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Hernando Gomez Salinas

Social Communicator
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Member Since
Jun 2006
Advertise writer and Trendhunter. Copywriter of The .
Hernando have a map in his mind of what's going on in Buenos Aires.
He studied Advertise Writing in Underground Creative School He has the degree in 2004.
Since 2001 he was studying Social Communication at UBA (Universidad de Buenos Aires). Nowadays he studies for the specialization in Public opinion and Advertise. He's a consultant about The most IN culture in Buenos Aires for important Ad and Research agencies, including Lowe Worldwide, Ogilvy International, Cicmas, Identia Pr, AgendaInc, He`s speciallized in cualitative research.
He wants to get a view 360 degree , so he could find ideas about the OFF culture. In 2006 he founded The to get a view about trash and bizarre way to see the world.
Comfortable Extreme Sport
Comfortable Extreme Sport
There is a new extreme sport gaining popularity and in involves you and your couch. Sofing is a way to beat routine, fight against daily mundane tasks... and all from the comfort of your couch! Contemplative… MORE
Subcultural Art in Buenos Aires
Subcultural Art in Buenos Aires
Odisea 20 Cultural Slum
In the city of Buenos Aires, like in other Latin American cities, there are settlements of impoverished people called "villas" (slums) because the savage capitalism has wreaked havoc on them. Social… MORE
Celebrity Parody Ads
Celebrity Parody Ads
Argentina Mocks David Beckham
The sport marketing phenomenon David Beckham has increased his bank account so much, it's reached multi-millionaire status. His media exposure is so big that he has starred in ads for major global brands… MORE
New Urban Tribes
New Urban Tribes
Ganguros & Yamanbas
Far from describing a twanging marsupial, the word Ganguro actually means "black face". It’s a fashion term that tends to be used by Japanese girls. It tends to involve bleaching hair a platinum blonde,… MORE
Converse Canvas
Converse Canvas
All Stars By Argentinean Designers
Over 100 customized sneakers will be exhibited in Mar del Plata where they will be displayed for judgment. The winning pairs will be recreated and included in the next Converse collection. Trimarchi DG,… MORE
First Reverse Marathon
First Reverse Marathon
Flashmob Freak
The First Reverse Marathon in history took place at Parque Centenario in Buenos Aires earlier this month. In order to effectively run in reverse, some athletes managed to fit improvised rear-view mirrors… MORE
Jedi Religion
Jedi Religion
Star Wars Inspired Spirituality
The Jedi Church is a pseudo religion that has recently appeared in different countries and is based on Star Wars movies. In 2001 in Australia, more than 70,000 people declared themselves Jedi members.… MORE
Destroy The Magic Kingdom
Destroy The Magic Kingdom
Los Disneys Game
Not a fan of Disney? Then check out Los Disneys, a game that lets you unleash your wrath. It’s the year 2015. One step from bankruptcy, the US government decides to sell the state of Florida to the Disney… MORE
Arstic Interventions
Arstic Interventions
Modified Argentinean Advertising
Oscar Brahim, an Argentinean cab driver has dedicated his creative efforts to change the city's advertising to artistically promote his messages. Brahim hates advertising and the commercial industry, as… MORE
A Collection Of The Bizarre
An online collaborative encyclopedia of the freakishly absurd is gaining rapid popularity as it grows. Frikipedia, is a summary of all human knowledge (the third most intelligent species on Earth) and… MORE
80s Icon Revived
80s Icon Revived
Mr. T Doll Exhibition In San Francisco
An extravagant artistic exhibition took place at the RX Gallery in San Francisco. The collectors Mike Essl & Greg Rivera gathered thousands of Mr. T figures, the actor who personified Mario Baracus in… MORE
Cartoon Graffiti
Cartoon Graffiti
The Fakes Project in Argentina
The Proyecto Falsos (Fakes Project) are fakes of certain cartoon characters (generally children's cartoons) that proliferate in Argentinian streets, mainly in carousels, children’s hairdressers and fun… MORE
Pornogami (FOLLOW-UP)
Pornogami (FOLLOW-UP)
Pornographic Origami Instruction Book
In March, Trend Hunter featured an artist dedicated to pornographic origami, which is the art of folding paper into erotic figures. Now, you can purchase a book which will teach you the same skills. The… MORE
Brand Obsession Driving Rogue R&D
Brand Obsession Driving Rogue R&D
