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90 Gifts For Mug Maniacs

From Barrel Beer Mugs to Self-Brewing Coffee Mugs

— November 21, 2014 — Lifestyle
Some people collect postcards, others collect stamps and others still collect Facebook likes -- but there's a hidden cult of people out there who like to collect mugs of all kinds, from beer mugs to coffee mugs to multi-purpose beverage mugs. Now this may sound strange but Christmas isn't a time for judging people for their quirky afflictions, it's a time for you to buy them presents that they'll like and use.

So this Christmas, consider getting the mug maniac in your life a mug that either stands out for its eye-catching appearance or its thoughtful functionality.

It's incredible to see how far the simple mug has come, with mug manufacturers getting incredibly creative while crafting mugs that have funny messages or pictures printed on them, play music and even keep your beverage cold or warm.
Scientific Swearing Mugs
Scientific Swearing Mugs
These Ceramic Mugs Use Science to Teach You How to Curse
Pop-Up Paper Coffee Mugs
Pop-Up Paper Coffee Mugs
Nescafe Equipped Newspapers with Two Cups to Start Conversations
Barrel Beer Mugs
Barrel Beer Mugs
The Urakita Studio Designs a Modern Take on the Classic Wooden Barrel
Stackable Typographic Mugs
Stackable Typographic Mugs
These Stackable Mugs Let You Form Words and Even Phrases
Coffee-Filtering Travel Mugs
Coffee-Filtering Travel Mugs
The Minibru Coffee Mug is an Easy Way to Make French Press Coffee
Self-Brewing Coffee Mugs
Self-Brewing Coffee Mugs
The 'Hey Joe' Mug Brews Your Coffee at the Push of a Button
Scientific Thermos Mugs
Scientific Thermos Mugs
The Steins of Science Thermos is Scientifically Improved
Unapologetic Feminist Mugs
Unapologetic Feminist Mugs
This Mug Says You Aren't Afraid to Kiss the Boys and Make Them Cry!
Upsetting Message Mugs
Upsetting Message Mugs
This Message Mug Could Pull a Playfully Cruel Office Prank
Aerosol Can Travel Mugs
Aerosol Can Travel Mugs
The Just Mustard Canned Bottles Resemble Spray Paint Containers
Scald-Preventing Coffee Mugs
Scald-Preventing Coffee Mugs
This Heat-Sensitive Mug Protects the Drinker from Scorching Sips
Magical Arcade Game Mugs
Magical Arcade Game Mugs
Watch the Pac-Man Characters Appear as You Pour in Your Java
Portable Flattened Mugs
Portable Flattened Mugs
Popware Collapsible Travel Cup Helps Enjoy Drinks without the Bulk
Tilting Afternoon Mugs
Tilting Afternoon Mugs
Tipping Teacup Conveniently Fixes a Warm Beverage in One Place
Geek Love Mugs
Geek Love Mugs
The Nerd Dork Espresso Set is for Latte Lovers
Booze-Concealing Mugs
Booze-Concealing Mugs
This Coffee Mug Points Out That You're Secretly Drinking Wine
Animal Tail-Accented Mugs
Animal Tail-Accented Mugs
These Decorative Cups Have Adorable Animalistic Features
Excessively Enormous Java Mugs
Excessively Enormous Java Mugs
The World's Largest Coffee Cup is Perfect for Java Drinkers
Death Themed Mugs
Death Themed Mugs
Boom! Town's Death Before Decaf Mug is for All Coffee Addicts
Squirrel-Sized Java Mugs (UPDATE)
Squirrel-Sized Java Mugs (UPDATE)
Here's Evidence that this Tiny Coffee Mug is Squirrel Compatible
Upside Down Doggie Mugs
