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62 Fantastic Fruit Art Finds

From Chromatic Produce Photography to Fresh Fruity Hat Sculptures

— February 12, 2013 — Art & Design
Fruit isn't just delicious, but also an optimal source for obtaining essential nutrients and these fruit art creations are a visual feast for your eyes. The sweet, natural foods are consistently spoofed in the mainstream as wacky products, but the collection of finds here range from tacky to timeless and will definitely have you craving a piece of your favorite variety.

There are literal creations here that have been phyiscally crafted from fruit to imitation creations that only appeal to your eyes and not your mouth. It doesn't matter what the medium an artist chooses because given there is intent and talent at work, there is nothing that cannot be made more beautiful or obscure in the endeavour for true art. These fruit art finds help to reinforce just that.
Fruity Teddy Figurines
Fruity Teddy Figurines
CLOT Handshake x Medicom Toy Bearbrick Gets a Vibrantly Sweet Look
Fresh Fruity Faces
Fresh Fruity Faces
Carolina Amoretti Creates Healthy Heads
Healthy Spinning Toys
Healthy Spinning Toys
Fruit Tops by Andreu Carulla are a Natural Twist to Fun
Fruity Seasoners
Fruity Seasoners
The Banana Salt & Pepper Shaker is Playfully Deceptive
Fruity Cash Clutches
Fruity Cash Clutches
The Strawberry Coin Purse by Misala is a Juicy Treat
Fruit-Infused Stationary
Fruit-Infused Stationary
The Fruit Block Office Memos from Paperable will Make your Day
Citrus Fruit Sculptures
Citrus Fruit Sculptures
The Fete Du Citron Features a Vitamin C Packed Village
Colorful Cuisine Tools
Colorful Cuisine Tools
The Dexas Kitchenware Collection is Playful and Vibrant
Fresh Fruity Hat Sculptures
Fresh Fruity Hat Sculptures
Brock Davis Banana Peel Trucker Hat is Wonderfully Whimsical
Fruity Lighting
Fruity Lighting
The Cherries Lamp Series by Nika Zupanc are Sweet and Delightful
Sculptural Fruit Stands
Sculptural Fruit Stands
A Mischievous Marriage Turns Farmers' Market Finds into Art
Produce Memo Pads
Produce Memo Pads
The Fruit Blocks by Ko. Machiyama are Refreshing Stationery
Banana Viking Helmets
Banana Viking Helmets
The Bananenhalter Lets You Pretend to be a Viking in Your Own Time
Fruity Exhibitions
Fruity Exhibitions
Fallen Fruit Shows the History of the Banana in L.A.
Fruity Lighting Solutions
Fruity Lighting Solutions
The Undercover GILApple Lamp Will Keep Darkness at Bay
Branded Produce Portraits
Branded Produce Portraits
Still Life with Fruits by Ting Ting Cheng Comments on Consumerism
Embossed Fruit Perforations
Embossed Fruit Perforations
These Tattooed Bananas Require No Ink at All
Chromatic Produce Photography
Chromatic Produce Photography
The Florent Tanet A Colorful Winter Project Arranges Food by Color
Fruit-Molded Pottery
Fruit-Molded Pottery
The Vegetabowls are Incredibly Realistic Pieces
Fruity Docking Stations
Fruity Docking Stations
Charge 'N' Fruit is a Yummy Mix of Food & Technology
Zesty Holiday Decor
Zesty Holiday Decor
Add a Bit of Yellow to Your Christmas Decorations with a Lemon Wreath
Festering Fruit Installations
Festering Fruit Installations
John Dilnot Explores Mortality's Beginning and End Through Apples
Tomato-Based Bowls
Tomato-Based Bowls
These Edible Food Nests are Made from Fruits and Meant to be Eaten Too
Fruity Food-Savers
Fruity Food-Savers
The Grapefruit Saver & Knife Preserves Fresh Cuts Conveniently
Panoramic Food Portraits
Panoramic Food Portraits
The Andrea Bricco Series of Captures Make a Delicious Portrayal
Massive Fruit Decor
Massive Fruit Decor
A Large Fiberglass Banana is Your Home's Full Serving of Awesome
Bubbly Glass-Blown Kitchenware
Bubbly Glass-Blown Kitchenware
