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30 Daring Marketing Experiments

From Hypnotic Furniture Stunts to Mind-Controlled Car Promos

— March 27, 2015 — Marketing
In contrast to scripted commercials, many brands are setting up marketing experiments in order to get authentic reactions from existing and prospective customers. These experiments are designed to do things like test skills and prove how far a fan will go for their favorite product. In some cases, these experiments even help to build trust with a brand, since comfort zones are often pushed to their limits. One of the greatest examples of this a Bud Light Super Bowl ad that asks one guy if he is "Up for Whatever," and has him taken on a once-in-a-lifetime adventure where anything can happen.

Although multiple actors are usually involved in the setup of these elaborate marketing experiments, the real reactions from one person are enough to totally transform how a product is perceived by an audience.
Endurance Shopping Challenges
Endurance Shopping Challenges
This Beck's Beer Experiment Asks Guys to Compromise
Anti-Abuse Taxi Rides
Anti-Abuse Taxi Rides
KAFA's Driving Change Campaign Makes for an Uncomfortable Taxi Ride
Romantic Chocolate Experiments
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This Valentines Chocolate Ad Demonstrates the Science Behind Love
Tissue Gifting Experiments
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This Marketing Experiment from Kleenex Challenges People to Share
Spontaneous Beer Campaigns
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Judgemental Public Pianos
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This Al Bustan Festival Marketing Stunt Draws Crowds with a Chatty Piano
Pop-Up Phone Calls
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The Bulmers Commuter Experiment Attempts to Spark Conversation
Hypnotic Furniture Stunts
Hypnotic Furniture Stunts
IKEA's Furniture Ad Spellbinds a Real Couple with Hypnosis
Mysterious Phonecall Campaigns
Mysterious Phonecall Campaigns
Heineken & Fred Armisen Want You to Pick Up the Payphone That Rings
Camera-Embedded Bras
Camera-Embedded Bras
Nestlé FITNESS' Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign Involves a Hidden Camera
Uncompassionate Poverty Experiments
Uncompassionate Poverty Experiments
The Pilion Trust Tests Concern for Poverty in London
Musical Vending Machines
Musical Vending Machines
This Water Vending Machine Gives Out Treats If You Play Nicely
Social Experiment Alcohol Ads
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'Project Open-Minded' by Somersby Cider Tactically Gets Men Dancing
Furniture Store Feline Experiments
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IKEA Let 100 Cats Run Rampant in 'Herding Cats' Experiment
Friendship-Testing Pranks
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This TV Promotion Turns Friends into Accomplices
Social Silencing Experiments
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Heineken’s Quiet Please Experiment Asks Loud New Yorkers to Hush
Free Cash Experiments
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Ice Customer Rewards Tries to Catch the Eyes of Consumers
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YTV Network's Social Experiment Video Makes Smokers Question Health
Chewing Gum Experiments
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Beldent's Chewing Gum Test Shows How Approachable Gum Makes You Look
Guerilla Stunt Webinars
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Dove Hosted a Q&A Webinar to Take the Audience Behind the Scenes
Playful Soccer Vending Machines
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The Pepsi Football Vending Machine Tests Your Soccer Skills
Warmth-Sharing Campaigns
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SOS Mayday Asks: Would You Give Up Your Jacket to a Child in Need?
Musical Beer Sale Experiments
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Heineken Hosted an Experiment with DJ Armin Van Buuren
Adventurous Beer Drinker Ads
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The 2014 Bud Light Super Bowl Ad is Full of Celebs and Surprises
Beer Brand Travel Experiments
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Departure Roulette Participants Board Plane to Unkown Places
Wandering-Eye Experiments
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The 'What Girls Look At' Video Reveals the Secret Minds of Women
Mind-Controlled Car Promos
Mind-Controlled Car Promos
The Hyundai i30 Online Hypnosis Experiment is a Head Trip
Social Beer Experiments
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The Carlsberg Bikers Stunt Turns a Movie Theatre into a Bar
Fast Food Reality Experiments
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Personal Fragrance Finder Shops
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The Fragrance Lab by Selfridges Perfectly Matches You to a Perfume