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34 Clever Uses of Social Media for Travel

From Tweeted Hotel Bookings to Selfie-Friendly Hotels

— December 14, 2013 — World
Social media for travel is changing the way people see the world and it is having a huge influence on the travel industry. A prime example of this is Loews Hotels, which allows its guests to make hotel bookings through Twitter. Another social media-loving destination is the Australia 1888 Hotel, which offers a free night stay for guests with 10,000 Instagram followers — this is good exposure for the hotel and a great deal that the influential Instagram user is bound to spread the word about. With perks like these, people will be snapping a ton of selfies at the hotel.

With the recent introduction of Pinterest’s Place Boards, this brings a ton of new opportunities for travel agencies, airlines and hotels to create captivating maps of must-see destinations or the locations of novel vacationing spots around the globe.
Tweeting Travel Agents
Tweeting Travel Agents
'' Trolls Twitter to Help Hotels Find Potential Guests
Location-Based Friend Tools
Location-Based Friend Tools
Lonely Planet Friends for Friends App is Perfect for Solo Travelers
City Discovery Apps
City Discovery Apps
Mapnificent App Presents All Possible Routes Available from a Starting Point
Twitter Airline Tickets
Twitter Airline Tickets
TweetAFlight Allows Instant Social Media Travel Transactions
Virtual Travel Exercise Experiences
Virtual Travel Exercise Experiences
The Teemo Fitness App Takes You On an Adventure
Personalized City Search Tools
Personalized City Search Tools
MapQuest Vibe Lets Users Engage with Cities Interactively
Travel-Focused Social Networks
Travel-Focused Social Networks
Touristlink Makes Traveling an Everyday Topic for Web Surfers
Social Media Urination Stations
Social Media Urination Stations
AirPnP Allows Users to Lend Out Their Bathrooms to the Public
Prosperous Scavenger Hunts
Prosperous Scavenger Hunts
Twitter's HiddenCash is Holding a SF Scavenger Hunt Leading to Money
Seat Mate-Matching Applications
Seat Mate-Matching Applications
Finnair Airline Passengers can Choose Their Seat Mates
Lit Holiday Travel Charts
Lit Holiday Travel Charts
Foursquare Travel Infographic Lights up the Sky
Tourist-Attracting Smartphone Campaigns
Tourist-Attracting Smartphone Campaigns
The ‘Post from Japan’ App Harnesses Picture Po
Social Media Trip Engagers
Social Media Trip Engagers
The 'MHbuddy' App Let's You Share Travel Plans with Facebook Friends
Crowdsourced GPS Maps
Crowdsourced GPS Maps
'Streetview Updating by Hertz' Places Google Cameras on Rental Cars
Social Pinboard Maps
Social Pinboard Maps
Pinterest's Place Pins Help to Curate Better Travel Boards
Hotel Social Networking Sites
Hotel Social Networking Sites
IMGuest Connects Businesses and Travelers Together Online
Real-Time Vacation Guides
Real-Time Vacation Guides
The 'Suggestme' Travel Guide Finds Destinations Hot Now
Tweeted Hotel Bookings
Tweeted Hotel Bookings
Twitter Users Can Book Their Stays at Loews Hotels with a Tweet
Nostalgic Time-Travelling Apps
Nostalgic Time-Travelling Apps
The Timehop App Makes a Social Media Time Capsule of Yourself
Social Media Loyalty Programs
Social Media Loyalty Programs
The Starwood Hotels Foursquare Partnerships Help You Earn Points
Crowdsourced Travel Maps
Crowdsourced Travel Maps
KLM's Must See Map Lets You & Friends Create Maps by Selecting Must-Sees
Illegal Animated Internet Maps
Illegal Animated Internet Maps
Internet Census 2012 Infected 420,000 Computers to Gauge Web Usage
Social Media-Obsessed Hotels
Social Media-Obsessed Hotels
Sol Wave House in Spain is the First Twitter Hotel
Social Road Trip Apps
Social Road Trip Apps
The 'SmileDrive' App Integrates Social Media with Road Trips
Social Metropolis Graphs
Social Metropolis Graphs
The Phototrails Project Maps Out the Instagram Signatures of Cities
Interactive Graffiti Tracking Tools
Interactive Graffiti Tracking Tools
Paris Street Art is a Website That Locates Murals on a Map
Artfully Crowdsourced Maps
Artfully Crowdsourced Maps
'They Draw & Travel' Showcases Cool Travel Insights from Nomad Artists
Facebook Tourism Tactics
Facebook Tourism Tactics
Obermutten Campaign Posts Fan Profiles on Village Wall
Crowdsourced Virtual Tourism
Crowdsourced Virtual Tourism
Remote Control Tourist Allows You to Visit Melbourne from Your Couch
Aerial Tweet Maps
Aerial Tweet Maps
Fast Company Design Aerial Maps Reveal Twitter User Data of NYC and London
Social Media Airports
Social Media Airports
The Virgin America San Francisco Terminal Checks-In on Foursquare & Facebook
Photo-Fueled Car Competitions
Photo-Fueled Car Competitions
The Mercedes-Benz' 'Take the Wheel' is a Competition for Instagram
Selfie-Friendly Hotels
Selfie-Friendly Hotels
Australia's 1888 Hotel is Instagram-Friendly
Storm-Locating Maps
Storm-Locating Maps
The Hurricane Sandy Crisis Map Helps to Prepare for This Natural Disaster