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51 Resourceful DIY Clothing Ideas

From Designer Inspired Skirts to Stylish Diced Denim Shirts

— December 14, 2012 — Eco
There is no need to spend money buying new clothes every year with all the DIY clothing ideas that are circulating. With the help of these tutorials you can turn last year's blue sweater into a new sequined sleeve masterpiece.

If you find yourself needing an outfit for a special party coming up, consider the ‘A pair & A Spare’ sequin shorts. The tutorial shows you how to knit a sheet of fabric sequins into a pair of high-waisted New Years ready bottoms. You’ll end up lighting up the room for a lot less. Within the collection of DIY clothing crafts there is even the possibility of creating your very own clear plastic rain cape.

Save your nickels and dimes by applying some of these nifty DIY clothing ideas to your own wardrobe.
Arts and Crafty Clothing
Arts and Crafty Clothing
Colour-In Dress is a DIY Dream
Upcycled Apparel Pillows
Upcycled Apparel Pillows
The ThinkGeek Shirt 2 Pillow Kit is a DIY Dream
DIY Ombre Fashions
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Style Scrapbook Teaches You How to a Make a DIY Ombre Skirt
DIY Fashion
DIY Fashion
Scoodie How-To
Personal Flight Outfits
Personal Flight Outfits
Get Ready for Halloween 2012 With the Rocketeer Rocket Pack
DIY Jacket Cuff Lights
DIY Jacket Cuff Lights
DIY Exercise Apparel
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The Motivaional Moody Workout T-Shirt Will Get You Off Your Couch
DIY Wrapper Frocks
DIY Wrapper Frocks
This Homemade Skittles Dress is Both Creative and Unique
DIY Boa Fashion
DIY Boa Fashion
Ms. Kitty's Closet Shows What You Can Do With Spare Fabric and a Feather Boa
DIY Musical Fashion
DIY Musical Fashion
Wearable Toy Piano Shirt Actually Works!
Customized Doily Shorts
Customized Doily Shorts
These DIY Lace Shorts are Simply Stunning
Soliciting Logo Subversion
Soliciting Logo Subversion
DIY Shirts at the Burger King Studio
Paint Your Own Polo Kits
Paint Your Own Polo Kits
Ralph Lauren DIY Shirts
DIY Jean Repairs
DIY Jean Repairs
Johnny Patch Iron-on Patches are Made from Recycled Denim
Superhero-Inspired Sweatshirts
Superhero-Inspired Sweatshirts
The 'Wonder Woman Knit Sweater' is a Nostalgia-Filled DIY
80s Diva Stockings
80s Diva Stockings
These DIY Tights from The Rookie are Delightfully Adorable
Fierce Frugal Apparel
Fierce Frugal Apparel
The DIY Nixxi Floaty Wrap is Easy on the Eyes and the Wallet
DIY Americana Gear
DIY Americana Gear
This Fashion Drug 'Star Shorts' Tutorial is Patriotic and Ready for Summer
DIY Tee Upcycling
DIY Tee Upcycling
Megan Nicolay Transforms Tees into the Next Best Thing
DIY Designer Blazers
DIY Designer Blazers
Customize a Jacket at the Barneys Boy by Band of Outsiders Event
Incredible DIY Couture
Incredible DIY Couture
Maison Martin Margiela Artisanal Collection 2010 is a Fashionista's Dream
DIY Dress Cut-Outs
DIY Dress Cut-Outs
Boat People Boutique's 'Ari's Quick Fix Tutorial Feature Knotted Slits
Diced Denim Shirts
Diced Denim Shirts
This ‘a pair and a spare’ Top is Provocative Yet Proper
