This Infographic Reveals What Coffee Drinks Say About You
References: thedoghousediaries & visual.ly
This infographic by design firm Doghouse Diaries reveals what your favorite coffee drinks say about your personality. From espresso to the standard coffee to go, this infographic turns coffee drinks into revealing astrology-inspired character traits.
The 'What Your Coffee Says About You' infographic is laid out like a chart that features different types of coffee drinks, what they look like and what ordering them says about your personality. Readers are meant to analyse the chart, figure out which drink they order most frequently and then read the corresponding personality description that goes along with that particular beverage. Simple drinks reflect a carefree personality, decadent drinks hint at an intelligent personality and fuss-free to go drinks seem to say that you're a serious person. Regardless if these drink personalities are accurate or not, they make for a fun read.
The 'What Your Coffee Says About You' infographic is laid out like a chart that features different types of coffee drinks, what they look like and what ordering them says about your personality. Readers are meant to analyse the chart, figure out which drink they order most frequently and then read the corresponding personality description that goes along with that particular beverage. Simple drinks reflect a carefree personality, decadent drinks hint at an intelligent personality and fuss-free to go drinks seem to say that you're a serious person. Regardless if these drink personalities are accurate or not, they make for a fun read.
Trend Themes
1. Personalized Infographics - Opportunity for businesses to create infographics that relate personal preferences to character traits.
2. Astrology-inspired Character Traits - Opportunity to apply astrology-inspired personality traits to different consumer preferences.
3. Psychological Profiling Through Consumer Behaviors - Opportunity to analyze consumer behaviors and preferences to derive psychological profiles.
Industry Implications
1. Design Consulting - Opportunity for design firms to create personalized infographics for businesses to analyze customer preferences.
2. Beverage Industry - Opportunity for the beverage industry to utilize astrology-inspired character traits to market their products.
3. Market Research - Opportunity for market research firms to analyze consumer behaviors and preferences for targeted marketing strategies.