Creative Chef and Autobahn Fuse Design, Cooking and Music
Kalina N — October 19, 2018 — Art & Design
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The collaboration between Creative Chef (Jasper Udink Ten Cate) and design studio Autobahn presents a truly multi-disciplinary product. Debuted earlier in 2018, the creative pursuit actively brings together the art of cooking and music in a neat and accessible package.
In a sense, Creative Chef Records embraces the "joy of crate digging for vinyl" but with an interference of the culinary industry. The multi-disciplinary products are generally a collection of ceramic plates, each contained in a design-driven record sleeve. The artworks present a mandala that is created by spinning ingredients on a round turntable. The intuitive packaging boasts a QR code that leads to a song by an artist who is participating in the project, as well as a card of that individual's favorite recipe. The multi-disciplinary product is an exceptional way of reaching two communities that are held as separate.
In a sense, Creative Chef Records embraces the "joy of crate digging for vinyl" but with an interference of the culinary industry. The multi-disciplinary products are generally a collection of ceramic plates, each contained in a design-driven record sleeve. The artworks present a mandala that is created by spinning ingredients on a round turntable. The intuitive packaging boasts a QR code that leads to a song by an artist who is participating in the project, as well as a card of that individual's favorite recipe. The multi-disciplinary product is an exceptional way of reaching two communities that are held as separate.
Trend Themes
1. Multi-disciplinary Products - There is a trend in creating multi-disciplinary product that fuses industries in new, innovative ways, such as combining the art of cooking and music.
2. Design-driven Packaging - There is a tendency to leverage design-driven packaging that goes beyond just protecting and marketing a product, but also represents the multi-faceted creativity of the product itself.
3. QR Code Integration - There is an uptick in the integration of QR codes in packaging, which leads consumers to additional multimedia content, enhancing the overall experience and engagement with the product.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Music - There are opportunities for disruptive innovation by creating products that bridge the gap between the food and music industries, such as the multi-disciplinary products creating by Creative Chef and Autobahn.
2. Ceramics - There is a growing market for ceramics that go beyond typical tableware and embrace unconventional designs and applications, such as the ceramic plates used in the multi-disciplinary products created by Creative Chef and Autobahn.
3. Art and Design - There is an opportunity for disruption by creating products that blur the line between art and design, and leverage one to elevate the other, such as the mandala-inspired packaging used in the multi-disciplinary products created by Creative Chef and Autobahn.