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22 IKEA Campaigns

From Furniture-Building Races to Virtual Decorating Apps

— September 6, 2014 — Art & Design
The quintessential furniture store is one of the more innovative brands on the market, which is prevalent within this collection of IKEA campaigns that highlight the sometimes cheeky/always lovable approach that's always taken. The innovative aspect about the IKEA brand is the international nature of it; while the humble origins lay in Sweden, the brand today operates in many major countries around the world, delivering product in a way that is truly worldly (think image-based instructions and one word product names).

These IKEA campaigns offer a glimpse into the warm and cozy brand that is obsessed with everything concerning how you live your life. Whether it's your morning routine or the living room, there are few aspects of modern life that IKEA hasn't influenced or become a part of.
Furniture-Building Races
Furniture-Building Races
Buzzfeed Challenges Couples to Build IKEA Furniture as Fast as They Can
Animal Adoption Advertising
Animal Adoption Advertising
Ikea Promotes Dog Adoption With Cut-Out Displays in Store Showrooms
Catalog-Sharing Campaigns
Catalog-Sharing Campaigns
The IKEA Social Catalogue Campaign Had Its Fans Digitize Pages
Interactive Mobile Catalogs
Interactive Mobile Catalogs
IKEA PS 2014 on the Move Was Presented in Full on Instagram
Scandal-Stopping Storage Ads
Scandal-Stopping Storage Ads
Catastrophic Combinations are Avoided with IKEA Storage Solutions
Product Costume Contests
Product Costume Contests
IKEA's Fun Contest Challenged Consumers to Dress Up Like an IKEA Product
Furniture Store Sleepovers
Furniture Store Sleepovers
This Year's Sleepover at IKEA Promotion Was Posted on Airbnb
Familial Home Ritual Campaigns
Familial Home Ritual Campaigns
IKEA's #Houserules Has Families Share Their Unique Home Rules
Augmented Reality Catalogues
Augmented Reality Catalogues
The 2014 IKEA Catalogue and App Virtually Display Decor
Familial Furniture Ads
Familial Furniture Ads
The IKEA Family Tree Campaign Maps Out Where Babies Are Made
Worldwide Wakeup Infographic Sites
Worldwide Wakeup Infographic Sites
IKEA's Life at Home Studies Morning Rituals Across the World
Gigantic Furniture Installations
Gigantic Furniture Installations
IKEA's Big Furniture Setup Lets Adults Play Like Little Kids
Mature Furniture Merchandizing
Mature Furniture Merchandizing
Anniversary IKEA Ad Celebrates Years of Manufacturing
Virtual Decorating Apps
Virtual Decorating Apps
Furnish's Augmented Reality App for Interior Design Makes Choices Easy
Storytelling Selling
Storytelling Selling
IKEA Explores Illustration-Based Digital Communication
Colorfully Hidden Product Ads
Colorfully Hidden Product Ads
IKEA'a Products Are Almost Invisible in the 'Choose Color' Ads
Furniture-Assisting Ads
Furniture-Assisting Ads
The IKEA Assembly Service Campaign Visualizes Help Needed
Sketched-In Furniture
Sketched-In Furniture
The IKEA Drawing Commercial is Artistically Imaginative
Storytelling Furniture Ads
Storytelling Furniture Ads
IKEA's Billboards Shows Scenarios for Leafing Through Its Catalog
Furniture Store Cafes
Furniture Store Cafes
Tokyo's IKEA Lotus Collection Cafe is a New Place to Eat IKEA Food
Cozy Commuter Couches
Cozy Commuter Couches
IKEA Bus Terminals Change the Way You Wait
Retro Home Magazines
Retro Home Magazines
Vintage IKEA Catalogs Prove Looks of the 60s and 70s Are Hot Again