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28 Experimental Innovations

— March 26, 2009 — Marketing
We all experiment at some time in our lives. After all, how would so many of today's luxuries have come into being without experimenting first?

The following cluster looks at some experiments that never should have seen the light of day, but are fun to watch just the same. Included are open car roof car washes, shrimps on treadmills, and the famonus diet Coke and Mentos experiments.

Implications - From open-roof car washes to rebranding experiments, without experiments society wouldn't have most of the products we have today. By encouraging experimentation, more products, useful or not will be created and ultimately, may create the next big product or experience no one can live without.
Experimental Video Art Project
Experimental Video Art Project
Open-Roof Car Washes
Open-Roof Car Washes
Mini Cabrio Tries To Go Viral With A Soaking Experiment
Space Medicine
Space Medicine
Kibo Japanese Experiment Module
Experimental Philosophy
Experimental Philosophy
Eugene Mirman Analyzes Intent
Experimental Comedy Revivals
Experimental Comedy Revivals
Tim and Eric on Adult Swim
Reusable Paper
Reusable Paper
Experimental Xerox Paper Erases Itself
People as Traffic Sensors
People as Traffic Sensors
Nokia's Road Experiment
Dangerous Microwave Experiments
Dangerous Microwave Experiments
Nuked Cell Phone
3D Flash Experiments As Art
3D Flash Experiments As Art
The Lab by Mathieu Badimon
The No Impact Lifestyle Experiment
The No Impact Lifestyle Experiment
A Year Without Toilet Paper
Experimental Scramjet Reaches Mach 10
Experimental Scramjet Reaches Mach 10
Diet Coke and Mentos Experiments II
Diet Coke and Mentos Experiments II
The Dominoe Effect
Biodiesel Experimentation
Biodiesel Experimentation
Man Blows Up Ford F350 in Pursuit of Eco Truck
Experiments in Lifestyle Design
Experiments in Lifestyle Design
Blog of the New Rich
Undercover Social Experiments
Undercover Social Experiments
ABC Tests America's Gay Tolerance in a Sports Bar
Crowdsourced Journalism
Crowdsourced Journalism
Assignment Zero: an Experiment in Pro-Am Journalism
NASA's Experimental Air Crafts
NASA's Experimental Air Crafts
Shrimps On Treadmills
Shrimps On Treadmills
Scientific Experiments Are Comedy Gold
Cooking Eggs With Cell Phones
Cooking Eggs With Cell Phones
Russian Experiment Shows Its Possible
Diet Coke and Mentos Experiment 137
Diet Coke and Mentos Experiment 137
Expect Your Kids Follow
Random Toothpaste Experiments
Random Toothpaste Experiments
23 Tubes, 1 Bowl
Wasting 280,951 Office Post-Its
Wasting 280,951 Office Post-Its
The Sticky Note Experiments
Knitted Science Experiments
Knitted Science Experiments
PETA-Friendly Lab Rats by Crafty Hedgehog
Experimenting With Make-up
Experimenting With Make-up
Models Do the Odd Just for You
Bodysuits for Boys
Bodysuits for Boys
Experimental Teen Fashion by Sasha B for KTZ
Rebranding Experiments
Rebranding Experiments
Bentley-Bodied HUMMER
Virtual Hairstyle Experiments
Virtual Hairstyle Experiments
Interactive Site Lets You Try The Big Bang Look