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40 Simulation Video Games

From Detailed City Simulators to Tedious Lineup Games

— August 14, 2014 — Tech
These simulation video games make it possible for you to step into any kind of situation, instantly turning yourself into a race car driver, a yoga addict or a rampaging goat.

One of the newest and most exciting simulation games that's about to come out is the Sims 4, which promises players more emotional depth than ever before. As entertaining as it may be to play mayor and watch your city grow, or take on the role of a zombie hunter in the apocalypse, there are also plenty of video games that are designed to be the opposite of fun. Some great example of this are Taco Bell's The Waiting Game, Waiting In Line 3D and the Mini Metro Game, which lets you build and manage a city's subway lines.
Virtual Space Simulators
Virtual Space Simulators
The Illustris Simulation is a Visual Depiction of the Universe
Avian Slingshot Simulators
Avian Slingshot Simulators
Super Angry Birds is a USB Controller that Provides Force Feedback
Mountainous Simulation Games
Mountainous Simulation Games
The Designer of the Game in 'Her' is Releasing a Real Mountain Game
Virtual Reality Rock Shows
Virtual Reality Rock Shows
Kanye West and The Dropkick Murphies Answer the Call of Duty XP
Feline-Friendly Games
Feline-Friendly Games
This Cat Simulator Game is Perfect For Those Who Have Always Wanted a Cat
Impassioned Simulation Games
Impassioned Simulation Games
The Sims 4 E3 2014 Presentation Shows Sims with More Emotional Depth
International Security Simulators
International Security Simulators
Military Contractor Blackwater Launches a Face-Saving Game
Zombified Travel Simulators
Zombified Travel Simulators
'The Organ Trail' is a Mobile Game Homage to the Classic Oregon Trail
Collaborative Bomb Diffusal Simulators
Collaborative Bomb Diffusal Simulators
This Oculus Rift Game Lets People Work Together to Survive
Simulated Social Media Realities
Simulated Social Media Realities
The Sims Social on Facebook Will Increase User Interactions
Empathy-Generating Games
Empathy-Generating Games
CultureShock: Afghanistan Will Teach U.S. Soldiers to Relate to Afghans
Goat Simulation Video Games
Goat Simulation Video Games
The Goat Simulator Game Lets You Control a Mischievous Goat
Simple Simulation Games
Simple Simulation Games
Rock Simulator 2014 is Currently Seeking Funding as an Indiegogo Campaign
Tedious Lineup Games
Tedious Lineup Games
This Taco Bell Game Simulates the Torture of Waiting Around in Line
Detailed City Simulators
Detailed City Simulators
New Simcity at High Speed Reveals Insane Detail in City Simulator
Rampaging Animal Simulators
Rampaging Animal Simulators
Goat Simulator Combines Strange Content with Equally Strange Design
Bizarrely Popular Video Games
Bizarrely Popular Video Games
The Goat Simulator Game Will Be Playable On Xbox One
Sushi Dating Simulation Games
Sushi Dating Simulation Games
The Love! Sushi Rangers App Simulates Dating Six Types of Sushi
Real-Life Zombie Shooting Games
Real-Life Zombie Shooting Games
Patient 0 Replicates a Real World Zombie Attack With a Gamer Twist
Subway Development Games
Subway Development Games
The Mini Metro Game by Dino Polo Club Simulates Keeping a City Running
Social Cooking Simulation Games
Social Cooking Simulation Games
Zynga's ChefVille Lets Users Create Restaurants & Earn Recipes
People-Powered Motion Simulator
People-Powered Motion Simulator
This 3D Motion Simulator is Controlled by Human 'Actuators'
Virtual Guillotine Simulators
Virtual Guillotine Simulators
New Videogame from Oculus Rift Will Make You Lose Your Head
Anime Fishing Simulators
Anime Fishing Simulators
This Japanese Game Developer Creates Bizarre Fusion of Anime and Fishing
Office-Simulating Video Games
Office-Simulating Video Games
This Pixelated Video Game Allows You to Destroy Your Office
Sensitive Virtual Simulations
Sensitive Virtual Simulations
Disney's Surround Haptics System Will Tingle Your Spine
Advanced Race Driving Simulators
Advanced Race Driving Simulators
The Porsche 996 GT3 Virtual Simulator is as Real as it Gets
Distracted Driver Simulation Games
Distracted Driver Simulation Games
'Tweet Chat Like & Drive' Shows Distracted Driving on the Road
Purposely Lackluster Video Games
Purposely Lackluster Video Games
'Waiting In Line 3D' Encourages You to Practice Your Patience
Childhood Autism Simulators
Childhood Autism Simulators
'Auti-Sim' Shows Users the World Through the Eyes of Hypersensitivity
Wellness Retreat Simulation Games
Wellness Retreat Simulation Games
The Yoga Retreat Game App Provides Real World Wellness Tips
Accident Simulations
Accident Simulations
The Honda Bike Simulator Wants You to Bike Safely
Strategic Space Games
Strategic Space Games
'Fleet Commander' by Arthur Nishimoto is a Star Wars Combat Simulator
Boutique Simulation Games
Boutique Simulation Games
Stylmee Lets Users Curate & Sell Fashion Products in a Virtual Store
Animal Simulation Video Games
Animal Simulation Video Games
The Bear Simulator Game Lets You Live a Bear's Life
Bootleg Simulation Games
Bootleg Simulation Games
‘The Sims 3' Leak Angers EA, Thrills Anxious Gamers
Virtual War Games
Virtual War Games
'America's Army' Sets 5 Guinness World Records in 2009 (UPDATE)
Realistic Racing Simulators
Realistic Racing Simulators
The SimRoom SimPod 1 Provides an Immersive Gaming Experience
Virtual Girlfriend Simulations
Virtual Girlfriend Simulations
Practice Massaging with the Lovepress++ Wii Balance Board
Race Simulators
Race Simulators
Get the Thrill and Adrenaline of Racing, Minus the Speeding Ticket