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Top 25 New Venture Innovations in April

From Artist-Focused AI to Holistic Recovery Studios

— April 29, 2018 — Unique
Sensory-friendly movie screenings, female-only ridesharing services and AI rewards programs are some of the innovations to emerge as April 2018 new ventures, which come from start-ups and established businesses alike.

While workout studios and fast food drive-thrus can already be found across the world, several businesses are setting themselves apart with divergent services that focus on niche offerings. Examples of this include New York City's ReCOVER studio, which offers activities and sessions to support the mind and body post-workout, as well as the pizza-focused California Quick Slice drive-thru that is set to be open this summer.

A number of new businesses are launching with a focus on Millennials, including Office Depot's BizBox, which provides young entrepreneurs with tools to accelerate their growth, as well as Sillages Paris, a perfume brand that is sparking new interest in the category through transparency, curation and customization.
Whisky Cask Cryptos
Whisky Cask Cryptos
This Asset-Based Cryptocurrency Lets You Invest In Whisky Casks
Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchanges
Decentralized Cryptocurrency Exchanges
The Qurrex Exchange Uses Peer-to-Peer Trading Architecture
Laser-Distressed Jeans
Laser-Distressed Jeans
Levi's FLX Project is a New Sustainable Initative for Distressed Jeans
Artist-Focused AI
Artist-Focused AI
The Music Fund Is Ensuring Musicians are Paid Properly By Using AI
Clean Beauty Brand Accelerators
Clean Beauty Brand Accelerators
'The Clean Hub' Helps Clean Beauty Brands Get Their Start
Cloud Gaming Services
Cloud Gaming Services
The Microsoft Gaming Cloud Division is Hoping to Change the Market
Anime-Themed Bullet Trains
Anime-Themed Bullet Trains
The Hello Kitty Bullet Train Will Soon Be a Reality in Japan
Sensory-Friendly Film Screenings
Sensory-Friendly Film Screenings
'My Way Matinee' Shows Movies for People with Sensory Disorders
Global Botanical E-Shops
Global Botanical E-Shops
Naturevibe Botanicals Offers for Hard-to-Find Goods Like Moringa
Pre-Planned Weekend Getaways
Pre-Planned Weekend Getaways
'Alpaca My Bags' Creates Weekend Adventures for Couples
Female-Only Ride-Share Services
Female-Only Ride-Share Services
DriveHer is Offering Toronto Women a Safe Ride Home
VR Data Visualizations
VR Data Visualizations
Virtualitics Combines AR, VR and AI to Create a New Way to See Information
Community-Focused Coffee Chain Locations
Community-Focused Coffee Chain Locations
Starbucks' Concept Space in Brooklyn Adds to Neighborhood
Cork-Based Skincare Lines
Cork-Based Skincare Lines
Birkenstock Launched a Cruelty-Free Skincare Range Powered by Cork Oak
Fur-Free Luxury Fashion
Fur-Free Luxury Fashion
Versace Clothing May Soon Become Completley Fur Free
Candy Flavor Challenges
Candy Flavor Challenges
HI-CHEW's East Meets West Flavor Challenge Has Fans Decide a New US Flavor
Customizable Online-Only Fragrances
Customizable Online-Only Fragrances
Sillages Paris Targets Millennials with Simple, Custom Scents
AI Rewards Programs
AI Rewards Programs
HSBC is Using Artificial Intelligence to Predict How Points May Be Redeemed
Musical Coffee Subscriptions
Musical Coffee Subscriptions
Cafe Steez Offers a 'Coffee and Hip-Hop Subscription' Service
Pizza-Centric Drive-Thrus
Pizza-Centric Drive-Thrus
'California Quick Slice' Will Make Pizza Available Fast by the Slice
Mom-Centric Online Concierges
Mom-Centric Online Concierges is Launching a "Momcierge" Exclusively for Mothers
Holistic Recovery Studios
Holistic Recovery Studios
NYC's ReCOVER Studio Delivers Recovery Solutions for the Mind and Body
Affordable Baby Subscription Boxes
Affordable Baby Subscription Boxes
Target Created a New Monthly Subscription Box for Babies
Millennial Start-Up Services
Millennial Start-Up Services
Office Depot's BizBox Empowers Business Owners with Growth Tools
Expansive Innovation Spaces
Expansive Innovation Spaces
The Cambridge Innovation Center Received Funding To Expand Into Europe