Upside Down Doggie Mugs
The Pug Mug Will Bring a Smile to Your Face Upside Down or Right Side Up
Temperature-Telling Mugs
Temperature-Telling Mugs
The Brando Coffee Mug Displays Your Beverage's Temperature
Toy Soldier Coffee Mugs
Toy Soldier Coffee Mugs
This Plastic Army Cup Helps People Relive Their Childhood
Eco Thermometer Mugs
Eco Thermometer Mugs
The Smart Mug Analyzes Your Beverage and Advises When to Take a Drink
Cute Manly Mugs
Cute Manly Mugs
The Gama-Go Pint Glasses Bring Some Sweetness to Beer Drinking
Mountainous Terrarium Mugs
Mountainous Terrarium Mugs
The Glasscape Tumbler by Aruliden is Inspired by Nature
Armored Alcohol Mugs
Armored Alcohol Mugs
The Chainmaille Beer Stein is Completely Lance-Proof
Adorable Animal-Nose Mugs
Adorable Animal-Nose Mugs
Children's Tableware by Mianne Devries Assumes Gripping Disguises
Covert Creature Mugs
Covert Creature Mugs
The Squirrel Attack Mug Give Coffee Drinkers an Unexpected Surprise
Pig-Faced Mugs
Pig-Faced Mugs
This Little Piggy Drinks From the Snout Cups by Burojet
Defiantly Eco Chalkboard Mugs
Defiantly Eco Chalkboard Mugs
These Travel Mugs are Definitely Not of the Paper Variety
Eerie Skeletal Beer Mugs
Eerie Skeletal Beer Mugs
The Skull of Doom Beer Stein is a Must-Have for Halloween Glasses
Social Media Mugs
Social Media Mugs
The Twitter Friends Mug Shows Friends and Family Who You Follow
Biodegradable Coffee Mugs
Biodegradable Coffee Mugs
Joana Carvalho Contributes to Eco-Friendly Lifestyles Through Design
Heat-Activated Mugs
Heat-Activated Mugs
The Wake Up Cup Goes From Tired to Awake When Filled with a Hot Beverage
Flask-Attached Mugs
Flask-Attached Mugs
The Perpetual Kid Extra Shot Coffee Mug Makes Your Morning Cup Extra Hip
Ghost Pun Coffee Mugs
Ghost Pun Coffee Mugs
This Halloween Mug Makes You Wonder if You Want Boos or Booze
Zipped-Up Jacket Mugs
Zipped-Up Jacket Mugs
The Zipper Cup Will Neither Open nor Close, But it Looks Adorable
Welcoming Coffee Mugs
Welcoming Coffee Mugs
Ahoy the Cup Greets You at Tea Time with a Warm Gesture
Melodious Mugs
Melodious Mugs
The Zan MP3 Player Combines Your Daily Coffee and Music Fix
Handwritten Poem Mugs
Handwritten Poem Mugs
The Alexis Siemons Haiku Teaware Collection Celebrates Tea
Wood Crate Mug Mats
Wood Crate Mug Mats
Eliminate Pesky Rings on the Table with the Wooden Pallet Coasters
Self Chilling Beer Mugs
Self Chilling Beer Mugs
This Technologically Sound Chilled Pint Glass Keeps You and Your Beer Cool
Tea-Making Mugs
Tea-Making Mugs
The Tempo Ceramic Cup Can Prepare Hot Drinks On Your Desk With Ease
Vitange Travel Mugs
Vitange Travel Mugs
This Wooden Thermos Set Satisfies Your Fashion and Beverage Needs
Building Block Mugs
Building Block Mugs
The Build-On Brick Mug from ThinkGeek Allows You to Customize Your Drink
Elegant Lug-a-Mugs
Elegant Lug-a-Mugs
The Alibi Travel Mug Brings Class and Eco-Friendliness to Takeout Coffee
Untoppling Travel Mugs
Untoppling Travel Mugs
The Mighty Travel Mug Can't be Tipped Over
Slit Handle Mugs
Slit Handle Mugs
The SlingsHOT Tea Cup Ensures the Teabag Doesn't Fall In
Camera Lens Mugs
Camera Lens Mugs
The 'thumbsUp!' Photography Cup is Incredibly Surreal
Revealing Zodiac Mugs
Revealing Zodiac Mugs
What Does Your Cup Say About You?