Fruit Bowls by Rogier Martens Uses Apples as a Mold
Stone Fruit Instruments
Stone Fruit Instruments
The Avocado Ukulele Will Put a Song in a Food Lover's Heart
Vivid Produce Collages
Vivid Produce Collages
Julie Lee’s Food Collages Demonstrate the Beauty of Produce
Endearing Emotive Apple Art
Endearing Emotive Apple Art
'Crazy Fruits' Captures the Feelings Behind Your Favorite Produce
Appetizing Alphabet Artwork
Appetizing Alphabet Artwork
The Nuria Bringué Bergua 'Food Type' Typography Book is Delicious
Fruit Bowl Branches
Fruit Bowl Branches
Pick Your Food Straight from the Tree with the 'Mangier' by Smarin
Tasty Edible Typography
Tasty Edible Typography
Typefruitography by Garret Steider Combines Design With Food
Inedible Fruit Art
Inedible Fruit Art
Sarah Illenberger's 'Strange Fruits' Differentiates Material From Functionality
Fruity Booze Dispensers
Fruity Booze Dispensers
The Banana Flask Hides Alcohol Under a Healthy Disguise
Gigantic Vegetation Visuals
Gigantic Vegetation Visuals
Kei Kobayashi Paints Humans Amid Humungous Fruits
Fruity Sticky Notes
Fruity Sticky Notes
D-Bros Add Life to Your Desk With Apples and Pears
Literal Fruit Bowls
Literal Fruit Bowls
Harry Allen Casts Actual Fruit to Make His Bowls
Food-Infused Fashion
Food-Infused Fashion
The 'Bfiberandcraft' Etsy Store Combines Yummy Dishes with Everyday Items
Fake Fruit-Designed Juice Boxes
Fake Fruit-Designed Juice Boxes
The Preston Grubbs Juicy Juice Sipper is Adorable
Botanist Confectionary Branding
Botanist Confectionary Branding
Schwarz Wald Chocolate Packaging Alludes to Attentive Creation
Fruity-Fun Furniture
Fruity-Fun Furniture
The Cherries Wingchair Adds a Splash of Color to Your Space
Psychedelic Fruit Cushions
Psychedelic Fruit Cushions
Rest Your Head on the Trippy Medicom Toy Andy Warhol Banana Pillow
Colorful Floor Lamps
Colorful Floor Lamps
The Lollipop Floor Standing Light Series by Dorothy is Childhood-Inspired
Magnified Fruit Paintings
Magnified Fruit Paintings
Artist Dennis Wojtkiewicz Depicts His Subjects in Serious Realism
Fruity Coin Purses
Fruity Coin Purses
The Pink Grapefruit Leather Pouch by LaLisette is a Juicy Gem
Detailed Peeled Fruit Sculptures (UPDATE)
Detailed Peeled Fruit Sculptures (UPDATE)
This Amazing Banana Sculpting Will Drive You Bananas
Edible Cartoon Art
Edible Cartoon Art
The Snow White Apple Images Make Us Want to Take a Bite
Faux Fruit Treats
Faux Fruit Treats
These Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Cake Pops are Built for Romance
Fruity Eco Sculptures
Fruity Eco Sculptures
The Haroshi Apple is Another Awesome Upcycled Skate Deck
Raw Food Headpieces
Raw Food Headpieces
'Hanayui' by Takaya Hanayuishi is Eccentrically Grandiose
Sensual Produce Photography
Sensual Produce Photography
Lauren Hillebrandt Turns Normal Foods into Sensual Fruits
Whimsical Fruit Hats
Whimsical Fruit Hats
Boston Beanie Knits Mouthwatering Hats From Organic Cotton
Fruity Famous Faces
Fruity Famous Faces
Artsy Watermelon Carvings, From Van Gogh to Baseball Heroes
Fairytale Peeled Fruit
Fairytale Peeled Fruit
The Wusthof Knives Snow White Ad Divulges a Knack for Detail
Diguised Fruit Photography
Diguised Fruit Photography
'Strange Fruit' Depicts Fruit Undercover as Everyday Objects
Delicious Everyday Dioramas
Delicious Everyday Dioramas
Christopher Boffoli Creates Real-Life Scenes with Food and Figurines
Food Geeking
Food Geeking
DIY Guide Lets Nintendo Geeks Transform a Radish into a Super Mario Mushroom
Fruity Makeup
Fruity Makeup
Creative Cosmetics Turn Your Face into a Watermelon
Orange Peel Wicks
Orange Peel Wicks
The DIY Satsuma Candle is an Eco-Friendly Alternative to Traditional Tapers
Whimsical Food Photography
Whimsical Food Photography
Sarah Illenberger Captures Food as Familiar Objects