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53 High-Tech Music Products

From 3D-Printed Historic Violins to Modular Mini Interfaces

— April 5, 2018 — Art & Design
The advancement in technology and its innovative nature bring about an exponential growth across industries, and what this means for the audiophile is a wide range of high-tech music gadgets. Of course, there is a wide array of speakers and headphones in a highly competitive market, but these 53 high-tech music products are meant to emphasize and bring about a development in sound and knowledge for musicians or those wanting to learn an instrument.

The developments in the high tech music industry are unlike what creators had to deal previously. While the MIDI ring by Enhancia connects notes with the delicacy and fluidity of hand gestures, Specdrums allows the consumer to create composition through a chromatic keyboard pad — something like reverse synesthesia.
Artist Curated Posts
Artist Curated Posts
Google Has Expanded Its Knowledge Panel To Allow For Artist Interaction
Independent Musician Networks
Independent Musician Networks
The 'Humbolt' Digital Music Streaming Network is Socially Focused
Artist-Focused AI
Artist-Focused AI
The Music Fund Is Ensuring Musicians are Paid Properly By Using AI
Distortion-Canceling Speakers
Distortion-Canceling Speakers
The Samsung NW700 Soundbar will be Unveiled at CES 2018
Virtual DJ Turntables
Virtual DJ Turntables
EntroPi Games' 'Vinyl Reality' Simulates the Music-Mixing Experience
Laptop Subwoofer Peripherals
Laptop Subwoofer Peripherals
The 'Bassjump 2' Increases the Bass Output of Your Laptop's Speakers
Beginner Percussion Synthesizers
Beginner Percussion Synthesizers
Moog's DFAM is a Drum Synth Made for Those with No Experience
Reimagined Combo Organs
Reimagined Combo Organs
The Vox Continental Features the Unique Sound Of the Iconic 1960s Version
Wearable Subwoofer Systems
Wearable Subwoofer Systems
The BackBeat Lets Bass Players Feel the Full Force of Their Sounds
Hearing Aid-Connected Concerts
Hearing Aid-Connected Concerts
Oticon's Latest Initiative is an Immersive Music Event With Styx
Portable DJ Sound Systems
Portable DJ Sound Systems
The 'RockDolly' Live Sound Solution is for Traveling DJs and Musicians
Novel Sound Synthesizers
Novel Sound Synthesizers
Google's NSynth AI Creates Completely New Sounds
AI Piano Duets
AI Piano Duets
The Google AI Duet Experiment Plays Piano in Response to User Input
Miniature AI Speaker Systems
Miniature AI Speaker Systems
The Xiaomi Mi AI Speaker Mini Serves as a Home Assistant and More
High-Tech Portable Music Studios
High-Tech Portable Music Studios
ROLI's Songmaker Kit is an Amalgam of Three Music-Making Devices
Intelligent String Instruments
Intelligent String Instruments
The Populele Smart Ukulele's App and LEDs Trim the Learning Curve
Streamlined DJ Systems
Streamlined DJ Systems
The Pioneer Compact DJ Software Controller Enables Mixing Like Never Before
Studio-Quality Audio Recorders
Studio-Quality Audio Recorders
The Roland R-07 Offers Premium Results
Intuitive Music-Learning Systems
Intuitive Music-Learning Systems
'Dodeka Music' Teaches Music Theory Through a Revamped Keyboard
Modular MIDI Interfaces
Modular MIDI Interfaces
This Colorful Interface Brings Soulful Sounds to Digitally Conceived Music
Music-Enhancing Audio Systems
Music-Enhancing Audio Systems
The Sony High-Resolution Audio System Creates an Intense Experience
Premium Music-Enhancing Devices
Premium Music-Enhancing Devices
The McIntosh MHA50 Portable Decoding Amplifier is Compact