Merry-Go-Round Mugs
Merry-Go-Round Mugs
The Little Round-Round-Land Cup Has a Sweet Spinning Saucer
Heat-Sensitive Map Mugs
Heat-Sensitive Map Mugs
The Heat-Sensitive Day and Night Mug Wakes the World Up With You
Illuminating Beer Mugs
Illuminating Beer Mugs
The Energy Glass is an Enlightening Way to Enjoy Your Favorite Brew
Religious Revelation Mugs
Religious Revelation Mugs
Experience a Religious Miracle with the Minor Miracle Mug
Fake Mustache Mugs
Fake Mustache Mugs
These Coffee Cups by Peter Ibruegger Give You a New Identity
Hilariously Honest Mugs
Hilariously Honest Mugs
Emily McDowell's Mugs Don't Have a Filter
Magical Metamorphosis Mugs
Magical Metamorphosis Mugs
The Heat Changing Tardis Mug Travels to Outer Space
Chemical-Free Sustainable Mugs
Chemical-Free Sustainable Mugs
These Sustainable Coffee Mugs are Stylish and Eco-Friendly
Multiple Personality Mugs
Multiple Personality Mugs
These Mood Mugs Will Let the Office Know Whether to Stay Away
See-Through Insulated Mugs
See-Through Insulated Mugs
The Bobble Hot Travel Mug is a Practical Way to Carry Drinks On-the-Go
Honest Alcoholic Travel Mugs
Honest Alcoholic Travel Mugs
This Vodka Coffee Mug Will Have People Guessing What You're Drinking
Motivational Coffee Mugs
Motivational Coffee Mugs
The Think Bigger Mug from Fancy Adds a Positive Flair to Your Mornings
Monstrous Coffee Mugs
Monstrous Coffee Mugs
The Creature Cup is the Best Way to Scare Yourself Awake in the Morning
Ashtray Coffee Mugs
Ashtray Coffee Mugs
Craighton Berman Combines Smoking and Drinking Vessels
Naughty Moustache Mugs
Naughty Moustache Mugs
The Porn Stache Mug Cozy Will Bring a Little Adult Fun to Your Lips
Geeky Keyboard Mugs
Geeky Keyboard Mugs
Ctrl-Alt-Delete Cup Set Makes the Morning Brew Nerdastic
Double-Sided Coffee Mugs
Double-Sided Coffee Mugs
C'UP is the Dual Coffee Cup by Ana Hernando that Serves Multiple Drinks
Mono-Hued Coffee Mugs
Mono-Hued Coffee Mugs
'Cups' by Murilo Kleine Covers Everyone from the Beatles to Super Mario
Manipulated Drinking Mugs
Manipulated Drinking Mugs
The Ballare Cup Collection Brings Dynamic Grace to the Table
Fake Diamond Ring Mugs
Fake Diamond Ring Mugs
The 2-Carat Cup
Built-In Infuser Mugs
Built-In Infuser Mugs
This Travel Tea Mug Touts a Clever Design For Brewing Loose Leaf Tea
Microsoft Window Mugs
Microsoft Window Mugs
Coffee_Interface Cups Mirror the Functions in the Corner of Your Screen
Mathematical Mugs
Mathematical Mugs
Craig Damrauer Creates the 'New Math' Cup for Coffee-Lovers
Winsome Wind-Up Mugs
Winsome Wind-Up Mugs
The 'Power for Brain' Cup Energizes Your Head with a Dose of Caffeine
Heat-Activated Mugs
Heat-Activated Mugs
The Morning Coffee Mug Uses Heat to Wake up with You
Cute Cozy Mugs
Cute Cozy Mugs
The Sweater Mug is a Piece of Grandmother's Home
Musical Xylophone Mugs
Musical Xylophone Mugs
Pitcher by Mac Funamizu Produces a Pitch to Denote its Capacity
Retro Gaming Coffee Mugs
Retro Gaming Coffee Mugs
Gamify Your Morning Rituals with These Nerdy Coffee Cups
Silly Syntax Coffee Mugs
Silly Syntax Coffee Mugs
These Grammar Coffee Mugs are Perfect for Grammar Nerds
3D Zoo Animal Mugs
3D Zoo Animal Mugs
This Giraffe Mug is a Fun Way to Drink Your Morning Coffee
Heat-Maintaining Mugs
Heat-Maintaining Mugs
The Burning Cup Keeps Your Coffee Hot With No Need to Microwave
Uncommonly Handled Mugs
Uncommonly Handled Mugs
'Each a Cup' Offers a Different Design to Each Unique Family Member
Smart Tea Mugs
Smart Tea Mugs
The Steeper Keeper's Slotted Handle Prevents Tea Tags from Being Brewed
Self-Heating Coffee Mugs
Self-Heating Coffee Mugs
The USB Coffee Cup Keeps Your Beverage Warm Until the Last Drop
Weightless Coffee Mugs
Weightless Coffee Mugs
The Zero Gravity Cup Makes Drinking Your Morning Joe Super Geeky
Sleek Stackable Mugs
Sleek Stackable Mugs
This Unique Coffee Mug Design is Minimalist and Crafty
Locking Coffee Mug
Locking Coffee Mug
The Lock-Cup