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27 Modern Dishwashers

From Sink-Sized Dish Cleaners to Self-Washing Basins

— June 13, 2013 — Art & Design
Anyone looking to add some sleek appliances to their kitchen that will help make the cleanup process much easier will absolutely adore these modern dishwashers, which makes the process of cleaning dishes much more efficient.

Nowadays, most kitchens are equipped with some sort of dishwasher appliance since young professionals and adults never seem to have time, or want to allocate time, to cleaning dishes. These modern dishwashers have been re-designed into more sleek and sophisticated shapes, making the whole cleaning process look more modern and high-tech. From dishwasher appliances built into the cabinet or countertop to those designed to fit in tight compact spaces, these modern dishwashers would be a fantastic addition to any luxuriously designed kitchen.

These modern dishwashers will make cleaning up after dinner something to look forward to rather than despise.
Chore-Aiding Appliances
Chore-Aiding Appliances
The Easy Empty Dishwasher Rotates to Reduce Workload
Sink-Dishwasher Hybrids
Sink-Dishwasher Hybrids
Ahhaproject's Eco Automatic Simplifies Cleaning Dirty Dishes
Downsized Designer Dishwashers
Downsized Designer Dishwashers
The Mono Dishwasher is Compact and Carbon-Neutral
Dehumidifying Dishwashers
Dehumidifying Dishwashers
The Seimens Zeolith Saves Energy and Time
Powerful Stain-Removing Appliances
Powerful Stain-Removing Appliances
Electrolux KEWA by Pietro Russomanno Gets Rid of Greasy Stains
Dish-Washing Light Fixtures
Dish-Washing Light Fixtures
Kim Joonmin Designs a Combination Dishwasher-Chandelier for Electrolux
Sound-Based Dish Scrubbers
Sound-Based Dish Scrubbers
De Dietrich Ultrasonic Dishwasher Blasts High Frequency Noise to Clean
Compact Cylindrical Kitchenettes
Compact Cylindrical Kitchenettes
MiniKitchen by Adriano Conti Reduces a Room to a Barrel
Sea Surf Sinks
Sea Surf Sinks
The S-Lav Kitchen Sink Offers a Four-Step Dishwashing Process
Blossoming Crockery Cleaners
Blossoming Crockery Cleaners
The Balerina Dish Rinser Twirls for a Whirlwind Wash
Multifunctional Culinary Podiums
Multifunctional Culinary Podiums
Sebastian Popa's Micro Trims the Fat from the Traditional Kitchen
Soil-Dispensing Dishwashers
Soil-Dispensing Dishwashers
The Electrolux Eco Cleaner Does Your Dishes and Feeds Plants
Briefcase-Sized Dishwashers
Briefcase-Sized Dishwashers
The 'Compact Dishwasher' Fits in Any Nook or Cranny
Sink-Sized Dish Cleaners
Sink-Sized Dish Cleaners
The SOAK Dishwasher Runs Off of Tap Water
Self-Washing Basins
Self-Washing Basins
Eco-Automatic Sink by AHHA Project Doubles as a Dishwasher
Hybrid Dish-Washing Devices
Hybrid Dish-Washing Devices
The Colo is a Dishwasher & Sink for the Home
Crockery-Cleaning Cabinets
Crockery-Cleaning Cabinets
The DualWash Bipartite Dishwasher Halfs Your Kitchen Duties
Table-Top Dishwashers
Table-Top Dishwashers
The Instant Dishwasher from Robert Lange Saves Space
Mural Dishwashers
Mural Dishwashers
Horizontal Design Hangs On Wall
Complete Kitchen Contraptions
Complete Kitchen Contraptions
The E-Cook System is a Compact and Entirely Equipped Culinary Setup
Compact Culinary Workspaces
Compact Culinary Workspaces
The Kitchoo K1 is a Pint-Sized Cooking Station
Hi-Tech Connected Kitchenettes
Hi-Tech Connected Kitchenettes
The iFood Kitchen Gives the Cook Control with Appliance Networking
Shape-Shifting Dishwashers
Shape-Shifting Dishwashers
Teo Kai Qiang's Electrolux LESF Plate Changes the Form of Your Di
Dishwashers of the Future
Dishwashers of the Future
10 Hip Ways to Wash Dishes, From Maytag Drawers to Baby Pink Dishwashers
Dishwashing Cabinets
Dishwashing Cabinets
Electrolux Bifoliate Double Dishwasher Stores & Cleans
Eco-Friendly Mini Appliances
Eco-Friendly Mini Appliances
Gota Dishwasher Is Designed to Recycle Water
Incognito Dishwashers
Incognito Dishwashers
This KitchenAid Briva Dishwasher is Embedded within the Sink