Instrumental Motion-Controlled Rings
Instrumental Motion-Controlled Rings
The Wave Ring Can Control Music with Movement
Digital Training Guitars
Digital Training Guitars
The Fret Zeppelin LED Guitar Display Has a Built-in LED System
AI Technology Headphones
AI Technology Headphones
The Nakamichi 'EDGE' AI-Enhanced Wireless Headphones are Advanced
AR Piano Lessons
AR Piano Lessons
The Music Everywhere App Uses AR to Teach the Piano
Lesson-Teaching Keyboards
Lesson-Teaching Keyboards
The ONE Light Portable Electronic Keyboard Provides Guided Lessons
3D Printed Violins
3D Printed Violins
College Student Sean Riley 3D Printed a Functioning Six String Violin
Smartphone-Connected Guitar Pedals
Smartphone-Connected Guitar Pedals
The 'Conus' Pedal Allows for Total Tonal Control
Self-Learning Guitar Apps
Self-Learning Guitar Apps
The Fred Zealot Offers Fret-by-Fret Instructions for Beginners
Digital Property Systems
Digital Property Systems
Bitmark Leverages Blockchain Technology to Protect Your Digital Property
Audio-Upgrading Cables
Audio-Upgrading Cables
The Beyerdynamic 'Impacto essential' DAC Cable Improves Playback
Virtual Reality Lesson Plans
Virtual Reality Lesson Plans
China's ISNS is Using VR to Further In-Classroom Learning
Digital Piano Teaching Devices
Digital Piano Teaching Devices
The 'RainPlay' Enables Players to Master the Piano
Premium Plywood Turntables
Premium Plywood Turntables
Clearaudio Used Plywood and Aluminum for Its Luxurious Turntable
Assistive Smart Piano Systems
Assistive Smart Piano Systems
The One Piano Strip Offers Portable Piano Learning Help
3D-Printed Historic Violins
3D-Printed Historic Violins
The ViolinoDigitale Project 3D-Printed a Stradivarius Replica
Hidden Toy Synthesizers
Hidden Toy Synthesizers
Love Hultén's 'Bivalvia' Device is Hidden in a Tiny Box
Digital Drumstick Attachments
Digital Drumstick Attachments
'Drumistic' Drumming Devices Let Musicians Play Anywhere
AI Music Installations
AI Music Installations
HAKUHODO i-Studio and Yamaha are Experimenting with Tech at SXSW
Modular DJ Controllers
Modular DJ Controllers
The 'Mine' Modular Music Controller Can be Customized and Reconfigured
Digital Music Creation Devices
Digital Music Creation Devices
The 'Piino' Music Instrument Device Lets You Compose Anywhere
Pocket-Sized Synthesizers
Pocket-Sized Synthesizers
The 'Zont' Synthesizer Enables Music Making Anywhere You Go
Tactile Digital Music Devices
Tactile Digital Music Devices
The 'NOMAD' is an App-Enabled Instrument That Can Be Played Anywhere
Musical Color-Recognizing Rings
Musical Color-Recognizing Rings
Specdrums Rings Turn Colored Paper into Customized Keyboards
Connected Chromatic Music Toys
Connected Chromatic Music Toys
Specdrums Let Users Tap Objects to Create Music
Multi-Media Composing Desks
Multi-Media Composing Desks
The Laptop Dock Studio is an All-in-One Music Composing Station
Mental Health-Focused Games
Mental Health-Focused Games
The Anamorphine Video Game Explores Depression in Interactive Ways
Musical Smart Rings
Musical Smart Rings
Enhancia Enhances Performance Through New Music Technology
Responsive Frequency Speakers
Responsive Frequency Speakers
The 'Layered' Bluetooth Speaker Creates a Light Show with Your Tunes
Affordable Modular Instruments
Affordable Modular Instruments
Roli's Seaboard Block Makes Music Production Easy for Beginners
Mobile Multimedia Projectors
Mobile Multimedia Projectors
The 'OUMBRA' Projector Design Projects Content and Plays Music
Vibrating Musical Experiences
Vibrating Musical Experiences
This Wearable Pod Lets Artists Play Songs as Vibrations on Your Skin