Example: The Zippo'd iPod
Unfortunately, the Zippo'd Lighter / iPod is a fake. But the rising trend is that brand obsession with iPod is driving rogue research and development across the web. There are literally hundreds of fake… MORE
World's Ugliest Dog Contest in California
World's Ugliest Dog Contest in California
In Petaluma, California, the World’s Ugliest Dog Contest at Marin-Sonoma County Fair took place last week. Elwood, a 2-year-old Chinese Crested and Chihuahua mix, was crowned as the world’s ugliest dog.… MORE
Museum of Bad Art for 'Art Too Bad to be Ignored'
Searching the web looking for The UncoolHunter I was pleased to find MOBA, The Museum of Bad Art . MOBA, located in Dedham, Massachusetts, USA, is the world's only museum dedicated to the collection,… MORE
Body by Dance, Not Plastic Surgery
Body by Dance, Not Plastic Surgery
Nike Ad Pushes Hot Latin Dancing
In this Nike Ad made by Madre Buenos Aires, woman abandon plastic surgery tables to dance. The concept is "Body by Dance". The music was produced by Gustavo Santaolalla. Overall, the commercial sends… MORE
Nomadic Sports
Nomadic Sports
Yak Polo Brings a Mongolian Flavour to the Traditional Polo Game
I had a chance to search the web for sports trends for my site The and i could see an interesting Polo variant: Yak Polo. Polo is a team sport played outdoor on horseback in which the… MORE
Chinese Fake Brands
Chinese Fake Brands
From Pmua to Cnoverse
With so much brand equity invested into leading global brands, it should come as no surprise that there are Chinese comanies who create fake brands. These fake brands look very similar to their original… MORE
ToyGiants Book
ToyGiants Book
A Journey Into the World of Bizarre Vinyl Art Toys
Recently, I had a chance to review the PhotoArtists book over at the The In short, the book is a journey into the world of bizrre vinyl toys. Here's my review: Photoartists Daniel… MORE
Deface Value
Deface Value
Phil Collins Albums Defaced by Celebrities for Charity
Phil Collins’ No Jacket Required and Face Value vinyl sleeves will be defaced by celebrities and artists for an auction to raise funds for the 'Children In Hunger' charity. Tracy Emin, Fatboy Slim,… MORE
MySpace China Launched
MySpace China Launched
Is This The End of Communist Censorship?
When we learned that Trend Hunter was banned in China, we felt that Trend Hunter had finally made it big. After all, the Chinese government has censored thousands of websites. However, in a brave new… MORE
Hip Milk
Hip Milk
Yoamolaleche Ads Modern Design to Milk
The Project Yoamolaleche was conceived to attract a huge group of eternal belated adolescents to milk by appealing to their youthful spirit. The website proclaims, "We think of ourselves as a healthy… MORE
Red Bull Music Academy
Red Bull Music Academy
Inspiration Community for Professional and Emerging Musicians
With presence in many countries of the world, Red Bull invites DJs, musicians, producers, MCs and music lovers to their Red Bull Music Academies. Through the academies, Red Bull creates a space for sharing… MORE
Retro Computer Music
Retro Computer Music
Astralwerks Launches 8 bit Compilation CD
Astralwerks has released a multi-artist compilation, featuring interpretations of classic Kraftwerk songs played primarily on lo-bit handheld gaming devices, vintage video game consoles and obsolete 8… MORE
Guerrilla Paper
Guerrilla Paper
Empower Yourself with Designer Graffiti
Motorola launched Guerilla Paper which is basically designer graffiti. This concept of guerrilla paper is that you can personalize or transform anything using the signature paper. This enables you to… MORE
Unplugged Raves
Unplugged Raves
Percussionist Parties in Buenos Aires
La "Bomba de tiempo" is an unplugged rave group formed by some of the most outstanding percusionists of Argentina. During 2006 they held a concert each Monday in centro cultural Konex. They communicate… MORE
Viral Clothing Label Targets Street Kids
A group of UBA's (University of Buenos Aires) graphic designers created "SUBA," a clothing label that 'lives' Street Art. Using the walls of Buenos Aires, they obtained a position as being the "official… MORE
Pole Dancing Exercise
Pole Dancing Exercise
Sexy Movements Become the Latest Form of Exercise
Pole dancing is becoming the latest form of exercise. A year ago we already posted that you can buy a pole dancing kit, but fitness schools are offering pole dancing across the globe, from Toronto to… MORE
Sexy Pillow Fight League
Sexy Pillow Fight League
Is Pillow Fight Madness Being Exploited?
