From Dragon Egg Candles to Giant-Honoring Door Stoppers
Joey Haar — December 23, 2016 — Pop Culture
Though the holiday season doesn't overlap with when the series airs, chances are that a 'Game of Thrones' fan won't mind that fact too much when they receive a Game of Thrones gift. The fantasy franchise has been a cultural whirlwind since the HBO show first aired, with a rabid fan base and a host of themed products that have arisen as a result.
Many options for Game of Thrones gifts are overt references to the show. These include gifts like ThinkGeek's Game of Thrones cookie cutters, which are shaped like the sigils of various houses in the series, or the Hatching Dragon candle from Firebox, which looks like a dragon egg from the early seasons. Other gifts might very well spoil aspects of the show, such as the Hodor Door Stop, available on Etsy.
Many options for Game of Thrones gifts are overt references to the show. These include gifts like ThinkGeek's Game of Thrones cookie cutters, which are shaped like the sigils of various houses in the series, or the Hatching Dragon candle from Firebox, which looks like a dragon egg from the early seasons. Other gifts might very well spoil aspects of the show, such as the Hodor Door Stop, available on Etsy.