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22 Nontraditional Gaming Consoles

From Gold-Plated Gaming Consoles to Optimized Video Game Systems

— September 11, 2015 — Tech
Nontraditional gaming consoles add a unique touch to one's gaming experience. Whether it be an Xbox One or a PS4, these gaming devices offer flawless design elements and a heightened level of functionality.

A gilded One Piece PS3 system displays a popular anime character alongside a glamorous gold coat. Equally luxe, a 24 carat gold-plated Xbox One and a gilded Nintendo Wii make a classic gaming experience a more elaborate affair. For sci-fi geeks, an Xbox shaped like Star Wars' R2-D2 is truly nontraditional while a Darth Vader PlayStation is sinister and sleek in its overall look.

Some other nontraditional gaming consoles also include crystallized consoles fit for the girly gamer -- a Swarovski Xbox 360 Kinect is riddled with fancy gems while the Kylie Minogue Xbox 360 console is coated with a variety of blue Swarovski crystals that are equally as opulent.
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The Xbox Dream is a Super-Powered Successor to the Xbox 360
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Tony Stark's Ironman Xbox 360 Console is One of a Kind