (INTERVIEW)
1 for 1 Soap
Adriana Herrera, Founder and CEO of Fashioning Change (INTERVIEW)
Adriana Herrera, Founder and CEO of Fashioning Change (INTERVIEW)
People- and Profit-Driven Brands
Sam Bruce, Co-founder of Much Better Adventures (INTERVIEW)
Sam Bruce, Co-founder of Much Better Adventures (INTERVIEW)
Planet-Friendly Travel Company
Eric Reynolds, Founder and Executive Director of Inyenyeri (INTERVIEW)
Eric Reynolds, Founder and Executive Director of Inyenyeri (INTERVIEW)
Rwandan Energy Company
Vivien Johnston, Founder and Managing Director of Fifi Bijoux (INTERVIEW)
Vivien Johnston, Founder and Managing Director of Fifi Bijoux (INTERVIEW)
Luxury Ethical Jewelry
Shannon Keith, Founder of the International Princess Project (INTERVIEW)
Shannon Keith, Founder of the International Princess Project (INTERVIEW)
Punjammies to End Slavery