Over the last year, we've seen organized pillow fight clubs pop up in the streets around the world. We've also seen a Pillow Fight League pop-up. Now, Playboy has taken the pillow fight concept to the… MORE
Choose Your Own Adventure For Adults
Choose Your Own Adventure For Adults
Be George Bush
Do you remember “choose your own adventure” books? Now there are choose your own adventure books for adults! These satirical versions were launched in Buenos Aires. The satirical magazine NAH!… MORE
Spit Artist
Spit Artist
Albert Reyes Spits Art onto the Ground
Albert Reyes is a grafitti artist from Los Angeles and he produces spit art. After a previous concentration, the figures measure 3 meters long. Albert gambols around the pavement with his face inches from… MORE
Digital Art Festival Resfest 2007 in Buenos Aires
Digital Art Festival Resfest 2007 in Buenos Aires
Resfest 2007 Buenos Aires will be placed, in Malba. Resfest is a digital art festival that explores the dynamics between the cinema, the art, the music and the design. Every year the festival projects… MORE
Buenos Aires Spotting
Buenos Aires Spotting
Buenos Aires Spotting brings Latin American trends to the rest of the world. In a world overloaded with information, the most valuable is the information that only a few posses. In the presence of expansive… MORE
Fake Prostitutes
Fake Prostitutes
Cardboard Cut-Outs Make Neighbourhood Statement in Tel Aviv
There is nothing like fake prostitutes on every street corner to reduce the price of rent, which is exactly what was done in a Tel Aviv neighbourhood. If you are not a property owner and you fight against… MORE
Interactive Erotic Drawings as Art
Interactive Erotic Drawings as Art
Cuerpos Dóciles
“Cuerpos Dóciles” are a series of movable drawings produced by the plastic artist Sergio Lamanna The artist makes facilities in different spaces so that the people can manipulate them. The interaction… MORE

Featured Ideas

Museum of Bad Art for 'Art Too Bad to be Ignored'
Searching the web looking for The UncoolHunter I was pleased to find MOBA, The Museum of Bad Art . MOBA, located in Dedham, Massachusetts, USA, is the world's only museum dedicated to the collection,… MORE
Bolivian Free Style Wrestling For Women
Bolivian Free Style Wrestling For Women
Welcome to Bolivian Free-style Wrestling. Unlike the extravagant WWE, the women of Bolivian wrestling keep things real by wearing their traditional red skirts, white pompoms and a golden laced shawl,… MORE
POPI; Designs from a Psychiatric Hospital
POPI; Designs from a Psychiatric Hospital
Inpatients from a psychiatric hospital have launched a product design company called POPI. POPI stands for "Productos Impacientes Oliveros Argentina" (Impatients products Oliveros Argentina). The inpatients… MORE
New Street Artist in Buenos Aires
PUM PUM is a new Street Artist in Buenos Aires with a very unique style. Child figures, rabbits with great ears, bears, sentimental cats, and doubtful zombies are figures who arise from the talent to… MORE
Pillow Fight Clubs
Pillow Fight Clubs
Now in Buenos Aires
Earlier in the year we covered Pillow Fight Clubs, which had started in in San Francisco. Now, the massive pillow fights have expanded all the way to Buenos Aires. The recent pillow fight took place… MORE
Retro Computer Music
Retro Computer Music
Astralwerks Launches 8 bit Compilation CD
Astralwerks has released a multi-artist compilation, featuring interpretations of classic Kraftwerk songs played primarily on lo-bit handheld gaming devices, vintage video game consoles and obsolete 8… MORE
Kiss Kasket
Kiss Kasket
Officially Licensed!
We all know Kiss, the legendary rock and roll band. It is also known the fanaticism of their passionate followers spread around the world. And the marketing team of the band is also aware of this. The… MORE
Buenos Aires Spotting
Buenos Aires Spotting
Buenos Aires Spotting brings Latin American trends to the rest of the world. In a world overloaded with information, the most valuable is the information that only a few posses. In the presence of expansive… MORE
Body by Dance, Not Plastic Surgery
Body by Dance, Not Plastic Surgery
Nike Ad Pushes Hot Latin Dancing
In this Nike Ad made by Madre Buenos Aires, woman abandon plastic surgery tables to dance. The concept is "Body by Dance". The music was produced by Gustavo Santaolalla. Overall, the commercial sends… MORE
Hip Milk
Hip Milk
Yoamolaleche Ads Modern Design to Milk
The Project Yoamolaleche was conceived to attract a huge group of eternal belated adolescents to milk by appealing to their youthful spirit. The website proclaims, "We think of ourselves as a healthy… MORE
Perverted Furniture
Perverted Furniture
If you believed you’ve seen everything in regards to sex, you were wrong. Furniture Porn opens the game even more by bringing a new world to your desktop. The site demonstrates with the help of the imagination… MORE
Guerrilla Paper
Guerrilla Paper
Empower Yourself with Designer Graffiti
Motorola launched Guerilla Paper which is basically designer graffiti. This concept of guerrilla paper is that you can personalize or transform anything using the signature paper. This enables you to… MORE
Converse Canvas
Converse Canvas
All Stars By Argentinean Designers
Over 100 customized sneakers will be exhibited in Mar del Plata where they will be displayed for judgment. The winning pairs will be recreated and included in the next Converse collection. Trimarchi DG,… MORE
Show and Tell For Academics and Artists
Show and Tell For Academics and Artists
Pecha Kucha Night
Pecha Kucha is a hip version of show and tell for designers, musicians, academics and artists. The key to Pecha Kucha Night is its unique structure: Each presenter is allowed 20 images, each shown for… MORE