DIY Printed T-Shirts
DIY Printed T-Shirts
Hack a Day Shows You How to Create Your Own Ironic Tees
Borrowed Ex-Boyfriend Couture
Borrowed Ex-Boyfriend Couture
The Ira Zvidrina Men's Shirt Dress Recycles Abandoned Apparel
DIY Heart Blouses
DIY Heart Blouses
Hannaliis Ruuven's Self-Made Rose-Colored Top is Lovely
Subtle Sequin-Patched Sweaters
Subtle Sequin-Patched Sweaters
This 'a pair and a spare' DIY Creation Shimmers with Sophistication
Fierce Adhesive Fashion
Fierce Adhesive Fashion
These Duct Tape Dresses Stick it to Simplistic Style
Glamorously Gleaming Apparel
Glamorously Gleaming Apparel
The 'a pair & a spare' DIY Sequin Blazer Will Dress Up Any Outfit
DIY Swimsuit Coverups
DIY Swimsuit Coverups
This Glitter 'N Glue Tutorial Gets Any Girl Beach Ready
Feisty Fluorescent Ensembles
Feisty Fluorescent Ensembles
The 'a pair and a spare' DIY Circle Skirt is a Timeless Classic
DIY Neckband Embellishments
DIY Neckband Embellishments
The Stripes + Sequins ‘Pearl Stud Collar’ is Crafty Yet Si
Leather Embellishment DIYs
Leather Embellishment DIYs
This Leather Sleeve Tutorial by the Forge Style is Chic
DIY Ombre Tights
DIY Ombre Tights
The Brit & Co Blog Shows You How to Make Faded Leggings
DIY Monochromatic Motif Trousers
DIY Monochromatic Motif Trousers
The 'a pair and a spare' DIY Printed Palazzo Pants
Abstract-Accented Apparel
Abstract-Accented Apparel
Get Creative with the ‘a pair and spare’ DIY Japanese Obi Pa
Upcycled Accessory Frocks
Upcycled Accessory Frocks
The Repurposed Vintage Scarf Dress is a Great Way to Recycle
Bejeweled Jean Collars
Bejeweled Jean Collars
Honestly WTF Creates a Thrifty DIY Embellished Denim Shirt
Transparent Rain Capes
Transparent Rain Capes
'A Pair And A Spare' Makes a DIY Rainwear Tutorial
Sleeve Embellishment Tutorials
Sleeve Embellishment Tutorials
The Sequined Sweater DIY Adds Spunk to One's Traditional Garment
DIY Americana Sweaters
DIY Americana Sweaters
The 'Star Spangled Hoodie' Will Amp up Your Independence Day Celebrations
Stylishly Sequined Shorts
Stylishly Sequined Shorts
The 'a pair & a spare' DIY Sequin Shorts Tutorial is Simple
DIY Fashion Lessons
DIY Fashion Lessons
‘Built by Wendy' Teaches How To Customize Your Clothes
Cost-Effective Style
Cost-Effective Style
Looking Great Doesn't Have to Cost a Fortune (SPONSORED)
DIY Polka Dot Skirts
DIY Polka Dot Skirts
The 'A Beautiful Mess' Make Your Own High Low Skirt Tutorial is Simple
DIY Orbit-Inspired Clothing
DIY Orbit-Inspired Clothing
The ‘CooCookaChoo’ Galaxy Booty Shorts are Futuristic
DIY Rocker-Chic Coats
DIY Rocker-Chic Coats
This Homemade Spiked Trench Coat is Updated from the Burberry Favorite
DIY Dripping Logo Shirts
DIY Dripping Logo Shirts
Create a DIY Chanel T-shirt Inspired by the Brand's Latest Advertisements
DIY Designer-Inspired Skirts
DIY Designer-Inspired Skirts
Ladies Wearing the 'a pair and a spare' Lace Skirt Will be Envied
DIY Circular Painted Leggings
DIY Circular Painted Leggings
The Brit & Co. Polka-Dotted Pants are Stylish and Easy to Make
Hippie-Inspired Jean Tutorials
Hippie-Inspired Jean Tutorials
'DIY Tie Dye Denim' by Honestly WTF is Impactful